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chapter fourteen;
silver spade

chapter fourteen;silver spade

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LUCY WALKED INTO HER ROOM. She changed from her sweaty clothes into something new and clean. She paired a plain white t shirt with a pair of jeans. She threw a black leather jacket over her shoulders and put on her shoes. She stood in front of the mirror and brushed her hair, before pulling it into a ponytail.

She walked out of the door with one minute to spare. As she turned to the corner, she bumped into a figure. She knew who he was the moment she saw his silver hair. "Lucy.. I-"

"Everyone's gathered that way, so we really need to go" she cut him off. Lucy attempted to walk past him, but his grip stopped her.

"We need to talk" he said. Lucy looked up to him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"There's nothing to talk about" she said. Pietro sighed.

"I want to apologize" he said. Lucy stopped resisting his grip and turned to him, raising her eyebrows. "For not trusting you since the beginning. I should have known better than to trust a robot" he said. Lucy gave him silence as her reply. She kept her eyes down, avoiding his gaze. Pietro sighed. "Do you know who took you to your jet when we had that fight in that ship?" he asked. Lucy looked up and raised her eyebrows.

"I did" he said. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She could still remember that day perfectly. She could still remember Pietro and Wanda's expression when they found out about her being a Stark. Pietro shook his head and chuckled. "Me and Wanda debated about leaving you there, but we can't" he said. "I may be mad at you, disappointed, hurt, but that doesn't mean that I don't still care about you" he said. Lucy's eyes softened and she sighed.

"You may be a Stark, Potts, I don't really care anymore. That doesn't change the fact that you were the one who got me through those tough times. I realized that now" he said. A smile formed on Lucy's lips. After everything that had happened, she's not going to let Ultron ruin their friendship. "I totally understand if you don't forgive me-"

"Pietro" she stopped him. "I forgive you" she smiled. "I'm sorry for lying to you and Wanda, too. No one should ever being lied to like that" she said. Pietro shrugged.

"I guess we're both even" he said. Lucy nodded and pulled him into a hug. The two stayed that way for a moment, before Pietro pulled away and broke the silence. "Let's go be superheroes" he smirked.

Lucy took his hand and led him down the hall. "You know we really should have our own superheroes name" she said. "Like, my dad's Iron Man, Steve's Captain America, Clint's Hawkeye, we really should have something" she said. Pietro nodded.

"What should my name be?" he asked. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Quicksilver!" she exclaimed. Pietro turned to her and raised his eyebrows.

"Quicksilver?" he chuckled. Lucy nodded.

"Why not? You're quick, and your hair is silver, and all people see when you run is silver lights" Lucy shrugged. Pietro nodded in amusement.

"Alright. Then you're..... Silver Spade" he said. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Silver Spade? That doesn't make any sense, at all" she argued.

"Have you ever heard of the Queen of Spades?" Pietro asked. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged. "She's independent and pragmatic, kind of like you" Pietro said. Lucy raised her eyebrows and smile. "You're Silver Spade. I don't care" he said. The two arrived at the Quinjet as the rest of the Avengers were loading up. Lucy chuckled.

"Alright. Silver Spade it is"


As the Quinjet landed on Sokovia, Lucy took no time and got out of the jet. "Lucy!" Tony called out. She turned to him. "Be careful" he said. Lucy smiled and ran over to him and embrace him in a hug.

"Love you, dad" she said.

"Love you most" he said, pulling away from the hug. "Now, go and kick some asses" he said. Lucy smirked and nodded, before walking over to Thor. Steve assigned Thor and Lucy to find out what Ultron has been building, and Lucy knows exactly where it was.

"Ready, Thor?" she asked. Thor nodded. She took his hand and closed her eyes. As she opened her eyes, they were at the exact same place that Lucy saw Tony for the first time in three years. Thor stumbled back as they stopped.

"I can never get over that feeling" he said, shaking his head. Lucy chuckled at the God. He looked around at his surrounding and walked around the room. "Come on" he said as he walked, much faster than Lucy. Lucy followed behind him.

Being in that room gave her major flashbacks, and not in a good way. Thor must have noticed, because he stopped and turned to her. "Lady Lucy, are you okay?" he asked. Lucy nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay" she said. She cleared her throat and nodded. "Let's just get this done" she said. Thor nodded and led the way. As she was about to follow him, the ground shook and the ceiling above her glowed a piercing shade of blue. "Thor, what's happening?!" she asked.

"I don't know" he said. The ground started to shook, Lucy lost her balance and stumbled backwards. Thor extended his hand and helped her up. Rocks started to fall from the ceiling as the building crumbled. In a grunt, Lucy created a bubble barrier surrounding her and Thor, saving them from getting hit by the rocks. "Nice work, Lady Lucy" he complimented.

"Thanks" Lucy said. Keeping the white barrier up, she observed her surrounding. Her eyes landed at the blue glowing energy source in front of her. "What is that?" she asked. She slowly let her hands down as she noticed that the blue core was moving. "Is it-"

"Flying" Thor said. "I'm guessing that's Vibranium" he said. He turned to Lucy. "We have to get out there" he said. Lucy nodded.

"Agree" she said. She extended her hand, signalling Thor to take it in order for the both of them to teleport out. Thor shook his head.

"No, no, no. Absolutely not" he said. Lucy rose her eyebrows. "I'm flying out. I can't do your little teleportation thingy anymore" he said as he started to swing his hammer. "I'll see you out there" he said before his hammer flew him out. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows at the God. She shook her head as she close her eyes and as she opened it, she was on the city.

A robot fired at her, but she repelled it, causing the energy to backfired and knocking the robot down. "There you are!" Steve said as he noticed the brunette. He threw his shield, slicing each of the robots apart. Lucy sent her energy towards a group of robots, knocking them down.

She breathed heavily and turned to him. "What? Missed me?" she asked. Lucy avoided the energy blast that one of the robots sent, as Steve threw his shield at it. Lucy smiled in satisfaction. She turned to the super soldier in a smirk. "We're looking kind of bad ass right now, not gonna lie"

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