4. Livestream

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Sorry for my absence, I was enjoying my holiday before my history exam is going to kill me. :-(

Btw Thank you so much for all your support and all your comments, you don't know how happy they make me. I can't read them all day and they just make me smile <3

Please let me know what you think about the story, and if you see any mistakes or weird things just let me know. And as usual spam the comments, vote and add to library if you have not yet done it, so you won't miss an update. <3 <3 

And I might...might have another prettymuch based fanfic or one shot fanfic book coming up but I am not yet sure if I have enough time and patient. I have to finish this book first. 

,mmmmmmmmmmmmmb nnnnnnnnnnnnn - Puk

Sorry that was my cat Puk, he wanted to add something for you :p 

Enjoy this chapter, love you guys and I'll talk to you guys in the comments. <3

xxx Immy.M <3


Previously: After winking in the mirror to try and boost her self esteem she walks downstairs to meet up with the guys. The moment she sets foot inside the living room they all look up as if something life-shocking happened.

Em jokes; "Is is that bad?" while making a turn. "No, no, no...you look great." Edwin stutters. Luckily she can take it and she hits him with "you don't look so bad yourself mister.." which makes everyone laugh. The others are still staring at her which she notices because they are way too silent. "Could you stop looking?" 

(A/N: IT"S THE TITLE-sorry i'll leave you to continue reading this chapter... )

She chuckles which makes them blush. At that moment Nick opens his mouth to make a smart comeback, but she stops him: "Don't even think about it Mara...." And he closes his mouth with a grin on his face.

They start talking about all sorts of things when Emily's phone goes off, her eyes dwell to the name on the screen and her face changes. All the happiness and her sparkly eyes that were present were now long gone. She looked as if someone just threatened to kill her. She stood up, and just mumbled "sorry I have to get this", then she walks into the kitchen. The guys decide not to think too much about it, who knows what might be happening. But they can't help but overhear something she says: "Leave me alone, or I will make sure you will regret it." Emily hangs up after that and comes back into the living room. Being surprised by the looks on the boys' their faces she decides to leave it. She smiles and just says: "Edwin do you wanna go now?" He nods, still not being able to process what just happened. He arises from his comfy spot on the couch and walks to the hallway. Edwin spins around and says "We'll say you later, I have my phone with me just in case you know..."

Austin acts as if his heart breaks and he jokingly says: "In case we set the house on fire? Yeah we know, we'll try to avoid doing that."

"This time" Zion adds with a mischievous smile. Edwin looks surprised but walks away nonetheless.

Emily and Edwin go outside and just start walking, however Emily followed Edwin because she did not know where he wanted to go to practice. He told her that they normally practice in the basement, but since the others want to throw a small get-together/party they can't use that space. It is a 15 minute walk and the first 5 minutes are very awkward because neither one says a word. Then Edwin pulls out his phone and asks her if she would mind if he livestreamed a bit. "No I don't mind."

He starts the livestream and tells them about going to practice dancing, he does not mention her yet. The longer he is live, the more people who start to drop in... Emily decides to let go of her fear of being on a live and says "What's good everyone?" Someone who came in late asks where they are going.

Emily: "we are going to practice some dancing, which is needed for some of us."

Edwin: "And that is pretty much it." As soon as he says it he realises what he did and they burst out in laughter. Then Edwin notices Brandon has joined their live. Brandon comments: 'Hey Edd ask her what she wants for dinner." Ed passes the message onto Emily: "Emily, Brandon wants to know what you want for dinner?" "SUSHI!" She screams and Edwin starts to laugh; "Brandon I think you hear it...." He comments: "Yes, she can stay! Imma go get sushi then." They talk to some people before saying they will have to go in a minute because they arrived at the location where they needed to be.

Emily checks her phone and her instagram is blowing up with follows, comments and likes from people. She quickly turns the sound off and turns the phone off but not before noticing some comments;

"Leave my man alone you b*itch."

"Stay away from prettymuch, you s*ck."

"Ewh, you are ugly, why do they even talk to you?"

She feels her eyes are becoming wet and the tears start to form, but then Edwin points the phone at her face and she quickly fakes a smile. However after he turns his phone off he says: "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just got another text from my uncle and he is pissing me off, but it will all be fine, let's just go inside." He decides not to question her response and walks up to the counter. Emily quickly looks at her phone, her uncle did text her but that had not influence whatsoever on her mood. Edwin is talking to the lady and the desk and hands her his membership card. "And what about her?" the lady asks. "Oh she's with me, but she does not have a membership card yet."

That first part makes her heart skip a beat, she wished she would be with him. Wait what, she was not even aware the thought of him that way. She sighs... life is confusing. Emily Honoret, it sounds pretty nice, but Edwin Cowell sounds horrible. She is beginning to really get ahead of herself. He is a handsome and famous guy and she is just Emily. 


I promise you guys another update next week, but I have to start writing again cause my pre-written chapters are almost done. 

I will tease you a little.... I still got 4 chapters ready for you..then I have to write 7 in between and then I have another 5 ready and then I have to write the last 5..... 

So now you know what I am up to........You will get a lot more <3

Now i'd like to know what lane are you guys in and would their last name sound good with your name? ;p


xxx Immy.M <3

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