Chapter 9

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"So you just left her house?"


"After you dumped her?"


"And you love her?"


I looked at the two of them as they stared at me. It had been a few days now and I haven't stop painting. Everything was so fresh in my head and I had to get it all out. The only way I knew how was to paint it, as many times and as big as I could, in as many styles as I knew; just until my brain let it go. 

But my brain hadn't let it go, it hadn't let her go. Rebecca's heels dodged the stained and broken canvases on the floor while she made her way back through the futon in the art room. Beck took it upon herself to review my most selfishly heroic moment, mostly to make since of what the hell was going on with me.

I didn't even know what was going in anymore. I'd paint all day and by the time the sun went down my inspiration was flat and crawling. The paintings would taunt me and by the time the sun came back up, anything with Lina's face or body on it was broken and destroyed.

It was vicious cycle of grief and even anger, at myself I think.

"When was the last time you left this room?" Rebecca gazed around the room in disgust.

I shrugged sitting up on the couch, pushing my hand through my tangled sad hair. Then I thought for a second.

"When did Lauren get back, I called you that day Beck?" The I stood up and wrapped my hand around a warm bottle of water that was laying in the floor. I quickly popped the cap off and finished it before tossing the plastic away.

"Chris that was four days ago, you called me four days ago, you haven't left this room in four days!"

"Nope, nope. No friend of mine is getting raked over some slutty housewife. Get up right now!" Rebecca snatched me up from the futon and she dragged me out into my room. Where she forcefully snatched my shirt off and pushed me into my bathroom.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I tried to get out of her grips but she stronger.

"I'm saving your ass. Were gonna get hammered tonight and you can get over your little crush in a healthier way!"


"No buts Newton! Get in therw, now. You're going to get under some hot chick tonight and its going to be great!" She yelled at me I looked at Beck for help. But the voice of reason was taking her girlfriends side. She only shook her head and pointed to the shower where I tucked my tail and stepped in.


The music was bumping but somehow I wasn't feeling it. My body shook and vibrated with the beats but it didn't excite me like it used to. Most of the people here were drunk off their asses or looking to get drunk off their ass. Me, I was here for the latter. I watched my friends bump and grand in a sea of people while I watched from the bar. Beck was cool with owner and got us in with drinks, not that this bartender cared about who he served.

I sipped in a blue drink and waited for the liquor to settle in so I could finally have some was taking a bit long though.

I took a sip and looked back to the crowd an my eyes landed in this girl. Sexy.
My eyes stuck and wouldn't move. She moved her hips to the hypnotic beat while she went up and down any willing participant. She looked around my age and I could tell from twenty feet away that tequila shots were doing good work on her.

Her eyes were closed and she could only feel the music and for the first time in forever a new image was burned to my head, a new focus,  a muse. I wanted to capture her, she was like a work of art herself. I slid off the bar stool, abandoning my drink. I stalked my way over to her, matching her energy. My hands like magnets landed in her hips and she turned her head up to meet mine. In a second her back was again my front and we moved in unison to the strong pulling sing. She was right next to the speaker and it was shaking me, vibrating me. I could feel the bass like electricity passing through her into me.

Her hands looped up around my neck while she danced with nothing more than desire and pure beauty.her hands slid down my neck as she dripped her body then brought it back up for me to hold. Suddenly I was being pulled by my friends and so was she but we were stuck.

We wanted to stay.

I could almost read her like a book. A good book.

I went to open my mouth to get her name and number, any means of having this again  but she put her fingers to my lips to shush me. It's not like she would've heard me over the speakers anyway.

Instead she made the phone signal with her hands and did the most obvious thing and handed her mine. She typed in it quickly and put it back in my hand. But before her friends yanked her away she landed a glossy kiss on my cheek and a drowsy smile with big brown eyes and black hair. She looked so oddly familiar in the strobe lights but I couldn't pin it. It was a welcomed beauty though, a gift from God himself if you will.

Finally my friends were pulling me back their way

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Finally my friends were pulling me back their way. It was time to leave,  but I wanted to stay I wanted to stay with...

I took a peak at my phone where she saved her name and sent herself a text saying 'hi'.

I wanted to stay with Novak.

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