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chapter eighteen;
at last


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"THIS IS AMAZING" Lucy said in awe as Tony's car drove through the automatically opened garage door. Tony smirked and turned to his daughter.

"Well, I designed it" he said. "And paid for it" he added. Lucy scoffed and rolled her eyes. It has been a few days after Sokovia. A few days after Tony yelled at her for a straight three hours about her being reckless, and not listening to him. A few days after Lucy went back home and met Pepper for the first time in three years. It was good, to be in the arms of the mother figure in her life.

Lucy's mother died when she gave birth to her. So when she was handed to Tony, obviously he needed the help, and Pepper was the one there. She was the one who made sure Lucy had her lunch packed and got her homework done. She was the one who did her hair and get her dressed in the morning. Pepper was Lucy's mother more than her own biological mother ever was, and she was grateful for her.

"I can get used to this" Lucy nodded. She turned to Tony. "Can I live here?" she asked. Tony stopped his car and unlocked the doors.

"Nope. Not yet" he said as he got out of the car, his daughter following his action. Lucy followed behind him as he walked inside the compound. The building was busy and full of people moving things from the tower.

"But, dad-"

"You can stay and visit for a couple days, but you're not living here" he said.

"But, why?" she asked. Tony turned to her and rolled his eyes.

"Because I said so! You're fourteen, you have to follow everything I say until you're eighteen" he said. Lucy rolled her eyes. She opened her mouth to throw some snarky, sarcastic remarks, but all that came out was screams of excitement.

"OH MY GOD! NOW, THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL A GLOW UP!" she yelled as Wanda walked in with her all red attire. She walked over to Wanda, ignoring her father's comment about him not hesitating to ban her from going into the new Avengers facility if she keeps screaming like that. "I mean, that hair, that outfit, yes Wanda!!" she said.

Wanda rolled her eyes, but sniffled a laugh. "Natasha gave me these" she said. Lucy nodded.

"Well, she has a good taste in fashion for someone who wears the same black suit everyday" Lucy said. Wanda laughed at her statement. "Wait, oh my god you have to meet my friend, Kennedy, she has the best taste in fashion" Lucy said as the two walk away from Tony, realizing him, Thor and Steve were about to have a serious talk. Wanda furrowed her eyebrows.

"Kennedy James, right? The one you told me about?" she asked. Lucy nodded.

"Yep" Lucy nodded. "I mean, I haven't met her after three years, but once I meet her again, we all need to have a sleepover or something" she said. Wanda nodded in agreement.

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