Chapter 3

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Tour de Newton went smoothly. I know that much because our lunch turned into a movie which turned into a dinner and that turned into us in my bed. I got a glance at the clock as we tossed and turned in my silk sheets. We were full of Sweet Rosé and wordless thoughts, all I know is that I want her. In this moment I want her and I can't control it.

She pressed her warm plump lips against my neck and started to lick and suck on my pulse making me moan like a little school girl. I gave her everything she wanted, dominance, pace, and most importantly absolute control over me.

"Oh my-" she moaned out as I ran my hands up her torso. She was straddling me and leaving her marks all over me. Something that couldn't be returned by me. Her drunk rules.

I lifted her shirt and threw it away from me. Then my eyes landed on her soft, smooth, tanned skin. She watched me watch her and her face grow pink as she started to retract into herself.

"Hey, you are gorgeous," I whispered to her, guiding her head up to mine. She layed her hands on my chest as I began to tenderly kiss her bare shoulders, "absolutely," I continued my journey of kisses up her neck, "Beautifully," I stopped, my lips just touching her ear. I knew I did it right because her breathe hitched when I paused, "Sculpted." My whisper sent her over the edge in a small escaped moan.

She released her air in a restless, desperate rush when I kissed my way back down to her chest. It was still restricted by her lacy black bra.
I couldn't help but think she put it on for me, and that she's going to remove it, for me.
I quickly unclipped the elastics and released her beautiful breasts. I immediately took one in my mouth without a thought and began to toy with the other. Her pink nipples grew hard in my mouth and I she arched her chest to make me suck harder. But I kept my pace and my control as she rocked her hips against me. Her jeans suddenly became an obstical as I flipped her onto her back and the rest is glorious history.


The sun was beaming its rays down on Lina as she shifted in the big bed. She woke up gently and beautifully, it almost felt like she was in a movie.

She sat up slowly letting her eyes adjust to the bright light pouring into the room. It didn't take a moment for her to realize that she wasn't home. In fact she knew immediately, remembering the night before. She smiled in a sigh and hugged the soft comforter to her naked chest.

Grey had never touched her that way. So soft, so sweet, so tender, so kind. Christoph had made love to her, something that she'd never experienced.

She looked around and her soft eyes landed on the wardrobe. It stood tall with a mirror front that was lined with what looked like lights. Lina stood up hughing the comforter as she shuffled her way  to it. She caught sight of her bed head and a small natural smile playing on her lips. She didn't notice she was smiling but when she saw, the thought of Christoph's hands roaming her body, and Christoph's voice ringing softly in her ears, made her light up inside. It pulled happiness and excitement to the surface.
For so long she'd felt dirty after sex with Grey. She'd grown used to showering the disgust and shame away whenever he was done sweating on her. It'd become a routine, a way of life even.

But last night Lina hadn't thought of Grey, she hadn't spoken his name, or thought of his face, she'd forgotten he existed. Especially when she was screaming Christoph's name for dear mercy.

She looked in the mirror more and studied her eyes, the curve of her mouth that wouldn't go away and finally the new bright tone her skin held. She felt radiant and so light, like a feather.

She opened the wardrobe and was hit with a row of color coded men's dress shirts and farther down a few skirts and jeans, then crop tops and finally hoddied and jackets. Lina grabbed the first thing she saw, which happened the be a powder blue dress shirt. She dropped the blanket and threw the garment on, doing all but the top two buttons.

Christoph was quite tall, so the shirt flowed on her like a dress and her arms got lost in the fabric. She loved the feeling, but most noticeably, it smelled like her, like Chris.

Her eyes drifted around the room and her eyes landed in labels, they were I each drawer in a decadent cursive font. Probably for the maid. She picked the drawer with the shorts and after picking a pair and putting it of she made her way out of the room finally. When the door opened she instantly smelled cooking and it felt absolutely perfect to be in the other side of breakfast time.

Lina made her was through the house as she remembered the tour that made her fall completely in love with structure, and Chris.

As she got closer and closer to kit kitchen, coming down the stairs she could hear music playing. The smell of pancakes got louder and louder she she got closer.

Meanwhile Christoph danced while she cooked. Bülow was playing and she couldn't help herself the rythem and powers of "Not A Love Song" just took over her hips while she sang and flopped the most perfect pancakes.

"You sing too? You're just full of wonderful surprises," Lina made  herself know and giggled when Chris turned to her and started to voice the lyrics. She took Lina by the waist and twarked them around and kissed her face.

When they pulled apart, Lina saw then the damage that she'd done the njght before. She could see the hickied peeking out past the collar of her varsity lacrosse hoodie.

Their eyes locked and Chris couldn't help the smile that took over her entire face. Lina was so beautiful and she wanted more of this incredible human being. She wanted to know every single inch of Lina, from head to toe.

Lina was the first to break eye contact by pulling the collar of the  sweater out to see the hickies and and scratch marks she'd left.
A grimace appeared on her face as she examined her actual handie work.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll heal." The taller girl caressed Lina's face as she smiled down at her.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, it was just so," She paused but Christoph finished.

"Amazing, yeah I know."

Little did Lina know, Christoph was no stranger to sex. She was what one would call a player but she couldn't help it, she's liked every girl she's taken to bed, but Lina won a spot no other girl or woman could. Lina win her absolute admiration and fascination. Lina woke Christoph's undivided attention.

They let go one kne another and Chris finished cooking before hse sat the plate in the breakfast bar for the two of them to enjoy. She loved to entertain and Lina deserved it the way she worked up a sweat, Christoph thought.

"You were absolutely incredible last night," Lina blushed as she sipped her coffee.

"I wanted you to feel it," Chris answered lowly pushing a few strands of flyaways out of her eyes. It was then that Lina noticed the outfit she was wearing, a hoodie and pair of light jeans and a high ponytail.

She liked it, but the statement ran though her head and she couldn't quite understand.
She shave asked, "What do mean?"

There was silence as she sipped her coffee too. They two admired each other's beautiful eyes.

Chris had gotten up from her seat across from Lina. She quickly made her way behind the woman
The taller girl gently layed her hands on Linda's waistline and raked her fingers upward. She met her lips to the older woman's neck and it was then did she whisper softly, "I wanted you to feel real love."

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