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"You come here at least four times a week," Christoph picked up the red, Target hand basket that was sloppily placed in the middle of the isle. The woman she'd spoken to, turned a bit to her. It took the lady a second to figure out that they were the only ones around and that the accusation was directed towards her.

The woman smiled a bit and a blush rose in her face, "It's my safe place, away from my home, but this time I've run out of coffee." She chuckled to herself and so did Christoph as she made her way next to the woman. She had been browsing the coffee section for about ten minutes and Chris has been watching her just five minutes before she decided to speak to her.
Christoph reached up to the top shelf and pulled down a bag of Donut shop jo and handed to the woman with a smirk. The lady took it with soft hands and a greatful smile.

Christoph started down the isle backwards still watching the woman inspect the coffee.
"It's good, I promise," She laughed finally turning around to finish organizing the other isles in the food section.

"Wait," a smooth voice called out and this made Chris stop and turn around.

"I didn't get your name," She said dropping the coffee into her arm basket. Chris laughed a little when she pointed at her name tag that was pinned to right side of her chest.

"Christoph, and you are?" She'd asked pushing her hand out to the shorter woman. Chris' eyes wandered her body as she stood before her. Her curves were perfect, her lips were plump and pink, her skin a beautiful tan color that glowed in the Florescents of Targt. And finally her eyes, that's the feature that was pulling Chris farther and farther into this stranger. Her soft hazel eyes that were both brown and green at the same time.

"I'm Lina,"

"Well, it was very nice to meet you Lina. I Look forward to seeing you on your next visit," The teen said turning and walking away. Lina had taken a few glances at the girl here and there but never thought about talking to her. Now she'd put a name to a face and the name was odd but the face we undeniably beautiful.

Lina watched the tall, teen walk away with blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and nice long legs clad in tight skinny jeans and Van's sneakers. The signature red target shirt was fitted and slightly rose perfectly around her waist. Lina jumped and stopped herself from raking her eyes over the teenager.

She shook herself and headed to the clothing section once she'd lost sight of Chris. No matter how much she tried to focus on getting Bailey, her son, a few shirts for summer camp but she found it hard to just pick anything. She wandered the men's section for a few minutes, picking up and putting back button ups and graphic tees.

"Do you need help with anything?"

Lina turned to tell the person that she was alright, but stopped as a smile grew on her face again. Christoph. She didn't get the words out, needless to say.

"What's the occasion?" Chris asked eyeing Lina. The teen had taken an instant liking to the woman, she wanted to talk to her a little more.

Lina shrugged her shoulders with a shy grin, "Oh, just a football camp for the summer."

"So, your son, I'm assuming," Chris said pushing shirts from left to right on a rack. She pulled out a maroon bomber jacket and a blue tee to match the jacket. Chris listened closely as she sourced out a few shirts she thought Lina would like.

"Yeah, he practically lives for football, you should see how depressed he is in the winter," she confessed as she tried to pay attention to the clothing being picked out for her son. Instead Lina's eyes began to trace the girl's expressions and she began to detect a since of infatuation nearly take her mind hostage. Before she knew it, Christoph was speaking to her again.

"So, he's a kid huh, how old?" She asked handing over the shirts and the jacket she had picked up from the rack. Chris has assumed that the boy wore a large considering he played football.
Lina inspected them with a gentle look of approval.

"He's no kid, he'll be seventeen in a few weeks," Lina said then she realized she could take this as her chance. She could know a little more about the teen besides her name and place of employment. Besides, Christoph seemed nice and she was interested in talk to Lina, and the teen had been, dare she say, flirting.

"How old are you?" She finally asked drapping her chosen fabrics over the basket. They met eyes as a smirk slid onto Chris' mouth again. It amused her that this woman was intertaining her with that question. She'd opened a door, Chris was sure she didn't mean to reach for.

"Eighteen." Christoph crossed her arms and watched Lina eyeball her. She looked her up and down and Chris had to say, she like it.

They were scilent for a moment while other costumers passed by them, oblivious of the daunting conversation.

Christoph broke the silence, "How about we continue this over coffee, or a lunch?"

The cocky teen waited as she looked into Lina's eyes. She wanted to say yes so bad but everything inside her was pushing her to say no. Chris quickly caught on and ended her internal conflict with the click of the pen she'd pulled from her pocket.

She started to write on a Chase Bank business card, she remembered as she scribbled her number on the back that it came from a teller she'd flirted with earlier that week.

"Here, no pressure," Lina took the card with a low smile. "If you change your mind you can text me, or if you just want to talk, I'm always avaliable. You can even call it if you're feeling really adventurous."

The two laughed and just as Lina was about to say something, the loud store speakers started to call Christoph to the front end.

"I'll see you soon, Lina."

And that's how it all started this horrible twist of an affair.

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