12. Second date

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Another chapter <3 And I am actually really busy writing more so I should be updating more often in a few days because I just have to finish some fillers. Please vote, comment and just enjoy <3 Positive feedback is always welcome, negative stuff rather not, but if you want to comment something less positive please message me your comment instead of posting it here..

xxx Immy.M <3


Previously: In the end we decide on ordering pizza and we watch a funny movie. I am sleepy so I get under a blanket and I slowly fall asleep. I notice an arm around me but I have no intention to push it away so I just fall asleep.

Emily p.o.v

I wake up and I stretch my arms but I am having trouble moving. Then I notice Edwin who is laying next to me with his arms around me. I smile to myself, and then I look under the blanket. I am dressed in pyjamas....how...who..what. It must have been Edwin I think to myself as I try to get up without waking him up. I manage somehow to get out of his grip, and the lazy ass is still sleeping. I take my morning robe from a chair and quietly put it on. Then I start making my way downwards, but not before I have picked up my phone that was laying on the ground in a random corner. It is 10am and I must say I am shocked. Normally I never stay in bed past 8am, but somehow today I did.
Downstairs I see Austin and Zion playing a game on the tv or whatever it is.... Why are they awake already? Then Austin notices me; "heey sleepy head." He chuckles, but he soon regrets it because I walk to the tv and push the off button. I take a deep breath and give him a sweet smile; 'ah...peace and quiet..." But then Zion starts disturbing my peace and quietness so I just grab my earphones and put them on. I start shuffling music while I walk to the kitchen. Without really noticing it I get some pans and begin cook some breakfast and then I start to sing the song I am listening to now.

Nick p.o.v

I have just woken up because I went to bed at around 3 am, cause Brandon and I had a brainstorm session because he suddenly got new ideas. He always gets new ideas when it is too late to do anything, that boy is always working. But back to the present, I am suddenly hearing a sweet but powerful voice, and as far as I know that voice does not belong to any of the guys. The only other person in this house is Emily, and I have never heard her sing anything before.
I quickly change into some sweatpants and make my way down after waking up Brandon and Edwin. I tell them to be quiet and they just nod. We all make our way downstairs where Zion and Austin are playing a video game. We all listen to her singing, but before we can say anything she stops because she notices we are down. We decide without words that the guys and I are going to  talk about it later. Right now everything just does whatever they feel like. 

Emily p.o.v

"Do you have any plans for this afternoon?" Edwin suddenly asks while he stares at me. It makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable but I shake it off anyone. "Uhm no, not that I think so. Why?" I try to respond casually but inside I am dying with nerves. We have not really talked much since our first date, so I am beginning to doubt that I am expecting more than there in reality is. I twirl my hair with my fingers, which has been something I keep doing when I am feeling nervous. However I fear that it might give me away since Edwin looks at his hand and smiles. He must be able to read me like a book, while I still have trouble figuring out what is title is. I sigh wishing I would have the courage to ask him out. I promise myself to give him one more day or I will ask him out. Secretly I do hope that he asks me out, because I do not know if I have the stamina to do it.

Edwin p.o.v

I look at Emily twirling her hair, she must be nervous and to be honest she is not alone. I stare at her beautiful blue eyes and try to hide my smile. I am beginning to get real feelings for this girl and it's driving me crazy. I would wait through all her phases to be with her, which is a feeling I never had before. Ever since our first date I have been wondering if she liked it, but I have not yet had the courage to ask her out for another date. Luckily the guys have been noticing my crush and decided it was time for me to do something, that's actually why they helped to arrange the first date, but this time I am going to do it alone.
I look at her and realise we have been silent for about 5 minutes already. I can't help it because time flies when you're having fun. "Uhm, Emily, would you like to something tonight?" I say and I almost slap myself because of how I said it. No matter how confident I can be at certain moments, all of it is gone when this girl is in front of me. She bites her lip and tries to avoid my gaze. I do really hope she says yes because I am not sure if I could live with a broken heart.
"Yes, I'd love to!" She exclaims with a big smile, and I suddenly feel all happy. However I do not want the guys around for the date I have planned, so I pick up my phone and text them.

Edwin: You guys need to find some place to crash...see you tomorrow.

It takes them a couple of seconds to respond, which tells us that they are addicted to their phones......
Zion: Wut..no way...
Nick: Z...idiot...you don't want to be around.
Edwin: no...not like that...
Austin: i will crash with Ansley somewhere..
Brandon: so...Ed...be safe ;p
Edwin: ....no comment

I quickly put my phone off because Emily walks towards me. "So what were you planning on doing?" " What about another movie night, but just with the two of us? Or we can play some computer games...if you want?" She nods and hugs me; "I love it!"
The rest of the day just goes by as if it were a normal boring day, although we do play some games together. In fact, we spend a lot of time together wanting to play games, but Zion was far too impatient. In the end we just talked about a lot of things. When it was 6 pm the guys said their goodbyes and I told Emily to get changed while I prepared some things.
While Emily was getting ready I motioned to the guys to come. Of course Emily thought they had already left, but I had made a deal that they would stay for one last thing. With the five of us we build a fort from blankets and all the pillows, I had already made a date night box. One of those cute cliché things you always see in movies, but when Emily saw a few online she went crazy about them. So I thought why not get her one for herself. When we were ready, which was in about 10 minutes I thanked the guys and this time they did really leave. I quickly went upstairs to get changed into something comfortable and somehow I was done even more quick than Emily. I heard sounds in her room, and I knocked on the door. "Come on.." I heard a small voice say so I did as I was told. There I saw Emily who was a bit sad; "what's wrong Em?" It turned out she was missing her parents and I comforted her.


Love you guys <3

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