Chapter Seventeen

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Play Demise of a Nation

After the police arrived, and took the man into custody, Izuku and (Y/N) sit in a room together. They've already been questioned and are waiting for more info about the man who attacked Izuku.

"You two," a female officer says, approaching them, "come with me."

Nervously, the two teens do as the woman says and follow her into the jail. The man the attacked Izuku sits handcuffed in front of them.

"He says that he wants to admit everything to you two, not just us alone." the officer explains. "Go on, sit."

Upon doing so, (Y/N)'s face hardens. She realizes who the man is and clenches her jaw tightly.

"What the hell.." She mutters, "You're my mom's coworker."

"Hey again, (Y/N)." Tenko replies, "I'm sorry we have to meet again like this."

"Start talking, what the hell is going on?" the girl responds.

"You should get home." he responds, "Your parents are probably worried sick."

"What are you-" Her eyes widen and she glances at Izuku for a second, before grabbing his hand and running out of the police station. She yells her address to the other officers and they run as fast as humanely possible.

"(Y/N)-chan?" He calls from behind her, "Where are we going?!"

"Home!" She calls back, "There's been something off about my parents for a while, and I think we need to uncover the truth!"

When they do reach (Y/N)'s home, she doesn't bother to knock. She rushes inside and to the living room, where her parents sit together, watching the TV. Upon seeing Izuku, and (Y/N) panicked expression, their eyes darken.

"So, what do you want?" Her father questions, leaning up from his chair.

"What the hell has been going on?!" (Y/N) yells, "First, you seem to not care that Kaori is dead, and now your coworker tried to murder Izuku!?"

"Oh, then you know." Her mother responds.

"Know about what?"

"We aren't your real parents." Her 'father' responds, "My name is Peter, not (D/N). And (M/N)'s real name is Trisha."

"We murdered your real parents." Trisha adds.

(Y/N) and Izuku stare at them in disbelief, "What?"

"We're only telling you this because you won't get far." Peter says, "We have many assassins like Tenko ready to kill both of you when we give the order."

"B-But why?!" (Y/N) screams, "Why are you doing this?!"

Trisha chuckles, "Because of your inheritance. You and your brother were going to inherit lots of money when your parents passed, so we sped up the process and took over their lives. We've always been planning to kill you and your brother off. We thought if Kaori got you in trouble, he'd feel guilty enough to kill himself. This would cause you to feel guilty and do the same. Looks like we'll have to get our hands dirty..again."

Suddenly, Peter and Trisha both pull out pistols, and aim them at the two teenager's heads.

"Wait, why did you want to kill Izuku?" (Y/N) quickly asks.

"Easy," Peter responds, "because he was the next best thing. If Kaori didn't make you want to kill yourself, the murder of your best friend probably would."

Before the two imposters can pull the triggers of their pistols or (Y/N) and Izuku can figure a way out of the situation, police officers storm the house and handcuff Peter and Trisha. While the two adults are being pulled out into the cop cars, Izuku and (Y/N) sit together on the couch. Both of them are crying, and (Y/N) is heartbroken. When Trisha and Peter first became their parents, (Y/N) was only a few months old, and Kaori was two. Neither of them would remember when their parents suddenly had the opposite hair and eye colours from themselves.

"What the hell's going to happen to me, now?" (Y/N) mutters, covering her head with her hands.

"I don't know, (Y/N)-chan." Izuku replies, "I-I don't know."

The two best friends sit in silence for a few moments, as (Y/N)'s home is checked by the police officers for any more evidence that fits what they admitted to the two teens.

"You're (Y/N) (L/N), right?" a male officer asks.

"Yes, I am."

"Now that the imposters are taken into custody, you have no other family, correct?" the officer questions.


"Then, by law, you will be put into foster care since you are under the age of 18." another officer puts in.

"No, I'm not..I don't want to!" (Y/N) responds, "I'm sixteen, that's only two years away from eighteen, and I can take care of myself!"

The two officers glance at each other, then smile.

"Alright, miss," the older-looking one says, "We'll keep this on the down-low because of the situation. If you can live by yourself until you're eighteen, we won't tell anyone."

As they leave, (Y/N) sighs in relief and sits back down beside her childhood friend.

"If you want, (Y/N), I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind you living with us." Izuku points out.

"No thanks." the girl replies, "I want to live on my own for a bit."

From June 20th to the 27th, (Y/N), Izuku, and the rest of class 1-A studied hard and prepared for their final exams before the beginning of summer. In July, it was time for their exams. They lasted from July 5th to 10th, and on the final day of exams, Izuku walks into the class and notices a note on his desk. It's his birthday soon, but he assumes that his classmates won't do anything extremely special for it.

He whispers it aloud, "Dear Izuku Midoryia, I know it's not your birthday (yet), but I thought it'd make it a fun day for you before we break off for summer! Here's a riddle, I'm sure you can figure it out. I'm big and wide, and have kids inside. The kids are sweaty and beat, but there is no meat. What am I?"

For a few seconds, Izuku is confused. He thinks for a moment, and then he understands. It is earlier in the morning, so he has time to get to the area he thinks the note is talking about. He enters the Gym and frantically glances around, until his eyes find another note.

"Congrats!" He reads, "You've found the second note! You're about a quarter of the way done, but class is about to start, isn't it? You best get back there! Don't worry, you'll find more of these notes during classes, Izuku. I'll see you soon! Have fun with this little game of mine."

He chuckles, stuffing the note into his right pocket and heading back to classroom 1-A. When he arrives, there's another note on his desk. He takes it and reads it once more.

"Now sit down and pay attention to Mr. Aizawa, you'll find the next note in a familiar place. You may even question how I got the note in there. Maybe I have some friends. ;)"

Izuku places the note in his pocket and sits down. For the first two hours, he doesn't see any notes. When it comes time for lunch, though, he sits down at his usual seat in the cafeteria and finds another note sitting there with his name in big bubble letters.

"What's for lunch today?" the note reads, "Well, knowing you, it's probably katsudon. I want you to run around the cafeteria and find someone else with your favourite food. Don't worry, you'll still be able to eat when you're done. Good luck!"

Izuku looks around the cafeteria, assuming that the person with katsudon is someone outside of his classmates. He spends nearly half of lunchtime searching for someone eating katsudon, until he trips.

Well, until someone trips him.

All of Yuuei's cafeteria watches almost in slow motion as Izuku passes by class 1-B's table, and Neito sticks out his foot. The green-haired boy falls to the ground with a loud thud, and laughs ring throughout the cafeteria. For a moment, Izuku thinks he's back in primary school or junior high, where Katsuki and the other kids would bully and tease him harshly. Until, (Y/N) came, of course.

"What, can't a student from the 'top class' stand up on his own?" Neito taunts.

Before Izuku or another student can reply, a familiar (H/C)-haired girl approaches and helps her best friend up. After her brother's death, and after she discovered the truth about her parents, she became more mature. She also became more protective of Izuku and other members of class 1-A, almost like a mother.

"Monoma..." the girl grumbles.

Immediately, the laughs cease, and Neito stares up at (Y/N) with an unreadable expression.

"What do you want?" He hisses.

"I know that you might have some hard time in your life, but that does not give you the right to take it out on Izuku, or anyone else. Quit acting like a stuck-up prince and actually do something with your life, don't let one bad time ruin everything." She responds.

Instead of retorting, Neito's expression changes and he turns away from the girl. He refuses to answer to his fellow classmates as Izuku and (Y/N) walk away. When Izuku takes a breath and sits down, he realizes that Ochaco, Tenya, and (Y/N) all are eating katsudon. He softly smiles.

"So, which one has the note?" He asks, causing the group to giggle.

Instead of pointing out which one was behind everything, the three friends slide over the note together. Izuku tilts his head slightly at the gesture, but takes the note anyways.

"Well, there were many more people eating katsudon, weren't there? It's very delicious. Anyways, your next note won't be found where you expect it to be. Honestly, you're going to wonder how we put it there. It might fall."

Throughout the rest of the day, Izuku attempts to get answers from (Y/N) or his other friends, even some of his classmates, but none would give him an answer. He's extremely confused, and almost feels defeated as he walks home and enters his bedroom. His mom is out working, so he has the apartment to himself. He flops down on his bed, rereading the note over and over again. Until suddenly, his window flies open and another note falls slowly in front of him.

"You probably felt defeated cause you couldn't find this one, huh? Fear not! I want you to head over to the restaurant that you first sang with (Y/N) at, and find your next note."

Izuku sits up, smiling. He leaves the apartment, of course, not without leaving a note for Inko. He heads to the restaurant and enters happily. Inside, it seems normal, but as soon as one of the waiters recognize Izuku, he approaches.

"You're Izuku Midoryia, correct?" He asks.

"Yes, I am."

The waiter smiles, and reaches behind the counter, pulling out Izuku's favourite ice cream in a waffle cone. His eyes brighten and he happily takes the cone from the man.

"Follow me," he says, "your final destination is just around the corner."

Reluctantly, the green-haired boy follows the man's orders.

"Can you close your eyes?" the waiter asks next, "I promise, it's worth it."

So he does. The waiter leads him down a hallway, it's quiet, but Izuku can hear people talking. Soon, the waiter opens a door and bright lights hit Izuku's closed eyes.

"You can open them now."

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