8. Storytime

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And another chapter.......You better like it <3 Just kidding, but I hope you do of course. Keep the comments coming- cause we only need 7 more comments before we hit 200 comments..... :p  Thank you for all your support <3 

Don't forget to vote, comment and live your life cause good things happen to positive people-

yes I had to be cheesy......

xxx Immy.M <3


Previously: Emily then looks at us and says one sentence with such a tone that it makes me shiver: "Don't ever tell Edwin of this... Understood?"

Third p.o.v

They all nod silently as if they are little boys. Then they walk over to Edwin and give him some water to try and wake him up. Luckily they manage to do so and they tell him they were in time to take down the other guy. None of them mentions a word about Emily breaking the nose of the evil guy. They all sit down and wait for Emily to explain whoever that was and why he was so violent.

Emily p.o.v.

They all look at me with shock and also some form of amazement in their eyes, but then they .... me to sit in a circle with them and tell the story of who they call 'the evil one'.

I sigh and think about where I am going to start and I decide to leave some details out, because they do not have to hear everything.

"That was Daniel, he is the son of one of my uncle's best friends. So a few years ago we met at a party and he declared his love for me the same night. I had already talked to him before and had gotten to like him as well. But the next day he said he was drunk and did not mean anything he said. When I asked him if he liked me, he said "no of course not why would I like you, you are ugly." He crushed my heart that night, but I got over him when I met another guy. However later it turned out to be one of his friends and we got together for real that time. It lasted a couple of months but then he became....let's say obsessive and he was not able to keep his hands to himself."

I hear gasps from the guys and they all react differently.

Nick began to get mad: "HE HIT YOU?" I just nod at which I see Brandon and Edwin growl... But I try to continue my story:

"Don't worry I am past getting my revenge on him. However since I walked away he has been contacting me, and I think my uncle set him upon the task of finding me and bringing me back home. Furthermore he was probably aggressive because I left him after 4 months because he kept cheating and attacking me. I was fed up with him and decided to choose for myself. But now I am scared that he wants to take revenge in name of my uncle and get his own revenge."

The guys take a minute to process what I just told them but then they start to respond in a way I had never expected. Austin was the first to say something: "Well Emily, you don't have to worry about him anymore, we will make sure he will not come near you again." "Yes, you will be accompanied by one of us wherever you go until we know it is all safe." Brandon says. "Oh and you can stay at our house for as long as you want..." Edwin ads.

Nick is just mumbling and all I can hear is: "I will crush him, I will crush him with my bare hands.. he will wish he was never born..." I chuckle and respond: "Thank you so much Nick, but please do not commit a felony because of me, I can't bare to lose one of my best friends." And then I give him a kiss on his cheek at which Zion jokingly says: "Heey, what about my kiss?" But I just laugh and ignore him. In the corner of my eye I do see Edwin, who is looking a bit depressed and then I realise our dance choreography.

"Wait, Edwin do you want to take this dance with me?" I ask in a silly manner while making a small courtesy. Immediately a smile appears on his face and he nods. I run to my phone and put on the music. We get Brandon to start it when we are ready and the others just sit with their backs against the mirror. As soon as the music starts we perform the whole routine without any mistakes. Thanks to all of our hours of practicing this routine today of course.

After we are finished the others stare at us in awe and they all look very proud. Edwin and I look at each other and I give him a big hug. Although I had rather kissed him, but I was not sure whether or not it would be a good move with all the others in the same room. Maybe one day that will be normal for me. To kiss Edwin even if everyone is in the same room, or just kiss him again. After our performance we talk with the others about how proud they are and what we want to do with the rest of the afternoon. That is the moment I learn about the fact that the others cancelled the party to come here. I can't help but wonder why they would do that. And I, being as curious as I am, have to ask it. "But why would you cancel the party to come here?" I see Edwin is taking a deep breath and then Austin starts to explain; "Edwin called us and told us about all the reaction after the livestream and he came up with the idea of surprising you with coming to watch you guys dance this choreo."

I look at Edwin and I feel my heart melt, he is such a sweet guy and I really think I am in love with him. He looks into my eyes and for a few seconds I forget that the others are still in the room. Then Brandon pulls Edwin aside and they talk for a few moments. 


Still streaming Phases? If not- what are you doing with your life......If you have never listened to it before-give it a try. You will like it <3

byeeeeeeeee.....................too lazy to type more....oops

xxx Immy.M <3

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