22. He is back

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I am sorry for not updating; my writer's block, lack of time and the heat wave we had last week were not planned so I had not expected this chapter to take so long.❤

But to make up for it I have an extra long chapter for you all; 1434 words😱 ❤ And this time I did not include a really bad cliff hanger because I will not update this book for 2,5 or like 3 weeks.👋 I am going an old-fashioned holiday without Wi-FI🙊👀, so I will update as soon as possible. I have already written more for the next chapter so whenever I get back I can just get going and finish it. ❤

I still have 4 more chapters planned, but I might add more, or I will continue with a prettymuch fanfiction I have been writing for the past weeks whenever I felt like it, so make sure you follow me to keep up with my updates. And enjoy this chapter lovelies! Comments are always welcome, and so are votes, use either one, or both to let me know what you think about this chapter/story or anything else. ❤

xxx Immy.M ❤💋

ps: Msbellarina this chapter is for you, because of  your support <3


Previously: It is Daniel, also known as the evil one. He is back and he is not alone. He brought four friends, and they do not look very friendly to me. That is when I lose conscious, even though I would want to see what is going to happen. The last thing I whisper into Zion's ear is "film it." and he just nods and smiles.

Third person p.o.v.

Like Zion had promised he filmed the whole situation as you could call it. It involved a lot of screaming, high doses of crying, countless fights and some secrets that were not meant be spilled. Some of them might have been spilled in the future, but some were meant to be taken into the grave of those who carried the secrets. In the end the members of prettymuch managed to win the last fight and by way of threatening did they ensure that the evil one, also known as Daniel would not return. Little did they know that some promises are made to be broken, and someone with such rage and resentment in their body is not always able to keep their promise.

The whole thing had taken a couple of hours, during which Emily was still unconscious, but somehow Zion was able to keep his promise and record some small parts. While Austin and Zion were talking to each other, Brandon was checking up on Emily, they hoped she would regain consciousness, because it was odd how long she had been out by now. Edwin, however, was struggling with what he had done to Daniel and his goons, so he decided to take a stroll to clear his head before facing Emily. Everyone was busy with whatever they were doing so they failed to notice Edwin slipping away. Well... everyone except for Nick who followed him for a while before showing himself.

"So what do you think you're doing sitting here moaning about whatever?" Nick asks. Edwin looks up with a troubled look in his eyes and sighs, that is when he begins to explain his feeling: "I feel like I did a terrible thing by doing whatever we did to those guys." Nick shakes his head; "You did a bad thing for a good reason. No wait we did a bad thing for a good reason. And that good reason, my friend, is Emily. We are fine."

"Are you kidding me? We're not 'fine'!" Ed responds with a firm tone. "Actually we are, but I think you should talk to Emily, because I fear this is not yet over." Struck by confusion Edwin raises his eyebrows; "She has not yet awoken bud... and we are all beginning to worry about her." They both arise and quickly make their way to where the others are with a still unconscious Emily. A worrying look is shared between the five gentlemen before they decide to take her to the hospital. They finished about half of the shoot but no one is really minding that anymore. Their first priority is making sure Emily is waking up and that she is safe.

So they got in the van with Nick driving, Austin in the passenger seat, Zion in the far back with all the equipment and Emily in the middle laying on Edwin and Brandon. Luckily the drive was not that far because the government has decided to locate the hospital near the military base in case the hospital there would overflow. Edwin has thought about going to the military hospital but he did not want to risk Emily's unhappiness if one of her pupils would find out.

When they got there they rushed out and went straight to the front desk where Edwin tried to explain the problem. His stuttering and shaking, however, made his story incomprehensible, so Brandon explained the story, and within a couple of minutes there was a doctor walking up to them. He looked surprised when he saw Emily in the arms of the young fellow. "Hmm.. I had not expected to see her again so soon." This was one of the most confusing things that the boys had heard in a long time. "Again? What do you mean again?" Austin asks.

"Oh I fear that is not for me to say, unless... well I will wait before I say more." The others followed him to a room at the end of the hallway where they put Emily on one of those hospital beds. Only two people were allowed to stay in the room so they decided upon Edwin and Brandon, who was there to support Ed. The others took a seat in the waiting room where they thought about what the doctor had said.

In the hospital room the doctor talks to a couple of nurses who are rushing in and out to get the needed equipment, mostly water and food for Emily when she wakes up. One of the nurses sees the two gentlemen sitting next to her bed and walks up to them with a sweet smile on her face. "So which one of you is together with her?" Edwin raises his hand which results in him getting a slap on his cheek. The nurse them leaves the both of them in utter confusions, so when she walks by again Brandon walks up to her takes her arm and pulls her towards where they are seated. He forces her to sit on the chair and stands in front of her. "Why, in the name of everything, would you slap him without reason? You better have a damn good explanation or we are going to sue you and you will hear from us again!"

The others had heard noise so they decided to go and check, and they walk in when Brandon said this to the nurse. They continue to walk and stop once they stand near Edwin and Brandon and the crazy nurse. The nurse has a pissed off look on her face, but it is nothing compared to the look Brandon has. "He deserved it, son of a ****" This was something she should not have said at all because now Nick is getting pissed, luckily Austin and Zion are able to hold him back.

Edwin, however, walks up to hear and looks into her eyes. With a firm voice he says the following: "Could you explain to me why the h*ell you say these things and you slap me? Cause we were not joking, you have a lawsuit coming your way." He then looks at Nick and says; "Nick, get ready to call Syco, because I need a word with Simon Cowell about how these lawsuits work, because this won't end here." The nurse then freezes when she hears Simon Cowell, but she is still pissed. All the fuzz has caused the doctor and some others nurses to round up around the group and the doctor now understands the risks. One of his nurses is causing him a lot of trouble and a possible lawsuit. So he pulls her away and says: "Patricia, apologize to this young man and then leave, this is not your place."

Patricia, however, struggles in his grip and says one last thing: "You monster, why do you care about her at all, you rape her, abuse her and take everything she had and then when she is pregnant you come back? Go die or so!!" Edwin then stops whatever he was doing and freezes, and so do the others. He slowly makes his way to Patricia and the doctor. "What are you accusing me off? You are really gonna make up these terrible things and slap me for what? Attention?" That is when Patricia herself freezes, "then why are you here asshole?! And don't come with that b*llsh*t of me making things up."

Edwin takes a deep breath and turns to her:

"I, Edwin Honoret, come here because I love Emily. In the past three weeks that I have known her she has changed my life, she has shown me what it's like to love someone, she has shown me happiness, trust, comfort but most important true love. And I don't know who you think I am, and why you would say such things about me, but none of those things are true! This girl here, I believe, is my soulmate, I would die for her instead of letting anything bad happen to here. I have loved her since the first second I saw her and I will love her until my last breath, and even in the afterlife." 

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