Chapter Two

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Later that night, (Y/N) stands outside of Izuku's apartment and knocks on the door. Immediately, the door opens to reveal a very happy-looking Inko.

    "You must be (Y/N)!" she says, opening the door wider, "Come on in, dear!"

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"You must be (Y/N)!" she says, opening the door wider, "Come on in, dear!"

"Thank you, Midoryia-san." (Y/N) says, bowing.

"Oh please, call me Inko." the woman replies, calling for her son.

Izuku opens the door to his room, yawning after the small nap he took after getting home from school.

"Oh right, have you eaten, (Y/N)-san?" he asks, the girl nods. "Then the new episode of Heroes Awaken should be up now."

The two sit together in Izuku's room, as the boy struggles to find the newest episode of their favourite show, (Y/N) is looking at Izuku's collection of merchandise from the show. Specifically, the hero named All Might.

"You're such a fanboy, Izuku-kun." (Y/N) giggles, taking one of the dolls and looking at it.

The green-haired boy looks away from his computer, staring at the (E/C)-eyed girl as she looks through his collection. He's still confused; confused why such a beautiful girl chose him. What did he have that anyone else didn't? In his mind, he's still Deku, the failure and waste of space that Katsuki says he is. So why him, why did (Y/N) choose him?

Why did the girl with the porcelain name choose him?

"Izuku-kun, do you ever have the feeling that there's something more to your life?" (Y/N) suddenly asks, "Like there's someone out there that is calling back to you? Like, I guess-"

"A soulmate?" Izuku finishes, the girl's eyes brighten.

"Yes!" she replies, looking up dreamily as she lays on Izuku's bed with a smile, "I wonder who my soulmate is."

Hopefully me. WAIT, HUH!?

"M-Me too."

Soon Izuku finally finds the newest episode of Heroes Awaken and the two sit beside each other by the computer as they watch the episode. But for once, Izuku can't watch. He keeps glancing over at (Y/N) as she's sucked into the world of heroes and blocks out the real world around her.

It isn't until (Y/N) suddenly starts crying that Izuku snaps back into reality.

He glances at the computer screen, and there lies one of the main characters, called Akio, the heroic boy; dead.


The (E/C)-eyed girl glances over, covering her mouth as tears fall to the floor, "S-Sorry, I'm just-"

The girl is cut off as Izuku throws himself at her, hugging her. He doesn't know what came over himself, but he feels the need to protect (Y/N), he owes her that much at least. The girl hugs Izuku tightly, letting her tears flow.

When they pull away, Izuku realizes something, the darkness in (Y/N)'s eyes make it seem like she's not crying because of the show. Swallowing his nerves, he decides to ask.

"I feel like you're crying because of something else, not because of the death of Akio."

(Y/N) freezes at his words, then her tears start rushing out once again, "I-I lied earier, Izuku-kun. I-I'm still bullied, b-by my brother, my parents, everyone hates me."

Izuku's eyes widen at her words, "Not everyone."

She glances up at the green-haired boy, "Y-Yes, they do-"

    She glances up at the green-haired boy, "Y-Yes, they do-"

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(Angry cinnamon roll is best cinnamon roll, don't @me.)

"I don't, and have you looked at yourself recently!? You're beautiful (Y/N)-san! Did you see my classmates when you walked through the door, you're a goddess to them!" And that's when Izuku realizes how much pain he'd been dying throughout the week, and he just lashed out at the one girl who would talk to him.

"I-I'm sorry." he mutters, looking down.

(Y/N) giggles through her tears, and then she grabs Izuku, hugging him tightly, burying her head in the crook of his neck, "Thank you, Izuku-kun. T-That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."

The green-haired boy smiles, hugging her back.

The two finish the episode of Heroes Awaken, but when Izuku goes to ask if (Y/N) wants a walk home, the girl is passed out leaning on the chair. Our cinnamon bun chuckles to himself, picking up the (E/C)-eyed girl and placing her onto his bed. He lifts the sheets up to her collar bone and then leaves her there for the night.

"I'll sleep on the couch, mom." He says to Inko, "(Y/N)-san fell asleep on my bed."

His mother nods and soon the entire Midoryia household is fast asleep.

The Girl with the Porcelain Name - Izuku Midoriya x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now