Chapter Twenty-Six

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After a few weeks, Izuku and (Y/N) officially got together as boyfriend and girlfriend. They kept it a secret though, since they both assumed Katsuki might get at least a little angry. Needless to say, he did.

During lunch, Izuku, (Y/N), Ochaco, and Tenya sit together, as usual.

Still, somethings off. It has only been a few weeks since (Y/N) and Izuku got together. The class are still in a high, it seems. All of them, minus Katsuki, have been waiting for this day. At least, they hoped for it. Though (Y/N) did not notice, class 1-A only stopped asking her to study or party is because they didn't want to hurt her anymore. They knew that her heart was already shattered since her brother's death, and when the truth of her parents came out, it hurt her even more.  

While Izuku still had amnesia, Ochaco and Tenya were trying to help him remember. They'd show him pictures, tell him inside jokes. One moment did help him remember something big at the time, too. After a Sports Festival, a while back, there was one item that didn't have to be returned. The Hibiscus flower. Ochaco took it home and kept it alive over the summer. She showed the green-haired boy, and the memory of the fun events did come back. The only downside, everyone's faces were blocked out. He remembered the fun moments and laughs, but no one who was there. They are the most thankful that Izuku remembers his best friend again. Now, it's (Y/N) and Izuku's turn to make their favorite ship come true.

"Ochaco-chan!" (Y/N) whines, trying to get her friend's attention by waving her hand in her face, "What are you staring at?"

The brown-haired girl immediately turns red. She was staring at Tenya from across the table. On the other side, Izuku and Tenya are having their own conversation.

"N-Nothing." She replies, turning away.

"Do you like him?" (Y/N) asks quietly.

Ochaco slowly nods, folding her hands together. Her friend smiles, wrapping her arm around the brown-haired girl.

"Then I'll help you open his eyes." She whispers, "Come on."

The two girls abruptly leave their guy friends behind, confusing them, until Izuku receives a text with information on the situation. He easily hides it from Tenya, but soon enough, their mission commences.

Izuku's job is to keep Tenya's mind on Ochaco, at least in the slightest. He must also try and figure out the blue-haired boy's favorite snacks or films. The two boys chat for the rest of lunch, then head to their classes. During the rest of the day, (Y/N) and Ochaco don't talk to their male counterparts. Thankfully, it doesn't raise any suspicion.

After school, (Y/N) and Ochaco head to the (H/C)-haired girl's house.

"So, what are we doing?" The brown-haired girl questions, sitting down on her best friend's couch.

"We're giving you a makeover!" (Y/N) cheers, clasping her hands together with a grin.

The two girls spend hours together, until Ochaco gets a text from Tenya.

"You guys were setting us up together, weren't you?" She asks, showing (Y/N) the text.

It says, 'Hey Ochaco-chan, I know this is quite forward of me, but would you like to go out on a date later tonight? I'll pick you up at 6 if you're free.'

(Y/N) giggles, smiling evilly, "Maybe we were, maybe we weren't. Either way, you're free and ready to go!"

Her friend rolls her eyes, getting off the couch and hugging (Y/N) tightly, "Thank you, (Y/N)-chan. I really owe you for this one."

The (slightly taller) (E/C)-eyed girl hugs her back and chuckles, "No need," She says, "I already have everything I could ever want. I go to one of the best schools in Japan. I have the love of my life at my side, and some of the greatest friends I could ask for. I don't need anything else, especially not from you guys who have done everything for me."

"(Y/N)-chan!" Ochaco yelps, hugging her tighter, "You're gonna make me cry!"

The girls hug once more, and as the time turns to 5:30, Ochaco walks home so Tenya can pick her up. (Y/N) yawns, doing her homework for the night and sitting on the couch in front of the tv. After it turns 6:30, a knock wakes her up after she fell asleep. She gets up, opening the door.

"Oh, hey babe."

Izuku allows himself inside, grinning like a little kid, "It worked!"

"Yep, it did." His girlfriend responds, "Well, I hope. This is only one date between the two of them. Maybe we should have followed to make sure everything went well. What if-"

Izuku cuts her off with a kiss. When they pull away, he chuckles with a light blush on his cheeks, "And I thought I muttered a lot."

(Y/N) rolls her eyes, poking him lightly in the gut, "Oh shush."

The two lay down on the couch together, quickly falling asleep. Ochaco and Tenya talk nearby in a familiar restaurant, learning more about each other, and slowly falling more in love.

Everything turned out okay, in the end.

Well...most things.

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