Chapter Twenty-One

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Here's the playlist for this chapter! (In order):

Play Melody of the Night by Shi Jin (Cover)

Soon enough, Izuku and (Y/N) are in a plane, on their way to Florida. It's only been a day since the boy's party, and the memories are still fresh in everyone's minds. Sadly, not for long. The two best friends sit beside each other, both of them are still drowsy from the night before. So, not long after the plane takes off, the two are fast asleep.
Ten hours in, Izuku wakes up. He yawns and lifts his arms, until he realizes that (Y/N) is leaning on his left. He smiles to himself and decides not to move. He lays his head on top of hers and falls asleep once again.

Five hours later, they have arrived at Orlando, Florida.

The two are woken up by the flight attendants. They grab their bags and get off the plane. They get into a taxi not long after and head to their hotel, the Dolphin Hotel.
"(Y/N), isn't this one of the most expensive hotels to stay at?" Izuku questions as they drive.

"Yeah..." She responds, "But I want this to be a fun experience."

He smiles, "Okay."

After they arrive, they thank the taxi driver and check in with the hotel. Since it is too late to go swim with Dolphins, (Y/N) and Izuku decide to stay in and watch a few movies for their first night. Of course, after unpacking for their week at Disney.

"Sorry, by the way." (Y/N) suddenly mutters after they unpack.

"Sorry?" Izuku repeats, lying down, "For what?"

"That we can't travel the world."

The green-haired boy stands up immediately and hugs his best friend, "This is still the greatest thing anyone's ever done for me, (Y/N). Thank you."

The girl grins, "You're welcome." She pauses, "Do you have the list, by the way?"

"Oh, yeah."

To-Do Before I Die

1. Have my first kiss.
2. Stand up to Kacchan.
3. Get into Yuuei high.
4. Fall in love.
5. Make the bestest friend ever.
6. Make a difference in someone's life.
7. Hold a birthday party.
8. Travel the world.
9. Pull an all-nighter.
10. Laugh until I can't breathe.
11. Dance to my favorite songs.
12. Admit my feelings to someone I love.

"Looks like we're more than eighty percent done!" (Y/N) says happily.

Yet, part of her is sad. Will the two stop hanging out once their goal is finished? No, Izuku wouldn't do that...would he?

"Now, what movies are we gonna watch for the night?" the boy asks, "Disney?"

"No." (Y/N) responds, "This knee."

Izuku turns back to see (Y/N) pointing to her right knee, he laughs wholeheartedly and rolls his eyes, "Of course you'd make a joke."

She giggles, "But anyway, let's start a Disney movie marathon!"

For the rest of the night, the two friends watch as many Disney movies as they could before they inevitably passed out beside each other. In the morning, they wake up at eleven and get dressed for their first official day in Disney World.

"Where we going first, (Y/N)-chan?" Izuku asks.

Play Somebody to You by The Vamps

"Our first stop is the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad!" She replies.

When they arrive at the attraction and pay to get in, they sit in their seats and (Y/N) can tell just by looking at Izuku that he's scared. She reaches over and squeezes his hand.

"It's okay, Izuku." She says, "We can go on a different ride if you'd like."

He sucks in his gut, attempting to be confident in front of his crush, "No, it's okay. I can do it."

She chuckles, and the ride starts moving. Screams of joy and terror ring out nearby, but Izuku can't hear them. He's focused on (Y/N). At first, he'd expected her to be even more scared than him. Instead, she just stares out at the rest of the park with wide, curious eyes. Her bright smile warms the boy's heart and he feels at home.

After the roller-coaster, the two search the park for other attractions. Most of the time, Izuku stops listening and gets lost in (Y/N)'s eyes, her smile, or even her laugh. They get on many other rides, fast and slow. Until, it comes to a Haunted Mansion. Despite Izuku's protests, (Y/N) pulls him in and they start the tour. After the stretching room, they follow the group into the next room. They choose a cart and sit down. They go down a long hallway with flashing lights, and creepy pictures. Eventually, it comes to a very dark room with many staircases, upside down or upright. It goes deeper until they come to a ballroom with many 'ghosts' dancing in the middle. Izuku and (Y/N) glance at each other, stifling their laughs.

"This ride isn't scary at all." (Y/N) giggles.

After a choir with all the ghosts, the ride ends and the two get off. They laugh at how boring the ride was a move on to the next.

After their first full day at Disneyland, the two are tuckered out.

"How about we go get something to eat?" (Y/N) suggests.

"Sure, where to?"

"How about the Wave of American Flavors restaurant nearby?" She responds, "I hear their food is amazing."

"Sure." He says.

The two sit down at their table and order their chosen American cuisine, chatting about what rides to go on the next day. After their food arrives, they both take turns taking bites of their first taste of American. They have a fun dinner and head back to the hotel for more Disney movies from their marathon.

The next day, the two friends go to many more attractions and even win some prizes for each other. Late that night, there are fireworks planned. Instead of staying in Disneyworld to see them, (Y/N) takes Izuku to a Nature trail nearby.

Play Suns and Stars by Really Slow Motion

"What is this place?" Izuku asks.

"It's a Nature park." (Y/N) responds, "Someone told me that this is the best place to see the fireworks from Disney."

The boy beside her smiles, following her onto a taller platform so they can see the light show more clearly. After a few minutes, the sky begins to light up from the different colors of fireworks. Even though the pair are so much farther away from them, they still are bright, colorful, and very loud. So loud that Izuku takes this chance to practice something.


She hears her name, but she can't hear anything else that her best friend says because the fireworks are getting louder and louder.

"I love you." He says, a dark blush coating his face, "I've loved you since the day we met but I just couldn't think of a way to tell you."

She just smiles

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She just smiles. Izuku smiles as well, proud that he said it without stuttering, but part of him still wishes she heard.

Because, after today, she may never hear him say it.

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