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chapter seven;
the entrance

"OKAY, HOLD UP" Clint said, putting his finger up

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"OKAY, HOLD UP" Clint said, putting his finger up. Lucy sat in the middle of the whole team, telling them her story from the moment she stepped inside the wrong limo. "So what's your thing again?" he asked.

"Force field manipulation and teleportation" she said.

"So you're basically Violet from the Incredibles?" Clint asked. Silence fell over the group. Tony face palmed and Natasha rolled her eyes. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, soon realising that she indeed has the same powers as Violet.

"Huh.. I guess me and Violet does share the same powers" she said. Clint shrugged and nodded. Lucy turned to Thor and Steve who all had the same confused expressions on their faces.

"What's the Incredibles?" Thor and Steve said in unison. Lucy chuckled and turned to Tony who rolled his eyes. "Luce, you know anything about Ultron's plan that might help us?" Steve asked as the others opened up old stack of files from different boxes. Lucy shrugged and spun on her chair.

"Well, he says that he's planning on destroying the Avengers, but he just needed one more thing to complete his plan" she said. The whole team turned to her.

"Do you know what it is?" Natasha asked. Lucy shook her head.

"Nope. I got pissed the moment he said 'ending the Avengers' and I left" she shrugged. Tony chuckled at his daughter.

"Well all these people are horrible" Bruce said, opening one of the files.

"Wait! I know that guy" Tony said as he glanced at the paper that Bruce's holding. Lucy stood next to Tony and peeked at the file that he holds. "From back in the day he operates off the African coast. Black market arms" he said passing the papers over to Lucy. She took a quick glance of it and handed it to Thor.

Lucy noticed Steve giving Tony an annoyed look and she snickered. "There are conventions, alright? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything" he said. "He's talking about finding something new, a game changer. It was all very Ahab" Tony added.

"This" Thor said, pointing at the picture.

"I think that's a tattoo" Lucy said.

"That's a tattoo, this is a brand" Thor said. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows as she took a closer look at it. A symbol with black ink's plastered on his neck.

"Yeah. It's a word in an African dialect, meaning 'thief'" Bruce said, observing his monitor screen. "In a much less friendly way" he added.

"What dialect?" Steve asked.

"Wakanada. Wa- wakanda" Bruce said. Lucy's eyes widened. Her brain started to connect the dots. This guy practically sells stuff at the black market and he's off from Wakanda.

"If this guy got out of Wakanda with his trade goods-"

"I thought grandad got the last of it" Lucy said, looking up at Tony. Tony nodded and turned to Steve.

"I don't follow. What got out of Wakanda?" Bruce asked. Lucy pointed at Steve's shield.

"The strongest metal on earth" Steve stated. Lucy sighed. "Where's this guy now?"



Lucy walked out of the Quinjet after Steve gave his pep talk and orders. She tugged on the sleeve of her black leather jacket in nervousness. She's not nervous of seeing Ultron, she's more nervous of seeing Wanda and Pietro. Tony appeared beside her. "Hey. You nervous?" he asked. Lucy nodded.

"More nervous on seeing the Maximoffs" she said.

"Hey! You are far way powerful than them, you don't have to worry" Tony said, placing his arms around her shoulder. Lucy shook her head.

"It's not that" she said. Tony raised his eyebrows. "They don't know that I'm your daughter" she said. "I've been lying to them all these years. I was afraid that they're going to hurt me or even worse, hate me, since they hate you so much. I was much less powerful than them then, and I was scared" she said. "But, now I feel like our friendship is based on a lie because of me" she shrugged.

Lucy rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. Tony kissed her forehead in comfort. "Everything's going to be okay, Luce" he said. Lucy nodded.

"Hey, you guys ready?" Steve's voice interrupted. Lucy turned to him and nodded. Lucy walked closer to both Thor and Steve, Tony following. "So, how exactly does this works?" Steve asked.

"Hold my hand, close your eyes, boom, we're there" Lucy said, taking Steve and Tony's hand.

"Remember, just teleport us to the top of the ship. I wanna make an entrance" Tony said. Lucy rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Ready, guys?" she asked. Thor, Steve and Tony nodded, but Lucy could see the nervousness in their eyes. She found it funny that the earth mightiest heroes are afraid of teleportation. "Hold tight, don't throw up" she said, closing her eyes slowly.

"What do you mean throw u-" Lucy cut Tony off by teleporting to the top of the ship. Lucy opened her eyes to see the Tony, Steve and Thor still closing their eyes and clutching each others hands tightly in nervousness. Lucy laughed at the scene, which made them opened their eyes.

The three looked around and nodded. "Huh. Not so bad, Lady Lucy" Thor nodded. Lucy clicked her tongue and pointed her fingers at the god. Tony turned to the group and his face became serious.

"Okay, let's talk about entrance" Tony said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady! A dramatic entrance is always important, it gives off an impression" he said. Lucy held her hand up in surrender.

"Get to the point, Tony" Steve said in annoyance.

"So, obviously, I'm at the front" he said. Lucy rolled her eyes. "I'm going to fly down there and you guys walk behind me" he said. Thor and Steve nodded, because they honestly don't care even the tiniest bit about entrance and they just wanted to get the job done.

Thor, Steve and Lucy jumped down into the ship first. Tony followed after them, flying down. Thor, Steve and Lucy walked behind him. A smirk formed on Thor's face. "Let's do this"

Guys!! Thank you so much for your votes and comments!! I appreciate it!! Here's a chapter for you all!!

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