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chapter two;
new neighbors

chapter two;new neighbors

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"LUCY, MEET YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS" STRUCKER SMILED. Lucy stayed silent. Her eyes were hollow and her once bright and cheery eyes were gone. She just got back from the lab, where she experienced pain like she never before. The bags under her eyes were clear. Lucy was tired, and she just spent mostly a week at the Hydra base.

After a month Strucker declared that Lucy's a successful subject. He moved her to a cell beside the Maximoffs, rather than the isolated cells on the basement where she stayed when she first got experimented on. The guards opened the cell and shoved Lucy inside. The first thing Lucy noticed was the clear glass wall separating each cell. "That's Pietro, and the other one is Wanda" Strucker said. Lucy glared at the man who gave her a smile. "Have fun, all three of you" he said, glancing at the cells beside Lucy's, before finally walking away.

Lucy sighed and sat on the bed. At least the bed is comfier than the one in the basement. Lucy rested her head on the wall and closed her eyes, just to feel the excruciating pain that she felt before. She opened her eyes and sighed. "He can be pretty intimidating, can't he?" a voice said. He has a similar accent as Strucker.

Lucy glanced up to see the voice coming out from the cell beside hers. She could see a boy with silver hair sitting on his bed the same way that she did. Lucy didn't answer, instead she looked down and played with her hair. "My name's Pietro. That is my twin sister, Wanda" he said, pointing at the cell beside his. A faint 'hey' was heard. Lucy looked up and nodded. She glanced at Wanda's cell to see red orbs coming out of her hand as she moves blocks around. "You do talk, right? I mean, Strucker didn't cut your tongue out or anything?" he chuckled. Lucy's attention turned back to Pietro.

Lucy glared at him and stuck out her tongue. He smiled and put up two thumbs. Lucy rolled her eyes and laid down. "So, how did you end up here?" Pietro asked. I swear if this guy won't shut up-

"Kidnapped" she answered flatly. Out of the corner of her eyes, Lucy could see Pietro slowly nodding.

"Cool" he replied. It was silent for a couple of minutes, and Lucy almost fell asleep. But, Pietro's voice woke her up. "How old are you?" he asked.

"Eleven" she answered flatly. Pietro nodded.

"We're twelve" he said, breaking the silence. Lucy nodded boredly.

"Cool" she replied.

"What happened to you?" he asked. Realizing she won't be falling asleep anytime soon due to Pietro's inability to shut up, Lucy stood up and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Force field thingy and teleportation" she shrugged. Pietro smiled and nodded.

"Not a lot of people survived Strucker's experiment, you know?" he said. Lucy faced him and met his eyes. "You're special" he said. A smile formed on Lucy's lips. Now, she felt bad for being an ass to the boy earlier. She shook her head.

"Thanks, but I'm no special" she chuckled. "I'd rather be normal and be with my family, rather than have super powers and be apart from them" she said. Pietro's eyes sadden and he nodded.

"I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better, our parents died of a bombing when we were little" Pietro said. Lucy's eyes widened. She immediately felt bad for complaining about being away from her family.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't know" she said. Pietro nodded and shrugged.

"And Tony Stark was responsible of it all" Wanda chimed in. Pietro nodded and Lucy's eyes widened. She froze and her throat felt dry.

"Tony Stark?" she asked. Pietro nodded.

"Yeah, do you know him? He's known as Iron Man, though" Pietro said disgustingly. Lucy shifted in her bed uncomfortably.

"Why is he responsible for your parent's death?" she asked.

"The bomb that hit our house- it's his" he said. Lucy sighed and nodded slowly. She knew her dad has changed. He stopped making those weapons and start to do something good for the world. But, that doesn't change the damage that he did.

Silence fell over them. Lucy didn't know what to do. Surely, they would be planning on her murder the moment they find out that she's a Stark. "Hey, Pietro" she said. The silver haired boy looked up and raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk before. I guess I was just annoyed because I was so tired" she said. What she truly wanted to say was that she was sorry that her dad ruined their life, but she knew she couldn't say that.

Pietro smiled and nodded at the girl. "It's okay, I totally understand" he said. Lucy smiled at the boy. If she's going to be stuck in that jail forever, she might as well make friends while she's at it. Even if that means faking her identity. "Let's start this over, shall we?" he said. Lucy nodded. Pietro walked closer to the glass wall. "My name's Pietro Maximoff, and I can run fast" he said. "That's-"

"Wanda Maximoff. I can manipulate people's mind into seeing their fears and move things with my mind" she said. Pietro nodded.

"Lucielle... Potts" she smiled. "Call me Lucy, though. I can teleport and these white things come out of my fingers" she said as she held up her hand and a bubble of force field shield formed around her. Both Pietro and Wanda's eyes widened.

"That's so cool" Pietro said. Lucy smiled and put her hand down and the white bubble disappeared.

"I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends" she said.

Pietro nodded, so did Wanda. "That would actually be really nice" Pietro smiled.

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