Chapter Thirteen

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The eating contest ends not long after it's begun. Thankfully, Sato has won. Except he's being taken to the nurse's office with an upset stomach, which is to be expected.

    "For the sixth event, it will be a singing competition!" Nemuri announces, "Since most of everyone's class has already participated in one of these events, I'll mention that people who have already participated can participate again in another event. This singing contest can be a solo or a duet. You have ten minutes to choose someone to represent your class, and choose a song to sing."

    Izuku turns towards (Y/N). When they were first getting to know each other, he caught her singing. He thought it was beautiful. Even though he's only heard her sing once, he thinks she might be the best candidate for this contest. The rest of class 1-A discuss potential people, while Izuku and (Y/N) just stand off to the side.

    "(Y/N), do you think you can sing?" Ochaco suddenly asks.

    The (H/C)-haired girl's face suddenly turns red and she looks down at the ground, "I-I don't know..I only sing sometimes at home."

    "I'm sure you'll be great, (L/N)-chan!" Tenya says, waving his hands around like he always does.

    The girl continues to blush, but nods, "Okay..but what should I sing? Would it be better if i sing with someone else?"

    Momo giggles, wrapping her arm around the shorter girl, "You can choose either. If you want to sing with someone else, go right ahead. Either way, you'll be great."

    "T-Thank you, Yayorozu-san."

    "Well then shorty," Katsuki hisses, crossing his arms, "What are you going to do?"

    The (E/C)-eyed girl in front of him rolls her eyes at the nickname. She puts her index finger to her lips, thinking. Her eyes glide across her fellow classmates, searching for a good duet partner. Eventually, she just closes her eyes and smiles.

    "I'll just go solo." She mutters, turning away to think of a song.

    Izuku watches from beside Denki and Eijiro. The two boys are just talking together, when they notice the green-haired boy's pained expression.

    "What's wrong, Midoryia-kun?" Denki questions.

    "Did you want to sing with (L/N)-chan?" Eijiro finishes.

    "EH?!" Izuku squeaks, "N-No! I-It's not that!"

    The boys chuckle, "Then what is it?"

    "I-I just feel..I feel like she wants to duet with someone. I don't want her to feel bad if she doesn't win. She might blame herself.." Izuku then begins to mutter, "She has had self-esteem problems in the past..."
    Denki and Eijiro glance at each other and smirk evilly, they grab Izuku by each arm and pull him towards (Y/N). Surprisingly, the girl doesn't even hear the green-haired boy's cries of protest.

    "Hey (L/N)-chan, Midoryia-kun here wants to duet with you!" Eijiro and Denki say in unison.

    "Huh?" the girl responds, turning around, "Izu-chan?"

    The blond and red-haired boys quickly run off, leaving the two lovebirds to chat.

    "Kirishima and Kaminari-kun kind of pulled me over here.." Izuku responds, rubbing the back of his neck, "But if you want a duet partner I'm totally up for it!"

    (Y/N) smiles softly, "Okay then, I already have a duet song idea, if you want to join me."


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