Chapter Sixteen

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Play Dancing in the Sky by Dani & Lizzie

It's been two days since Kaori passed. (Y/N) was allowed to move into his room, and today is his funeral. Since she hasn't been talking to Izuku or any of her other classmates, no one but family and her parent's friends or coworkers are coming. Although, the news did broadcast that a boy in a rich home committed suicide the night before. They didn't reveal the residence, or any identities.

(Y/N) wears a dress of her brother's favourite color, green. He was also specific about which green though. It's lime green, not yellow-green, or dark green. Lime green. (Y/N) remembered when she forgot that detail and bought her brother a dark green t-shirt. He, of course, refused to wear it.

(Y/N)'s parents stand at the far end of the room, surrounded by their coworkers. To their daughter, they almost seem fine with their only son having committed suicide. It angers the (H/C)-haired girl.

"Excuse me?"

The girl turns to see a man with blue hair and chapped lips.


"Are you Kaori-kun's sister?" He asks.

"Erm, yes." She responds.

"So you found him, I'm so sorry."

Suddenly, the girl feels defensive, "Who are you, anyways?" It sounds more like a demand that a question.

"I'm Tenko Shimura," he replies, "I'm your mother's coworker."

(Y/N) nods slowly, turning to look at her brother's casket.

"Y'know, I found my entire family's bodies." Tenko suddenly says, "They were murdered when I was six."

"Jesus." the girl beside him mutters, "That must've been traumatizing for a little kid."

"It was." He responds, "But I went to therapy to help cope with the sight. If you want, I can give you the therapist's information."

"No, thank you though. I think I'm anything but traumatized."


Not long after, a slideshow of pictures from Kaori's childhood are on the flatscreen tv above his casket. (Y/N) watches with sad eyes, remembering each moment that the pictures were taken. One of the four family members together in a square with sakura trees surrounding them. This was when (Y/N) was just starting to walk. Kaori used to help her, he used to take care of her. Especially since their parents were always 'too busy' to really pay attention to their own children. From a young age, (Y/N) and Kaori were taught to take care of themselves, and each other.

Eventually, a picture of (Y/N) and Kaori on the grass in the front yard of their home back in (Country), just like her brother was talking about in the suicide letter. The memory comes to her in seconds.

"Look at the stars! They're so pretty~" Kaori had said, "We should come out here and watch them every night!"

"You know we can't do that, Kaori." (Y/N) had replied, "Mom and dad would put us in timeout."

The boy pouted, "I don't care. One day, we're going to go see the stars again, no matter what it takes." He took his sister's hands, "We're seeing the stars together again, before we're old, I'll make sure of it."

"Okay, Kaori."

When the memory fades, another picture of Kaori is displayed. This one shows (Y/N) and her brother eating pancakes together. Each kid has two pancakes, and they both have syrup covering the majority of their faces. They're both smiling cheekily at the camera, using their hands to eat. It brings a smile to the girl's face.

Soon enough, it's time for speeches. Many of Kaori's classmates have come to the funeral and gave speeches about his funniest moments in class and inside jokes between his friend groups. Instead of (Y/N)'s parents doing their own speech, (Y/N) is the next one to be asked to come up.

Play Don't Go by J.T. Peterson

"Kaori and I had our ups and downs," she begins, "But with the help of a few friends, I was going to fix the broken things between us and make us close siblings again, but instead, he..d-died. I couldn't save him, I felt so..worthless. He was an amazing brother, friend, and son. He deserved so much more than the world had to offer. I really hope that he forgives me for not forgiving him, and for being an asshole of a sister. Rest in peace, Kaori.."

The (E/C)-eyed girl walks off stage, as slow claps echo from the audience. She's about to get to her seat in the church, but a certain group of teenagers enter abruptly, panting. Everyone turns to see class 1-A, majority of them have tears in their eyes and their faces are bright red.

"W-What are you all doing here?" (Y/N) asks.

Instead of answering, all of class 1-A, excluding Katsuki and Minoru hug (Y/N) tightly. She cries on their shoulders for a few moments, after the Priest allows them to 'talk' outside.

"Why didn't you tell us, (Y/N)-chan?" Izuku asks, "Or least, why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I..I'm the one who found his body." (Y/N) replies, crying, "I thought that you might be angry that h-he c-committed s-suicide.."

"Why would I be angry?" the boy replies, "It was his choice. And you were trying to be better, right? Then that's enough for me."

More tears fall from her (E/C) eyes as she approaches her best friend and tightly hugs him around the waist. The two stay in that position for a few moments, until its time for Kaori's burial. Everyone is gathered around the grave site, which is in a more open area than most gravestones. Mostly because Kaori is the first (L/N) in Japan to pass. As the casket is slowly lowered into the ground, (Y/N) balls on the arm of Izuku. The boy softly pets her back and leans his own head on hers. His eyes are glossy, but he does not cry.

After the burial, (Y/N), Izuku, Tenya, and Ochaco head to a restaurant together. The (E/C)-eyed girl has been unusually quiet, but that is to be expected. The four friends discuss school and homework while (Y/N) quietly listens in. Her mind is clouded with memories of her brother, but she still tries to listen.

After eating and saying their goodbyes, the four friends spilt. As (Y/N) is about to leave, Izuku catches her.

"Wait, (Y/N)-chan!" He calls, causing the girl to turn and look at him. "Can I walk you home?"

"Sure, I guess."

It's silent as the best friends walk home. Upon reaching the house, though, (Y/N) suddenly stops. As Izuku is about to ask what's wrong, she shushes him.

"My parents..they're talking about something." She replies quickly, leaning against the door so her ear is pressed up against it.

Izuku copies his friend, and the two try to listen in on the conversation. The only words that they can overhear are 'next problem' before the two voices disappear down the hallway, and are impossible to hear.

"Well, I guess goodnight, Izu-chan." (Y/N) mutters, turning to open the door.

"Wait (Y/N)-chan," the boy replies, "Please don't punish yourself over this. It was his choice, alright? I'll see you soon, take care." He quickly hugs the girl, leaving her breathless.

As he's walking home, (Y/N) feels something is off. In her heart, there's something scratching at her. She sits on her bed for a moment, but the feeling of unease doesn't leave her. The two words she overheard her parents say, echo in her head like a song stuck on repeat. She questions it, 'What does next problem mean? Do we need money?'

Before long though, the uneasy feeling she has takes over, and she decides to go check on Izuku. Izuku, at the moment, is about halfway to his home. He doesn't have the same uneasy feeling that (Y/N) has, but something does feel different. He also noticed how (Y/N)'s parents didn't seem to care that their only son killed himself, which struck Izuku as strange. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps behind the green-haired boy snaps him out of his thoughts and he looks around for the source of the noise.

"Ah~" a voice calls, "looking for me?"

Izuku frantically glances around, but he cannot find the source of the voice, "W-Who are you? Where are you?!"

"That doesn't matter." the voice responds, "You're going to die here anyway."

"What?" the realization hasn't hit the poor boy yet, "What did I ever do to you!?"

The man chuckles, stepping out from the shadows with a small pocket knife in his gloved hands, "It's nothing personal, kid." He says, "I've been hired to kill you, I'm just in it for the money."

Izuku stares at his assaliant in dismay, life flashing before his eyes. Tears stream down his cheeks as the man gets closer. He raises the knife to stab the green-haired boy, and the small man closes his eyes tightly, wimpering as he waits for the contact. But it never comes.

When Izuku opens his green eyes, the man who was going to kill him is on the ground, and a certain (H/C)-haired girl stands above his unconscious body. The man is laying in the shadows, though, so his face and hair are impossible to see in the light. She hurridly glances over at her friend, looking for any type of injury.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" She asks.

"Uh, no." Izuku responds in a daze.

The two glance back at the man, and (Y/N) quickly calls the police.

"How did you get here so fast?" Izuku asks after the call has been made.

"I had an uneasy feeling in my heart the second you left my house." She responds, "So I followed the path that I'd think you take home. Thank god I did..or else you'd be dead..just like Kao-"

"Thank you, (Y/N)-chan."

The two smile at each other, and wait for the police.


Would you readers like the next chapter to be posted the second that it's finished, or wait until tomorrow? I have others to work on, but I really love this ARC and can probably get another finished today.

- Glossy

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