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chapter one;
wrong limo


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FOR SOME REASON, TIME SEEMS TO SLOWS DOWN DURING HISTORY CLASS. Lucy has been staring at the clock for the past period, waiting for the bell to ring. With a groan, Lucy rested her head on the table as the teacher continued to talk. "Ms. Stark, are you here with us?" Mrs. Reign's voice woke Lucy from her almost-slumber. Lucy glanced to her right to see her best friend, Kennedy, shrugging.

"Uh- um, yeah. I'm here" she said. Mrs. Reign raised her eyebrows at the girl, but she shrugged it off and continued teaching. Lucy has always nail every class with an A. Even when she doesn't pay attention in class. Tony says it's a gift she inherited from him, though she disagrees. Lucy's tense shoulders loosen up and rested her head back on the table.

"Luce!" a whisper from her right caught her attention. She raised her eyebrows at Kennedy. "Tonight's Grammys night!" she grinned. Kennedy has a thing for Grammys and award shows. She thinks it's entertaining to watch performances and artists giving emotional speeches as they cry emotionally.

Lucy opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the ringing bell. A sigh escaped her lips as a wide grin formed on her mouth. "Ugh, finally!" she said as she zip her backpack up, watching Kennedy do the same thing. "Yeah, sure. Your place or mine?" she asked as the two girls walked out of the classroom.

"Your place, obviously" Kennedy said. Lucy nodded. She took out her phone and typed in Happy's number as they arrived at the front gate. "I still can't believe your phone is literally clear glass like that" Kennedy said in awe.

Lucy shrugged. "My dad makes weird stuff" she said right before Happy's voice rang from the phone.


"Hey, Happy. I'm out from school" she said.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be ten minutes away, but there's some traffic. Be there in fifteen, yeah?" he said.

"Okay, see you" she said before hanging up the phone. She turned to Kennedy. "You're bringing the snacks" she said. Kennedy nodded.

"Boom Chicka Pops?"

"Boom Chicka Pops" Lucy nodded. A honk caught both girl's attention. A black limo pulled up in front of them. Lucy groaned. "Oh for God's sake" she muttered as she started to walk towards the limo.

"See you tonight, Luce" Kennedy said. Lucy turned to her and nodded. All heads turned to the girl as she walked towards the car. She tried to keep her head down, but she could feel the stares burning on her back.

She finally reached the car and pulled on the handle as she stepped inside. She sighed. "Happy, we've talked about this. I said no limo to schoo- wait. You're not Happy" she stopped as she realised that Happy wasn't seating on the driver's seat.

"No, I'm not" the man said. She could hear the thick Southern American accent in his voice. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. She turned to the door handle, which was locked. Her hand reached the door handle. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said.

"Why?" she said, trying to hide her shaky voice.

"Because my men are right behind Happy Hogan's limo with a gun ready and aimed. Just in case you try to escape, they won't hesitate to pull the trigger" he said.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" she demanded. A creepy smile crept up the man's face.

"Oh, you'll know soon enough" he said. Her heart was pounding, and she knew that she has to get out of there. As she noticed that the man's eyes are fixed on the road, she slowly took out her phone.

Enabling the location on her phone, she started to type a message to Tony.


if i'm not home in the next fifteen mins,
track my phone down.

white guy, bald, creepy looking,
he has a southern
american accent kinda

or a german accent idk

i love you dad

Realizing her dad didn't answer her texts, she was about to text Pepper when the man who she still doesn't know the name of, spoke, startling her. "You're done telling your daddy what's happening?" he asked. She shot him a glare. "Alright, give me your phone"

"And why would I do that?" she asked.

"Because, if you don't then Harold Hogan is dead" he said. Lucy sighed. She turned to her phone, still seeing no response from Tony. "So, give me your phone" he demanded.

Reluctantly, she gave her phone to the guy. He opened the window and threw her phone out of the window. "Hey!" she yelled. "I just got that for my birthday!" she grumbled. The man smirked. He's starting to piss her off and Lucy knew exactly what she's going to do. She's going to do what she does best. Talk.

"Alright, Humpty Dumpty that does it! Get me the hell out of this car!" she yelled. He shook his head.

"No can do" he said. She groaned.

"Look, this doesn't have to get any messier. Get me out of this car now, and I promise I won't tell anyone about your bald ass. I won't tell anyone, I promise. Just get me out" she said. He kept his gaze on the road and didn't respond. She sighed. "You do know that my dad can shoot lasers out of his hand, and he's a part of a team filled with a super soldier, an ex asassin, a literal God of Thunder, the Hulk, and a guy that never misses his arrow, right?" she said. "Also, tonight's Grammys night. I can't lose my bet on Taylor Swift winning artist of the year!"

He stopped the car in the middle of the road and turned to her. He grabbed her hair forcefully which made her winced in pain. This time she could see his eyes clearly, and it is filled with rage. Lucy could feel her breath hitched. "I am not scared of the Avengers"

"You should be" she said, her voice trembling. The man glared at her before slamming her head on to the car window. Lucy could feel a sharp pain on her head, and her vision started to blur. She didn't have the energy to scream, the last thing she saw was the man driving the car once again, taking her somewhere she knows not.

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