Chapter Fifteen

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(I'm guessing that no one wants to hear about the soccer games, so here's the next chapter.)

After many rounds of soccer between the eleven classes, the winner has finally won. Class 1-A has won the soccer tournament! The crowd in the arena cheers louder than (Y/N)'s heartbeat. She smiles, while Izuku glances at her happy grin and finds himself grinning. The rest of the classes that were already disqualified come down from their stands and wait for Nemuri to speak.

"For the next event, it will be a painting contest!" She says after a few moments, "Please chose one of your classmates to come participate! All they have to do is paint a picture that will be voted on by how loud the crowd cheers for each!"

(Y/N) grins, and turns to look at Yuga. His eyes are full of wonder, like he wants to paint, but when he notices everyone staring at him, it immediately disappears. He feels embarrassed.

"Come on, Aoyama-kun," Mina chuckles, "I bet you'll be amazing! You were the kid who won an award for art, right? In Junior High?"

"I-I guess." He replies, blushing slightly.

"Then get out there and show them who's boss!" (Y/N) yells, clenching her fist with a grin and raising it high in the sky.

"Okay!" Yuga walks up to the stage, and the contest begins.

After ten minutes, the contest seems to be over. The participants were given thirty minutes to draw and paint, but it seems most of the students have already finished their work before the timer is up. Yuga is the only person still painting. He seems to be too focused to notice this, but eventually, he's finished. Nemuri holds up each art piece and the crowd yells and cheers accordingly.

Yuga's art wins the contest.

"Congrats! Your artwork is beautiful, Aoyama." Nemuri complements, handing him his art before turning back to the crowd of students nearby, "Now, for the next event, it will be a stand-up comedy contest! Two of each class will come up here, one pair at a time, and try to make the audience laugh as best they can. Dark jokes are allowed, as long as there is no sexual or jokes with swearing- that is all. We do not take responsibility if one of the students decides to say a discriminating joke, remember that, please, audience members. Alright, choose your contestants and we'll begin in a few moments!"

Without even nominating anyone, Denki and Minoru decide to be the candidates from class 1-A. No one can argue before the event is about to begin, so the students just have a sliver of hope that the two boy's jokes will make the audience members laugh. Surprisingly, they're even chosen to go first.

"Alright, Kaminari and Mineta from class 1-A will be going first! Each pair will have ten minutes to get the audience to laugh the loudest, then we switch!"

The two step up on stage, both holding a mic.

"I think we should start off by talking about the code of conduct.." Minoru begins, "..for little people."

"Of course you'd be the one to say that." Denki mutters, stretching.

Already, the crowd is chuckling. It's better than nothing.

The short boy glares at his friend, "Anyways, it's kind of like dealing with Gremlins. If you come across a little person, don't pat us on the head! Don't pick us up! People think, oh look, he's small! He's going to be light! Uh no, look at the size of this head!"
  "Did you notice his hair?" Denki whispers into the mic, causing the audience to finally break out into honest laughter.

Minoru smacks him on the head by jumping up, "Oh shush, you used to be short too."

"At least I hit puberty!" His friend replies, chuckling.

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