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chapter three;
captain america

chapter three;captain america

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"GO BACK TO YOUR STATION. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK" A VOICE WAS HEARD THROUGH THE SPEAKER. Sirens were blasting through Lucy's ears as she nervously stood in the corner of the room along with Pietro and Wanda. She was slowly pacing back and forth. She knew who was coming, and she's not sure if she's ready to face them. And she doesn't mean that she's nervous about her power, or fighting them.

Lucy Stark is scared of seeing her family for the first time in three years. This is something that Lucy had always wanted since she first stepped foot on the compound. But, now, she's under the name Lucy Potts, and Strucker is the only one who knows her real name. Pietro and Wanda has played an important part in her life for the last three years, and she couldn't bare losing them if they find out her real name.

Lucy is grateful for one thing, though. She's grateful that her eyes changed its color to blue from brown after several experiments, making her harder to be recognized. Plus, the Avengers haven't seen her in three years, and she has grown and changed. "Hey, you okay?" Pietro asked, taking her hand.

Lucy looked up at the boy and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" she smiled. "Just a little bit nervous, that's all" she said. Pietro gave her a small smile and nodded before turning back to Wanda.

"Who gave the order of attack?" Strucker asked, walking into the room.

"It's the Avengers. They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guards panicked"

"They must be after the scepter" Strucker whispered. "Can we hold them?" he asked.

"They're the Avengers!" Lucy held a laugh as she heard this comment.

"Deploy the rest of the tanks, concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit may make them close ranks" he instructed. Lucy watched as Strucker talked to Dr. List silently. Lucy turned to the twins.

"What are we going to do?" she asked. Pietro shook his head.

"There's two choices. One, we hide here and hope they never find us, or we can go out there and show them what we got" Pietro said. Lucy ran her fingers through her hair nervously. This shouldn't have end like this.

"I say we go out there" Wanda said. Both Pietro and Lucy turned to her. "We're all ready. Trust me, we're all powerful enough to go out there. We can do this" she said. Pietro nodded slowly in agreement.

"And maybe we'd finally have the chance to kill Tony Stark" Pietro said. Lucy gulped. She look down and let out a breath that she didn't knew she hold. "You coming with us, Luce?" he asked. Lucy sighed at the twins before shrugging.

"Let's show them what we've got, I guess" she said. The twins smiled at her. Pietro took her hand and in the speed of light, they're outside of the compound. Lucy observed her surroundings. It has been three years since she last stepped outside of that compound. Lucy could see the snow that's covering the ground and the trees surrounding. "Should've brought a coat" she commented.

"See you guys in a second. Don't die" Pietro smiled before running away. Lucy turned to Wanda who nodded.

"See you in a bit, Wanda" Lucy said before closing her eyes, and when she opened them, she's in the middle of a battle field. She quickly hid behind a tree. She could see Pietro pushing Clint down. Lucy glanced at the bunker not far away from him. "I'm going to regret this" she muttered.

From her hiding spot, Lucy lifted her hands and white orbs started to came out of it as she felt a surge of energy wash over her. Lucy pushed the weapon until it aimed at Clint and fired it at him. "I'm so sorry" she whispered. She then fired it to every other direction. She could see Natasha running over to Clint, helping him up. She immediately felt guilty. They're supposed to be her family. She knew better than doing whatever it is she's doing now.

She stopped, but she knew the damaged was done. Hulk smashed the bunker and Lucy turned to walk the other way when she bumped into a muscular figure. She noticed the blue and red striped, and she didn't need to look up to know who he is. But, she did, and she met his gaze for the first time in three years. A gasp escaped her lips and she stumbled back.

Steve scanned her face, and he knew that he had met her before. It didn't hit him until he heard her voice. "I'm sorry" she said, stumbling back.

"Lucy?" he asked. Lucy's eyes widened and she shook her head. She panicked and she did the first thing she could think of. She closed her eyes and disappeared from Steve's view.

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