Chapter Twenty-Five

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Play Hold On by Chord Overstreet (Playlist below)

When Izuku gets home, Inko is still at work. So, he has the house to himself. He lays down on his bed and opens the crumpled list of things he was supposed to do before killing himself. Now, the list will never be completed. He needs to have his first kiss and he has to admit his feelings to (Y/N), of course. 

At first, the boy thinks he might be able to fall in love with someone else. He begins to cry. He'd never be able to fall for someone else. (Y/N) is the only one who truly cared about him.

"Maybe it's time.." He mutters, glancing over to the bathroom.

Back at (Y/N)'s house, the (E/C)-eyed girl sits alone. Her heart aches for Izuku, but she doesn't want to hold him down from the life that he's supposed to live. She still loves him. She suddenly sits up on her bed when a realization washes over her.

"H-He was trying to say that he remembers. T-That's why Bakugo-kun interrupted."

She jumps out of her bed, getting proper clothes on and heads to his apartment. She knocks on the door four times, but no one comes.

"Izu-chan," She calls, "are you in there?"

She still gets no reply. So she turns the knob slowly and the door opens. She looks everywhere and can't find the boy. Until she finally checks the bathroom. Izuku lays in the bathtub with blood covering his arms. The bathwater is also tinted red because of it. (Y/N) quickly tests the water, it's still warm.

"Izu-chan, hey," She mutters, lightly shaking him by the shoulders, "please don't go.."

The green-haired boy thankfully wakes up and frantically looks around. His eyes lock with (Y/N)'s. He gets out of the tub and his former best friend cleans him up.

"Why did you come back?" He asks.

"I had a bad feeling," She replies, "and I made a mistake."

Izuku's mind drifts back to when (Y/N) first saved his life. The assassin, Tenko Shimura, was hired by (Y/N)'s imposter-parents and tried to kill the boy. She came and saved him just in time, just like she did now.

"You were trying to tell me that you remember me, but Bakugo-kun interrupted," She says, "I'm sorry."

Izuku grins, "It's okay, I understand."

"I just-" She pauses, taking a breath as the tears begin to flow, "I just didn't want you to suffer while you had amnesia. If you remembered the Soaline restaurant, that it'd be okay. But you didn't, so I decided to leave you. I didn't want you to be held back because of me. I see now that Bakugo-kun was only using me to get on your nerves. I-I'm so sorry."

Izuku holds her cheek, "No, I'm sorry. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to die and skip this stupid chapter in my life. It would have hurt you."

"You can't skip it," She responds, smiling sadly, "I heard once, life is like a book. You can't skip chapters. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it. Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end. But you must keep going. Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out."

Play LIT from Koe No Katachi (Emotional Version) DON'T START READING UNTIL IT  STARTS PLAYING.

Izuku smiles sadly, "Then I will. As long as you don't forget me now."

(Y/N) grins, "Okay."

After a few weeks, the two are best friends again, and are ever closer. Nothing except that has changed. Today, (Y/N) gets a text from the green-haired boy in the middle of English class.

'Meet me at the Sakura Park after school at 4:30 PM.'

She agrees to go and can't wait to see what the boy has planned.

At 4:25, (Y/N) arrives at the park. Izuku is nowhere to be found. She sits down at a bench, watching the sakura blossoms fall off the trees with the beautiful orange-yellow sunset in the background.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan."

The (E/C)-eyed girl turns around and smiles, "Hi Izu-chan."

The boy sits down beside her, clearly nervous. He clasps his hands together and takes a deep breath.

"So, I wanted to ask," He begins, "why did you save my life those times and give up Kacchan's friendship for mine?"

She giggles, giving him her signature smile, "You idiot," She stands up, "because I love you."

Izuku's brain doesn't process what she means at first. He assumes she means in a friend way, and chuckles sadly, "Right, of course."

(Y/N) sighs, approaching the green-eyed boy and grabbing the tie of his school uniform. She leans closer, connecting their lips.

(Hopefully, the emotional part of the song played for you here. If not, I honestly recommend going back and reading when the emotional part kicks in.)

Izuku quickly realizes what's happening and begins to kiss the love of his life back. They share a tender moment together under the sakura trees as the sun sets and darkness slowly covers the park.

When the two pull away, they stare intently at each other's eyes. Time seems to stop as Izuku's face turns cherry red.

"Oh my god, what did I just do?!" He squeals, covering his face in embarrassment.

The girl beside him giggles, "It's okay Izu-chan," She kisses him once more, "I initiated it. Of course...unless you don't like me back."

Izuku takes a deep breath, kissing (Y/N) once more. This time, he picks her up. She wraps her legs around the green-haired boy until their lips leave each other.

"I love you, (Y/N)-chan," The boy says, "I've loved you ever s-since middle school. I would have told y-you sooner, but I'm too shy for that. I-I-"

He gets cut off as the love of his life puts a finger to his lips and leans in once more.

"Shut up and kiss me."

And so, he does. When they part, no words are spoken. They stare at the sunset as (Y/N) leans her head on Izuku's shoulder. She slowly falls asleep. For once, she's truly happy.

After a few minutes, Izuku picks her up bridal-style and takes her to his house. He greets his mom, giving her the context she needs to understand and lays (Y/N) on the couch. He kisses her forehead, heading into his own bedroom and falling asleep with a smile spread across his face.


Hey readers!

First, thanks for 850 Followers! (at least at the time that I posted this) I really appreciate the support, love, and ideas you guys give me for stories/arcs. Second, I just want to mention again that I do have a discord if any of you would like to get in contact with me easier. If more people join, I can start doing events and having days where you guys can come voice chat with me. Maybe even get sneak peeks of new chapters/books. And finally, sadly, this book is getting closer and closer to the end. I promise it will be worth the read though!

Thank you all again, happy reading!

- Glossy

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