Chapter 2

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*Christoph's P.o.V*


I jumped awake as banging sounded through the house. The banging came again and again and my head started to ring as it started to get louder and louder.


Rebecca. At the door. Screaming like the maniac she undoubtedly is, and will be forever. Suddenly I heard a distant voice threatened to call the police.

I instantly got up when I heard, "police", but that didn't stop my dear friend at all if anything it pushed her farther into her rage.


It was at that point I started running down the stairs to the front door. When I made it, I scrambled to unlock the mechanisms nut once they were undone I waisted no time in swinging the door open. And there she was, in all of her ginger glory, wearing a pink mini skirt that was teetering more on the extra short side of the scale. Her legs looked they ran for days, only to make their end in a creamy pink five inch heel. I dragged my eyes down then finally back up to her face, where her fire red hair caught the eye.

Rebecca is the bully that bullies bow down to, truth be told, Satin himself couldn't make this girl feel insecure, and she used that shameless, selfassuring power to her advantage

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Rebecca is the bully that bullies bow down to, truth be told, Satin himself couldn't make this girl feel insecure, and she used that shameless, selfassuring power to her advantage. Her beauty and snarling attitude makes her one of the most beloved and hated teens in all of Decker High, but her gift for instrumental music makes her a uniuqe peice of art in my book.

"I'm hot, I know, you know, Beck knows, everyone knows," She said showing off her shiny pink lips that were freshly painted in gloss. She pushed me aside and walked into the house without another word. Her heels clacked on the ceramic floor like a hammer hitting a nail, with everystep came an almost condisending echo behind it, behind her.

"Yeah, hot enough for the next installment of Pole Whorez." I mumbled looking at the wall clock. 9:31, too early to be dealing with the Devil's Angel.

"What do you want, I have plans, so no, I can't get shit faced with you," I asked and answered while still watching her go in streght path towards the kitchen.

She turned to me when she finally made it and leaned over the marble counter with a playful grimace across her face, "Ew, Chris, it's nine in the morning what do you think I am, an Alcoholic." I shrugged my shoulder sarcasticlly and started to walk a bit towards her.

"Well, I've thought you to be worse, so spill."

She stood up and staright again with a sirk of annoyance,"Oh shove it, dick wad, I came to see if you wanted to head over to Beck's place tonight for a movie. I heard you got a girl, let's double date. No shit facing tonight, just chill chick flicks, and maybe a box of cheap wine," she said with a small smile and hopeful clap.
Sounds to me like her and Beck need more friends, between the two of them being two extreme personalities they find it hard to connect with anyone besides each other. You know what Rebecca is like, but Beck is a totally different story, sometimes not a good one.

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