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chapter nine;
safe house


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LUCY'S EYES FLUTTERED OPEN. Her vision was blurry, but it got clearer after a minute. Lucy looked around and she noticed that she wasn't in the same ship that she remembered she was in last. Lucy sat up and noticed that she was in the Quinjet with the rest of the Avengers. They all looked like they took a hit. "Look who's finally up" Tony's voice caught her attention.

Lucy turned to her dad and smiled as she took the glass of water that he handed to her. "What happened?" she asked. Tony sighed and shook his head.

"Wanda Maximoff" he stated. Lucy's expression dropped. "She played mind games with all of us" he said, rubbing his temple. "I guess everyone took a hit. Especially Banner" he said. Lucy's eyes widened.

"Oh my god did he-"

"Yes he did" Tony said. Lucy sighed. "No one's loving us at the moment, so Barton's taking us to a safe house" Tony added. Lucy nodded. She couldn't help but blame herself for the damaged that was caused. If only she could talk Wanda out of it, none of this would've happened. "You're guilty" Tony stated.

Lucy hung her shoulders low and nodded. "Yeah" she sighed. Tony squeezed her hand.

"You shouldn't be. None of this is your fault, sweetheart. Trust me" Tony comforted.

"Is it really?" Lucy asked, turning to him. "If I had just talk my way out to Wanda-"

"It won't work. Wanda and Pietro are both angry, and aren't in the most stable place emotionally" Tony said, stroking Lucy's hair.

"And who caused that anger? Me, dad. I did it. They're furious because they felt betrayed" Lucy explained. "It's all because of me" she sighed. Tony observed his daughter's face. Her blue eyes were darker, not as bright and cheery as it was.

Tony sighed. "That's not true" he said. "If anything, it's my fault" he added. Lucy turned to him and raised her eyebrows. "I created Ultron" he sighed.

"What?" she asked. He nodded.

"Ultron wasn't supposed to be a murder bot. He was supposed to be quite the opposite, actually" he said. "There were some errors, I guess. And here we are" he shrugged. The two fell quiet.

Lucy sighed. "Well, I guess it's both of our faults, then" she shrugged. Tony nodded, a small smile formed on his lips before putting his arms around Lucy's shoulder.

"Like father like daughter" Tony said. The girl smiled before resting her head on Tony's shoulder. Lucy chuckled.

"That's not something to be proud of" she said. Tony just shrugged in response.

This was something that Lucy has waited for three years. She sat in that compound, wondering if she'll ever meet her family again. At that moment, everything felt impossible. The pain that she felt were too much that her mind at times lingered into a dark place.

But now, sitting in her father's arms, Lucy was grateful that she didn't gave in to the demons in her mind. She was grateful that she kept her optimism in those dark times. Because, going through what she went through was worth it if it meant for her to be in her father's arms again. "I miss Pepper, and Kennedy" she said.

Tony nodded. "You know what, we should have a family vacation after this. Me, Pep, and you" he said. Lucy chuckled.

"Yeah? That sounds great" she agreed. "Where to?" she asked. Tony shrugged.

"I'm thinking Greece" he said. A grin spread on the girl's face as she nodded. "Yeah?" Tony asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great" she said.

"I'll have Happy book us a flight to Santorini" Tony said. After everything, a family vacation is exactly what she needed.

Lucy was about to close her eyes and gave in to her sleepiness, but stopped as she felt the Quinjet came to a halt. She turned to Tony. "Where are we?" she asked.

Tony shook his head. He stood up and glanced at Clint who was controlling the jet. "Clint, where are we?" he asked.

Clint smiled before helping Natasha up. "You'll see. Come on" he said. Lucy glanced at her Tony who gave her a reassuring smile. She returned the smile and took his hand as they walk out of the Quinjet.

The wind brushed through her face as Lucy stepped out of the Quinjet. She could see Clint walking in front of her, holding up Natasha the same way Tony's holding up Lucy. The rest of the Avengers followed behind, and Lucy could see their face clearly. They all had the same expression. Their eyes were hollow, and definitely isn't themselves. She knew what Wanda made them see traumatized them in different ways.

Clint led the group to a house. The house is small, warm and cozy. It's Lucy's ideal dream house. Mansions can be dark and cold, especially when Tony isn't around most of the time.

"Honey, I'm home" Clint called out. Lucy snapped her head towards him and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. A brunette woman walked in, Lucy noticed immediately that she's pregnant. Is this Clint's wife? She thought Clint doesn't even have a girlfriend.

"Hi" the woman said.

"Company. Sorry didn't call ahead" Clint said before kissing the woman. Lucy turned to the other Avengers who has the same confused expression as her.

"This is an agent of some kind" Tony stated.

"I highly doubt that" Lucy whispered.

"Gentlemen, and ladies" he said, glancing at Lucy and Natasha. "This is Laura" Clint said. 

"I know all your names" Laura chuckled. Tony gave her an awkward wave. Lucy was still confused at the whole situation. Footsteps were heard from upstairs, running down the stairs. Clint turned to his right.

"Ooh, incoming" he said as two kids ran down the stairs. Clint engulfed the girl in a hug, along with her older brother.

"These are smaller agents..." Tony said. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" the girl asked.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha said, earning the girl's attention. A wide grin was formed on her lips before running into Natasha's arms and engulfed her into a hug.

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve said.

"Yeah, we would've called ahead-" Tony added.

"But we were too busy not knowing you existed" Lucy chimed in, narrowing her eyes at Clint.

"Yeah, Fury helped me set this up when I joined" Clint said. Clint's words seemed to sound like muffles as Lucy felt a tug on her jeans. She looked down to see Clint's daughter's doe eyes staring at her.

"Hi" Lucy said, kneeling down.

"I'm Lila" she said. Lucy smiled.

"I'm Lucy. It's nice meeting you, Lila" she said. Lila grinned before turning her gaze towards Thor. Thor took one glance at the girl before making his way out of the door, Steve following behind. Lucy turned to the window to see Thor swinging is Mjolnir and flew away. Lucy sighed. Maybe Wanda did a great hit on them. Maybe Lucy underestimated Wanda, and at this point she has no idea what to do.

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