Chapter Ten

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"Uraraka-san." Izuku mutters, his tone is scary though. He almost sounds like a yandere boy calling out for his lover.

"Y-Yes, Deku-kun?" the brown-haired girl responds.

"Why would you DO THAT!?" the green-haired boy responds, "You know I like her but, why IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL!?"

Ochaco chuckles, "I thought it'd be the best way to give her a hint. I'm sure she just thinks I'm joking around, you'll be fine, Deku-kun."

Midoryia sighs, "Fine. If things are weird between (Y/N)-chan and I now, I'm blaming you."

The green-haired boy turns around, and Ochaco watches as he walks back to the middle of the stadium as the next round of games is starting.

All of the first years gather in the middle of the stadium a few minutes later, Nemuri stands on the platform with some of the other teachers again.

"Alright for the third round," She begins, "each class will choose four members to participate. This round will be...a dance competition!"

Class 1-A immediately glances at Mina Ashido, who blushes with embarrassment.

"You have five minutes to choose your teams, then we'll explain more about the competition!" Nemuri yells over the noise.

1-A forms a small circle of their classmates, and within seconds, Mina is one of the members who will participate in the dance competition.

"Now, who wants to dance with me?" Mina asks, smiling.

Everyone is surprised to see the hand of Kyoka Jiro, "I will."

"Yay! Who else?"

"I vote Deku-kun and (L/N)-chan!" Ochaco whispers.

Mina, knowing Ochaco's true nature, grins, "Alright, looks like Midoryia-kun and (L/N)-chan are joining me!"

(Y/N) flinches, "Eh?! But I can't dance!"

"Neither can I?!" Izuku says.

Before either of the two can argue anymore, Nemuri announces that the five minutes to choose the four participants is up.

"Too late, it's been decided!" Yayorozu cheers, pushing the two lovebirds together and towards Kyoka and Mina.

(Y/N) sighs in defeat, while Izuku starts muttering to himself. The rest of class 1-A heads up to the stands, while the four chosen contestants head towards Nemuri.

"Alright now, each of you that were chosen to participate must find a partner within that group of four," Knowing that Mina will choose Kyoka, (Y/N) glances at Izuku, who seems to be staring right back at her.

The two smile, nodding.

"Okay, when you've found your partner, the teachers and I will give you ten minutes to figure out your dance routine and a song for us to play. Please try and keep it PG, thanks and have fun! Remember, these routines don't need to be advanced, you have two chances to win this for your class!" Nemuri explains.

"Izu-chan, I have the perfect idea."

"Alright, lay it on me."

Meanwhile, Tenya and Ochaco watch the two lovebirds discuss their plans, and snicker to themselves.

"Seems like this ship of yours is already sailing huh, Urakara-san?" Tenya asks, earning an extra giggle from the girl.

"Yes, it is."

After the time is up, and the other classes have already participated, class 1-A's group is the last ones to go.

"Alright, which pair will dance first and what song do you need?" Nemuri questions.

"We can go first, ma'am." Mina says, "Jiro-chan and I will be dancing to River by Bishop Briggs."

"A nice choice, let's get going then!"

Mina and Kyoka soon stand beside each other, smirking.

(You can choose which version you want to imagine, it's impossible for me to describe these dance moves, so just use the video.)

After Kyoka and Mina have finished their dance, their faces are coated in sweat, and the entire stadium is on their feet. Unlike for the other acts, which only earned some claps and hardly ever a standing audience member.

"Alright, Midoryia-kun and (L/N)-chan, it's your turn." Nemuri says.

Suddenly, (Y/N)'s heart fills with anxiety and doubt. Izuku, of course, notices this and touches her shoulder, giving her a bright smile. 

"It'll be okay." He says.

She nods and the two get up on the stage together.

"And what song do you two need?" Aizawa asks.

"It Must Have Been Love by Maria Mena." (Y/N) responds.

(Again, I'll fail so hard if I try to describe these movements, so just use the video and imagine yourself in there.)

As Izuku and (Y/N) are dancing, the two don't notice the fluid movements that they're making. To them, it feels natural. To the audience though, they can see that it's not natural, that the two really do have chemistry.

When the dance is over though, the crowd cheers like it never has before. All of the visible members are standing up and clapping happily. (Y/N) can see that even Katsuki has decided to stand up and clap for her and Izuku. The two lovebirds glance at each other and blush, then Nemuri calls the first years back to the middle of the stadium.

"Okay, now we're going to have a three-legged-race! You will have your left or right leg tied to your partner's and you will have to run around the stadium at least three times before the other teams get past you! The first team to run around the stadium three times without being un-attached from their partner wins!"
Nemuri announces, "Except..Aizawa-sensei wanted to pick these students since he wanted to have some fun. Go ahead."

"Alright, Todoroki-kun and Bakugo-kun, you're together." Shota continues down the rows of students, choosing possibly at random.

(Y/N) face-palms, "Oh good god."

Izuku does the same thing, "We're all going to die here."

Ochaco chuckles, "You said it alright."

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