Chapter Eleven

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"WHAT?!" Katsuki responds, "I don't want to be with that half and half bastard!"

Shoto sighs, "I'd rather have a partner that doesn't threaten to murder people."

Shota Aizawa chuckles, but ignores the two boys and assigns the roles to other students of Yuuei High. Shoto and Katsuki glare at each other silently, until (Y/N) steps in between them.

"Both of you, quit it." She hisses, "We're here to have fun, right? We're here to win!"

She fist pumps the air, prompting the rest of her classmates to join in, Eijiro seems to be the most pumped up thanks to her. Katsuki and Shoto give each other one last glance of anger, but then Shoto extends his hand.

"Just this once," he says, "let's put our differences aside and win this round, alright?"

The angry blond boy in front of him sighs, but shakes the hand, "Only for today."

"Okay, now that each student has their partner, let's begin!" Nemuri yells, "Partners, please use the tape that's being passed out to tie your left and right legs together, you may choose who's right or left leg is tied to yours. When you're done, line up at the bright blue line over near the entrance."

Shoto and Katsuki still glare at each other, but they suck it up and tie their legs together, having Katsuki's left leg tied to Shoto's right, since the blond thinks he's stronger. The two line up at the blue line together, doing their best to work on their walking technique. Just when Izuku thinks that Katsuki is going to blow up at Shoto, (Y/N) yells to them.

"Communication is key, boys!" She says, "Right separate, left together. Count 1, 2, 3!"

Shoto smiles to himself, while Katsuki chuckles at the girl's energy. Slowly, the boys get a hang of walking with their tied legs and then Nemuri announces the commencement of the round.


Immediately, Shoto and Katsuki rush forward together, and surprisingly, the two aren't fighting, and their legs are moving fluidly. Izuku can even see Shoto muttering to himself as they run beside one another, possibly counting.

Neito Monoma and Kosei Tsuburaba from class 1-B are catching up though. Thankfully, another one of the partnered students trip and knock the two students down with them. Shoto and Katsuki aren't even tired yet. They just got past the finish line for the second time. Back in the stands, (Y/N) is cheering with a few of her classmates. Izuku stares at her with a happy smile, admiring her enthusiasum. Her bright smile makes his own brighter. For a second, his mind flashes back to Ochaco's story.

A blush appears across his cheeks. He leans down and covers his face with his hands. Tenya notices this, though, and decides to ask about it.

"What's wrong Midoryia-kun?" He asks, "You seem stressed."

Izuku's blush deepens, "O-Oh, nothing."

The blue-haired classmate beside him leans over, and whispers into his ear, "It's about (L/N)-chan, isn't it?"

"Eh?! No!"

Tenya chuckles, "It's alright, I won't say anything. Just know, I think you two would be quite cute together."

Izuku does not respond, but rather glances back at (Y/N) and lets a smile spread across his lips. Her (H/C) hair waves in the wind as she jumps up and down cheering for her classmates along with Mina and Momo. Tenya smiles as well. Ever since he met Izuku, he's seen the way he looks at (Y/N), the same way that Tenya looks at Ochaco. Secretly, of course. The two boys are brought back to reality when (Y/N)'s face lights up even more than usual. Izuku stands up from his seat to see that Shoto and Katsuki have one the three-legged race. He starts cheering as well, which catches the attention of his best friend, she raises her hand, and the two high-five.

"Class 1-A's Bakugo and Todoroki have won the three-legged race! To set up for the next round of games, we are going to ask everyone to leave and go back to the entrance for lunch!" Nemuri says from the stand, "Be prepared for some exciting times when you come back!"

Ochaco appears out of nowhere and grabs (Y/N)'s arm, pulling her through the crowd of people, towards where all the food is.

"Oh Uraraka-san, I meant to ask earlier, why did you write that story of Izu-chan and I?" (Y/N) asks.

"Well uh- I don't know." the brown-haired girl responded, "I think you two would be cute together. I only wrote because it was the only thing I had on my mind."

(Y/N) nods slowly, "Alright."

The two girls walk together, with Tenya and Izuku not falling far behind. Tenya glances down at his green-haired friend and chuckles at his face.

"What?" Izuku asks.

"You're staring at her again, Midoryia-kun."

A bright red blush appears on the boy's face for the millionth time that day, "N-No...I'm not."

"Midoryia-kun, you don't have to be embarrassed around me." Tenya replies, "I'm not going to tell her. How about I be your wingman instead? I have a perfect idea to help her if she hasn't already fallen in love with you."

"Really?! Thank you, Iida-kun!"

Behind the two boys, though, stands Katsuki. He eavesdrops on the conversation and smirks to himself. He doesn't have a crush on (Y/N), but he does want to make sure that Izuku and (Y/N) can't ever get together.


The blond snaps his head to the right, where Shoto Todoroki stands, his arms folded.

"What do you want, half and half?"

Shoto scoffs, "Y'know, I'm more than my hair."

"Whatever." Katsuki attempts to walk off, but Shoto easily keeps pace with him.

"I've seen you with that smirk before, what are you planning to do to Midoryia-kun now?"

Katsuki's smirk widens, "I'm going to make sure that he can't ever get what he wants. He's just a loser."

Shoto rolls his eyes, then slaps the blond across the cheek, "Just shut up, Bakugo, leave the boy alone. Let him live his life. He's not doing anything to hurt you, so just leave him."

The boy walks off, leaving a now very angry Katsuki to glare at the back of his head. He holds the red mark that Shoto left on his cheek. For a moment, he considers the boy's words. He grunts softly though, and heads towards the food, clenching his jaw in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Izuku, Tenya, Ochaco, and (Y/N) sit together on a picnic table, eating some of the food that they got.

"Mhm!" (Y/N) moans, "These dumplings are delicious!" She turns to Izuku, "Izu-chan, you have to try this!"

"Huh?" He responds, "Oh, sure!"

Before the boy can use his chopsticks to pick up one of the dumplings, (Y/N) shoves one of the dumplings she was about to eat into his mouth. Izuku blushes for a moment in surprise, before he finally decides to chew his food.

"Wow, this is amazing!" He finally responds, "But this rice is tasty too!"

"I'll be the judge of that." (Y/N) chuckles, she tries to take some rice but Izuku does the same thing she did, and shoves some into her own mouth.

She chews it and grins, "It is tasty!"

"Can you two quit flirting?" a monotone voice asks, the four friends turn to see Hitoshi Shinso. He takes notice of Ochaco and stares at her blankly, "Oh, you're the girl with the fanfiction story about your friends, right?"

"Uh, yeah, that's me." Ochaco responds, "Why?"

"Well, who are those friends?" Hitoshi asks, "I've never heard their names before."

Shyly, (Y/N) raises her hand, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and that's Izuku Midoryia."

"Oh, so you two are dating then, right?"

Izuku blushes, "Ah, no we aren't."

Quietly, Tenya leans over towards Ochaco and whispers, "Not yet."

The two snicker, thankfully, not catching anyone's attention and watch as Hitoshi pries into (Y/N) and Izuku's private life and past. Eventually, he gets bored and heads back to a picnic table with his own classmates.

Later, the first years enter the stadium once more for the next game. Nemuri and the other teachers stand on the stage again, but as Izuku gets closer, he takes notice of the pages on the stage beside Nemuri's feet. His eyebrows scrunch up and he tries to think of possible games.

"For this game, every one of you first years are participating!" Nemuri announces, "It's a scavenger hunt! You'll all get papers with the items that you need on it. There are three of the exact same item spread around in the stadium, as well as the outside, this includes the stands. So if anyone in the crowd sees a suspicious item near them, please refrain from telling our students where they are! Anyways, to win, you must have the most items. You only need one of them, doubled items do not count! You are welcome to go about this game in any way you deem necessary. For example, breaking off into groups of classmates to get more ground covered in the hour you will be allowed to search for items."

Aizawa steps down and starts handing out pages.


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