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chapter twelve;
two little helps


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LUCY WAS WORN OUT AT THIS POINT. She used up most of her powers, and she was struggling to stand up. "Hey, you okay?" Steve asked, kneeling down in front of her. Ultron started to lunged towards him, but Steve sent him tumbling backwards as he threw his shield at him. Lucy nodded.

"I'm okay, just trying to catch my breath" she said. Steve nodded.

"Okay, just stay put. I'll deal with this bastard" Steve said. Lucy watched as Ultron pinned Steve against the wall, throwing him every punches possible. Her vision started to blur, but she knew what she saw when a familiar silver light hit Ultron, knocking him down. Pietro's face came into her view.

"Lucy, are you okay?!" he asked, concern laced in his face. Lucy furrowed her eyebrows.

"Pietro? Wh- what are you doing?" she asked, trying to sit up. A smile formed on Pietro's face. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Ultron.

"Please, don't do this" Ultron said. Pietro stood up, facing him.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda asked. Ultron gave no response. Instead, he held up his hand. Pietro ducked, covering Lucy as Ultron blasted the window, flying out.

"I lost him!" Steve yelled through the com. "He's headed your way!" he added. Lucy watched as Steve checked on the driver. She slowly stood up, taking support at the nearest pole. Pietro and Wanda helped her up. She turned to the twins.

"I told you not to come once you realised I'm right" she said, pulling away from their grip. Wanda sighed. Lucy was actually very much grateful that they came, because she couldn't have imagine how it'd turn out if Pietro didn't come and knocked Ultron down. But, her anger got the best of her and her words came out more bitter than she intended it to be. Steve walked over to them.

"Civilians in our path" Steve said. Pietro left Lucy's side and ran out. "Can you stop this thing?" Steve asked. Lucy knew Steve was asking Wanda, but she spoke up anyway.

"I can" she answered.


"I can do this, Cap" she nodded, determination painted in her face. Steve sighed and nodded.

"Okay. You both try to stop this things" Steve instructed. Lucy nodded. Lucy was about to teleport, but stopped as she felt a hand gripping her wrist. Lucy looked up to see Wanda shaking her head.

"Don't worn yourself out, Lucy" she said. Lucy rolled her eyes and pulled her hand away from Wanda's grip.

"Why would you care?" she raised her eyebrows. Lucy closed her eyes and teleported, disappearing from both Wanda and Steve's view. Lucy teleported a couple miles away from the train. She could see the train zooming towards her. The girl stood there, with her arms open, trying to gain as much energy as she can.

She could see the train coming closer and closer. Moments before it hit her, she held up her hand, creating a barrier between her and the train. With a cry, Lucy held out her hand even further, trying to push it back. Her eyes glowed as it took up most of the energy inside her, but she the barrier wasn't coming down anytime soon.

With the help of Wanda, the train finally stopped. The white orbs around her disappeared and Lucy fell on the ground. Steve rushed over her, Pietro and Wanda following. Her face was pale, every color was drained out of her. "Hey, you're okay. It's okay" Steve said as he picked her delicate body up and set her down on the side of the road.

"The cradle did you get it?" Wanda asked. Lucy was breathing heavily, still trying to gain her energy back.

"Stark will take care of it" Steve said. Lucy nodded and rested her head on the wall.

"No he won't" Wanda said. Lucy wanted to argue, but she had no energy to do so.

"You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy" Steve explained.

"He will do anything to get things right" she said. Steve stopped.

"Stark come in" he said. Lucy could hear it through her com and she could also hear the silence that Tony replied with.

"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that from?" Wanda asked. This time, Lucy stood up and faced her. Rage was building up inside her.

"Watch what you're saying, Maximoff" she said. Steve pulled her back.

"Lucy, calm down" he whispered. Lucy shook her head.

"No. What the hell are you guys doing here anyways, huh?" she asked. Wanda and Pietro both had guilt in their eyes. "I told you guys not to come back once you realised I'm right. And look! I'm right!" she said. She pulled away from Steve's grip. "I needed you. The both of you. And what did you do?" tears started to form in her eyes. Pietro looked down. "You told me to leave. Remember that, Pietro?"


"None of this would've happen if you just listen!" she yelled. "I trusted you both!" she yelled. Steve held her back, pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay, just calm down, okay?" he said. Lucy could feel herself getting dizzier and dizzier each time and her vision started to blur. "Lucy? Luce, can you hear me?" he asked. Lucy didn't have the energy to respond. Her eyes fluttered into abyss, as she felt her body fell down, but Steve was fast enough to catch it.

The last thing she heard was the concerned voice of Pietro calling out her name.

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