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chapter sixteen;


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"AVENGERS, TIME TO WORK FOR A LIVING" Tony said. Lucy made sure the last group got inside of the carrier, before she closed her eyes and teleported into the church. A bunch of robots started to came for her, just as she arrived. But, she was quick to use her powers and blast them off. "Oh, thank god. I thought you died" Tony said as she appeared next to her.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "These things are starting to annoy me" she commented as she knocked them down. "I mean seriously, I'm tired of them!" she complained. Tony chuckled, but nodded in agreement.

"Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini" Tony said. Lucy snorted at her father's comment.

"Relax, shellhead. Not all of us can fly" she said. A yellow truck pulled up in front of the church and Natasha stepped out of it. "What's the drill?" she asked. Tony pointed at the core behind them.

"This is the drill" he said. "If ultron gets his hand on the core, we lose" he said. A robot appeared in front of Lucy, but before she knocked it down, Hulk arrived and crushed it down. A smirk formed on her face.

"Thanks" she said. As Hulk joined the team, Ultron appeared in front of them.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor challenged. Ultron held up his hand and his army of robots appeared behind him. Lucy sighed and turned to Thor, annoyed.

"You had to ask" Steve said.

"This is the best I can do" Ultron said. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" he asked. Lucy glared at him. She was about to opened her mouth and throw some sarcastic remark, but Tony stopped her.

"Like the old man said" he said, turning to Steve. "Together" he said. The Hulk roared and Ultron's army lunged towards them. Lucy held up her left hand and pointed it at the core. She created a white shield bubble around it, not letting Ultron get through it. She used her right hand to knock them off.

Her eyes shifted to Vision who was flying above her, ripping every robots at sight. Lucy held her right hand up and created a barrier around the core. Ultron tried to blow off her barrier over the core, but the only way he'd ever break the barrier is to break her. She smirked at the robot. "Not gonna work, bud!" she yelled.

Ultron grunted and grabbed Vision by the neck. Vision threw him out of the church using the power of the mind stone. Thor followed Vision behind, and raised his hammer before pointing his thunder at Ultron. Tony copied his action and held up his hand before firing at the robot.

Lucy smiled at the sight. Distracted, one of the robots fired at her, knocking her down. Which resulted at her breaking the shield. Her eyes widened as one of the robots flew to the core. "NO" she yelled.

An arrow shot through it, and Lucy quickly made the barrier once again. "I got you, kid" Clint said. Lucy smiled.

"Thanks, Barton" she said. As the Hulk punched Ultron out, the rest of his army walked away from the core, trying to leave the city. Rhodey and Vision stopped them from leaving.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air's getting thin" Steve said. "You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for staggers, be right behind you" he added. Lucy nodded.

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it" Lucy and Wanda said in unison. Lucy turned to her and smiled. "We'll protect it" she nodded.

"Uh.. yeah, absolutely not" Tony's voice rung through the comm. "You've done enough, young lady. Get on the boats now" he said. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Dad, someone needs to protect the core" she said.

"And that someone isn't you. Get on the boats"  he said. Lucy turned to the rest of the Avengers who shrugged. Lucy sighed.

"Fine. I'll get on the boats" she said. Lucy turned off her comm and took it out of her ears, pocketing it in her jeans. She turned to the rest of the Avengers. "I'll protect the core" she nodded. They all sighed, knowing they can't do anything to stop her. Clint and Natasha rode off on a car. Steve nodded at the brunette.

"I want you and Wanda to teleport into the boats as soon as you feel the city's shaking or blowing up, do you hear me?" Steve warned. Lucy nodded. "Lucy, promise me" he said.

"I promise" she smiled. Steve nodded and walked over to give her a hug.

"We just got you back. We're not losing you again" he said. Lucy nodded.

"And you won't. Now go" she said. Steve nodded before leaving the two gifted teenagers. Lucy turned to Wanda. "Well, this is definitely isn't how I expected my life to turn out three years ago" she said. Wanda chuckled.

"I know right" she said. "Yet, here I am. Fighting an army of robots with my brother, my best friend and the Avengers" she said. Lucy chuckled and held up her hand, pointing it at the core. It created the white shield bubble around it. "This is definitely unexpected, but it's not so bad" she said. Lucy smiled and nodded.

Pietro approached the two. "Get the people on the boats" Wanda said.

"I'm not leaving you two" he said, shaking his head.

"We can handle this" Lucy said. Two robots came out from each of their directions, and Lucy and Wanda blew them off. Pietro shrugged.

"Come back to me when everyone else is off, not before" she said. Pietro nodded and started to walk away. "You understand?" Wanda asked. Pietro stopped and turned to her.

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you" he said. Wanda scoffed and Lucy chuckled.

"Go" Wanda said, rolling her eyes. Pietro nodded.

"Be careful. Both of you" he said, before running out of the church, leaving trails of silver lights behind him.

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