Chapter Twenty-Four

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You don't need to play any of the music from this playlist until a few paragraphs down!

"Hey (Y/N)-chan." Katsuki greets.

           She looks at the blond boy, confused, "What do you want?"

           He rubs the back of his neck, "Well, I noticed that you haven't really been talking to anyone in our class. want to talk?"

           She stares at him for a moment before sighing, "Don't you know?"

           "About what?" He responds, "Deku-kun?"

           "Yes, he lost his memories," She explains, "But remembers other key moments of his life. All except for the memories we created together. I'm starting to think he just doesn't want to be friends with me."

           Katsuki sits down beside the (H/C)-haired girl, "Then why aren't you talking to round-cheeks or four-eyes?"

           (Y/N) chuckles, "They're too obsessed with helping Izu-," She pauses, "Midoryia-kun."

           The blond smirks, "Then it looks like I'm your new partner in crime."

           Surprised, the girl looks up into his crimson eyes. Something in them draws her closer, so she nods her head yes.


That night, after school, the two newly-found friends head to the Soaline restaurant. (Y/N) chooses a seat that is the complete opposite of the one that she and Izuku used to sit in together. Katsuki and (Y/N) quickly realize how much they have in common. The two both love a movie called 'A Silent Voice', as well as other things. Though, Katsuki regrets admitting that his favourite movie is in a romance genre.

           "Do you watch a show called Heroes Rising?" Katsuki asks, leaning back in his chair.

           Memories of Izuku flow through the (E/C)-eyed girl's mind. She pushes them down, trying her hardest to forget them.

           "Yes," She smiles, "I do."

           The friends spend an hour or two chatting, before finally ordering their food. (Y/N) thinks as she eats her favorite food, 'Why is Bakugo-kun being so nice? What happened? Did Midoryia's injury somehow damage his childhood bully? He should be yelling...screaming. But...why isn't he?'

           Outside of the Soaline Resturant, Izuku Midoryia stands. For the past week, he's been coming here to study. He's also been trying to remember his memories that he created here with (Y/N). So far, he's had no luck.

           He stares at Katsuki and (Y/N). A river of jealousy rushes over him, but he doesn't know why. For a moment, he thinks (Y/N) might have been his girlfriend back before the accident. But he pushes that thought down since her name on his phone would be different.

           He watches as (Y/N) practically drags Katsuki to the karaoke stage. She punches a song into the machine and the two begin to sing Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hello's (Play this on the playlist).

"Hello, my old heart, how have you been?" Katsuki begins, "Are you still there inside my chest? I've been so worried. You've been so still, barely beating at all."

           Now (Y/N) joins in with him, "Oh, oh, don't leave me here alone. Don't tell me that we've grown, for having loved a little while. Oh, oh, I don't wanna be alone. I wanna find a home. And I wanna share it with you."

           As the music picks up, Izuku finds tears falling down his cheeks. He wants to remember this mysterious girl, but can't and it frustrates him.

           "Hello, my old heart. It's been so long since I've given you away. And every day, I add another stone, to the walls I built around you, to keep you safe. Oh, oh, don't leave me here alone. Don't tell me that we've grown, for having loved a little while. Oh, oh, I don't wanna be alone. I wanna find a home and I wanna share it with you."

           Katsuki does a solo once again, "Hello, my old heart. How have you been? How is it being locked away? Don't you worry, in there, you're safe. And it's true, you'll never beat. But you'll never break," He pauses, glancing at (Y/N), "Nothing lasts forever. Some things aren't meant to be. But you'll never find the answers until you set your old heart free. Until you set your old heart free."

           The two join together for the final part, "Hello, my old heart. Hello, my old heart. Hello, my old heart. Hello, my old heart. Hello, my old heart. Hello, my old heart."

Play Memories by Martha Mier

As the song melody fades into the background, Izuku breaks down. Tears rush down his face as Katsuki and (Y/N) turn and smile at each other. The memories between him and (Y/N) come rushing back. He remembers Disneyland, his birthday party, the first day they ever saw each other. He remembers the smile she gave him after they did karaoke together for the first time. He even remembers memories that he's made with other people in his life as well. His green eyes turn red from crying as he turns away from the restaurant and begins to head home.

The next day, after classes, Izuku feels courage grow inside of him. He decides that he needs to tell (Y/N) that he remembers now. As he heads to the lunch table where Katsuki and (Y/N) sit together, his heart pounds in his chest. He approaches and Katsuki's face darkens.

      Play Goodbye by Jacob's Piano

           "(Y/N)-chan, I-"

           Knowing what the green-haired boy is going to say, Katsuki cuts him off, "She forgot you, Deku-kun. You forgot her, so she's done the same thing. Just leave her alone. You've already forgotten her, stop trying to fix something that's already broken."

           Izuku sighs, "That's the thing, I-"

           "Leave," She hisses, "I'm not going to grow attached just to lose you again."

      "But I re-"

      Izuku jumps as Katsuki slams his hand down on the table, "She told you to leave!"

     So the green-haired boy nods, turning around. He walks past Ochaco and Tenya, heading straight for the bathroom. For the last two periods, Izuku stays quiet. His instincts tell him that (Y/N) will listen if Katsuki isn't there, so he tries one last time after school.

     "(Y/N)-chan!" He calls, "I need to tell you something."

     She stops abruptly, "What?"

     "I was able to-"

     "Wait," She interrupts, "don't tell me. You were able to remember a moment with Uraraka-chan and Iida-kun? I honestly don't care. You don't remember me and never will. I'm okay with that now. Just move on and stop trying to remember. Go live your life. Stop coming back to me."

     "But (Y/N)-chan-"

     "No, Midoryia-kun," She says, sighing, "This is goodbye."

     She turns away with her (H/C) hair flowing behind her. Tears rush to Izuku's eyes as he watches the love of his life walk away after a final goodbye.

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