SEQUEL + some other new stuff....

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

LUCY STARK IS A LOT OF THINGS. Normal isn't one of them. She's the daughter of a billionaire superhero, she herself is a superhero, and she can knock people out in a flick of a hand. So, when Tony decided that she's going to attend high school, Lucy was far from delighted. She has had her powers for four years. She's very much familiar in the subject, and she knows a superpower when she sees one. So when she saw a boy at school jumped over a ten feet fence like it's nothing, curiosity sparked inside her.

Meanwhile, back at home, the Avengers were faced with the Sokovia Accords that's threatening the solidarity of the team. Now, she has to do everything in her power to keep her family together. Because, she couldn't bare losing her family again.


GUYS!!! I'm so excited for this book!!! You'll finally meet Lucy's first interaction with Peter, and you'll definitely know her more with this book. More adventures to come :))

If any of you are a fan of 5sos...
I made a Luke Hemmings fanfic and I'm kindaaa proud of it... hehe
Make sure to check that out to!! It's called La La Lost You :))

ok i'll go now

Thank you for the constant support!!! Wouldn't have made it here without all of you!!

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