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chapter six;


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LUCY WALKED IN THE AVENGERS TOWER. The place was busy, just as busy as Stark tower used to be. Memories of her coming back to school with Happy, and sometimes even with Kennedy, washed over her. That's when she knew she was finally home once again. Lucy walked to the front desk. "Hi, how can I help you?" the lady smiled.

"Hi, I need to meet Tony Stark. It's kinda important" Lucy said. The lady furrowed her eyebrows.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"Um.. no? But- listen you don't understand, I'm his daughter" Lucy said. The lady looked confused, but mostly annoyed. Lucy couldn't blame her. She'd be annoyed too if someone interrupted her day by claiming to be someone who has been missing for three years.

"Listen kid-"

"No! I'm Lucy Stark, I swear! I-" Lucy stopped as her eyes shifted to her right where she saw Happy walking out of the elevator. A smile formed on her lips. "Happy" she smiled. She walked away from the desk and ran towards the man that she should have seen the day she walked inside that limo. "Happy!" she yelled.

Happy almost made it to the door, but stopped as he heard the voice. He turned around to see a girl with long brunette hair. He scanned the girl's face as if he recognized something in her. The girl broke into a smile. "Hi" she grinned. "It's-"

"Lucy?" he asked, walking towards the girl. She nodded and tears started to form in her eyes as she hugged the man that she sees as a second father figure in her life.

"Oh my god" she laughed as she wiped a tear that rolled down her eyes, Happy doing the same thing. "I've missed you so much" she chuckled. Happy shook his head.

"Where the hell have you been, huh? It's been three years, Lucy! Three years!" he said. Lucy nodded. "Look at you! You've gotten so big" he laughed, tears forming in his eyes.

"I know. Hydra. They kidnapped me, basically" she said. Happy's eyes widened.

"Why do you said that like it's a common thing?! What did they do to you?! And what happened to your eyes, oh my god are they blue?!" he rambled. Lucy chuckled at the panic in his voice. She's missed this.

"Happy, calm down!" she chuckled. "I'm going to tell you everything. But, I need to see dad first" she said. Happy's face turned serious and nodded.

"Okay, follow me" Happy said, leading her towards the elevator. "Your dad was a mess when you were gone" he said as the two waited for the elevator door to open. Lucy turned to him. "He looked everywhere for you. Tracked down your phone, backpack-"

"Backpack? He puts a tracker in my backpack?" she asked. Happy nodded.

"He puts a tracker everywhere" Happy replied. "Anyways, everything was a complete dead end. He even got S.H.I.E.L.D agents and the FBI involved. Nothing" Happy said. The elevator opened and they stepped inside. "At one point, the Avengers were involved too. Still, nothing. At that point, everyone was hopeless and they presumed you dead" Happy said. Lucy's eyes widened.

"I was dead?!" she asked. Happy nodded.

"Tony did a service and all. Everyone was devastated, you know?" Happy said. "Kennedy did an amazing speech. Who knew a thirteen year old can write such beautiful speech, right?" he chuckled. Lucy's mind wandered off to Kennedy. Where is she now? How is she? Questions over questions piled up in Lucy's mind. Her thoughts were interrupted as the elevator door opened. "Here we are" Happy said, stepping out, Lucy trailing behind him.

The place was a mess. Broken glass was scattered on the floor and the couch. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "What happened here?" she asked as Happy led her to the stairs.

"Ultron" he answered. Lucy's eyes widened. Ultron? How did he got here? His plan was to destroy the Avengers. Is this his attempt at doing so? And does that means that Pietro and Wanda were here? Lucy could feel her stomach started to turn and nervousness rise up her chest. Happy turned to the girl and smiled. "Nervous?" he asked. Lucy nodded.

"Extremely" she whispered. Happy nodded.

"How about you wait here and I'll get Tony?" Happy asked, gesturing her to sit on the couch just outside of the office. Lucy nodded and sat on the couch as Happy walked inside. She could see all of the Avengers all huddled in front of the computer screen. Their head snapped towards Happy as he entered. Lucy couldn't hear what he's saying but, she knew what he said when the expression of the Avengers turned into pure shock and happiness.

Lucy looked down at her feet as she felt Happy pointing at her. Her legs were shaking and her palms were sweating. Lucy looked up as the glass door opened and Tony walked out of it. Lucy stood up and faced her father. Tears started to form on her eyes as she smiled. She never thought she'd see Tony ever again. "Hi dad" she chuckled, her voice trembling and she could feel herself fighting the tears to come out.

Tony's shock expression soon faded into a relieved smile. "Hi sweetheart" he said. Lucy's smile grew bigger as she embraced Tony in a tight hug. She finally felt at home. Tony's fingers ran through her hair soothingly. The only sound heard was their silent sobs. "I searched for you everywhere" he said. Lucy nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry" she said. Tony shook his head.

"The only person that should be sorry is me" he replied, pulling away from the hug. Lucy wiped her tears away. "You've gotten so big" he smiled. Lucy chuckled and nodded. "What did they do to you? What did they do to you eyes?" he asked.

"I know right, they took the only feature that I got from you away from me" she chuckled. Tony shrugged.

"You still got my good looks" he said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Seriously, though. What happened?" Tony asked. Lucy pursed her lips. She turned to her right where she saw the whole Avengers staring at her and Tony intently. They turned away as soon as she caught them staring.

"I think it's just appropriate to do it in front the whole team, right?"

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