Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Play Silver Lining by Lights & Motion


"Izu-chan?" (Y/N) calls, confused.

"(Y/N), you've made me happier than any woman ever could've. I was in the darkest place when we first met, but it's because of you that I'm still here today. We've had so many hard times to go through together, but we made it. I wouldn't be able to say this if you hadn't come along. I'm thankful that you're here now, so I can do this."

The green-haired boy bows down on one knee, searching in his pocket for a certain object. After a moment, he finds it and opens the case to reveal a beautiful diamond ring that sparkles as the morning sunrise dawns on the surrounding area. A mix of oranges, reds, and yellows brighten the couple's features.

"(Y/N) (L/N), will you make me the happiest man on Earth and be mine until the day we die?" He finally asks.

(Y/N)'s eyes quickly fill with tears. She smiles, covering her mouth as she sniffs and tears rush down from her eyes. Without a word, she bends down to his level and hugs him tightly. The two fall over onto the sand, laughing. Smiles on their faces as their hearts link together. The two get up and put their engagement rings on their fingers. Izuku and (Y/N) link their hands together, walking down the rest of the beach until the sun completely rises from the ground behind them.

A few months later, it's time for the wedding.

(Y/N) paces back and forth in the backroom of the church. Ochaco, Tsu, and many other girls from class 1-A wait outside for her.

"(Y/N)-chan?" Ochaco calls out, "Are you okay in there?"

The bride swallows, "C-Can you come in here for a minute?"

So she does, "What's wrong?"

(Y/N) turns to her with 'slightly' red eyes, "I'm terrified. W-What if I mess up my vows? What if I'm not meant to marry Izu-chan? What if I'm not the one for him and I'm stealing him away from someone else? What if Bakugo-kun comes back and tries to break us apart?"

The (H/C)-haired girl continues to ramble, much like her soon-to-be husband, until Ochaco grabs her shoulders, "First, you and Izuku-kun are made for each other. You two are soulmates. You are definitely meant to marry him and he's meant to marry you. Bakugo-kun will stay far away after today. He'll finally see how close you two are, and how he is not meant to be with you and that Izuku-kun is. Okay?"

(Y/N) nods slowly, "O-Okay."

Finally, the time has come.

(Y/N) walks down the aisle with Izuku's father at her side. He was able to take a few months off from working abroad to see his son for the first time in years, and to meet (Y/N). Since her parents have passed, he walks her down the aisle.

When she finally reaches Izuku, Hisashi kisses the top of her hand and pats his son on the back, then takes his seat beside Inko. (Y/N) and Izuku hold hands as the priest begins to speak.

"We are gathered here today to join (Y/N) (L/N) and Izuku Midoryia in holy matrimony," He begins, "Not only that they both promise to cherish and love each other, but that they will honour and fix whatever breaks, so long as they both shall live."

The man turns, "Izuku-kun, let me ask you first. Do you take (Y/N)-chan to be your wedded wife, to live together in the holy state of matrimony? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her, forsaking all others- keep the only under her, so long as you both shall live?"

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