Chapter Twenty-Two

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Play Colors of the Mind – Original Piece by Jacob's Piano

After the night before, Izuku and (Y/N) wake up refreshed. They head to the main area of Disney World and have fun on many rides. They head to the back of Disney, where there are many claw machines and other booths to earn prizes from. The two stand at a ring throwing game, both attempting to win the biggest prize. Izuku uses all three of his rings and only gets one on, while (Y/N) is on her final ring.

"I'll win the biggest prize for you, Izu-chan!" She says, grinning.

She throws her last ring, but it doesn't land on the pole. She groans, but they move on to the next game. Izuku can see that (Y/N) is physically upset with herself for not winning her best friend that prize.

"(Y/N)-chan," He says, "It's okay, it's just a cheap prize. Honestly, I think-" He covers his mouth, blushing at what he was about to say.

"You think what?" His crush responds, oblivious.

What Izuku was going to say was that (Y/N) was already the greatest gift he's ever gotten, but he's too shy to say her face.

"A-Ah, nothing!" He replies, swallowing in embarrassment.

Soon enough, the friends get on their final ride. 

The two sit together as the rollercoaster begins to move. The ride stars off fine. Izuku and (Y/N) are having the time of their lives. Suddenly, it stops. Everyone's heads jerk backwards onto their headrests. Most of the guests are unharmed or have minor injuries, but Izuku and five others...they are not. They hit their head so hard on the headrests that they immediately passed out from the pain.

The rollercoaster gets pulled back by the Disney staff, but (Y/N) refuses to leave her best friend behind. She holds onto his unconscious body while the EMTs attempt to pry her off. She continues to refuse, letting her hot tears fall from her (E/C) eyes. As they lay Izuku on a stretcher to rush him to the hospital, (Y/N) jumps in the ambulance, despite what the staff tell her. She ignores everyone and everything else, just to make sure Izuku is okay. She can't lose him, she can't lose anyone else.

After a few minutes, the EMTs and Disney staff explain to the public what happened on that ride. The emergency brakes that are used to slow down the ride if something goes wrong malfunctioned and stopped the ride too quickly. One of the tracks was slightly bent, and the computer realized this too late, stopping the ride just like its protocol tells it to. Izuku, as well as the five other guests hit their heads so hard that they are suspected of head injury or concussion.

"Izu-chan." (Y/N) whispers, "Can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me. God dammit...this is all my fault. I-If I hadn't have brought you here, this wouldn't have happened.."

"Ma'am, we don't know his condition yet, please wait before assuming the worst." The EMT sitting across from her says, "Either way, this is Disney's fault, not yours. It's not your fault that the ride stopped too quickly."

Instead of responding, the (H/C)-haired woman just gives the man the side-eye. When the ambulance finally arrives at the hospital and Izuku is laid down in his own room, (Y/N) takes a seat and decides to let the class know the situation. She texts the group chat, being sure to make it clear that she has no clue if Izuku is okay or not. Despite this, Ochaco, Tenya, and many other classmates begin to freak out.

When the doctor and nurses come in, they conclude that Izuku took major damage to his brain. The impact from his head and the headrest of the rollercoaster ride was so forceful, that his entire brain shook inside of his head, and caused him to go into a coma. The doctors tell (Y/N) that Izuku has a chance of waking up with no memory of her, or maybe other important people in his life, like Tenya, Ochaco, or even Inko. But, they also said that Izuku could just wake up and have to relearn how to walk or eat.

They allow the two to go back to Japan for further help, thus ending their trip. She gets help from some of the Disney hotel staff getting their stuff out of the hotel room, and getting to the airport. Once they're done, she gets help from the airport flight attendants to get Izuku in a comfortable seat. She falls asleep with the green-haired boy at her side, and wakes up fifteen hours later, thankfully, with him still there.

The two head to the hospital, where Izuku is given meds to help with any pain he might feel when he wakes up, and is put on a monitor. (Y/N) sits at his bedside, refusing to leave even after visiting hours. She passes out, and wakes up the next morning with red eyes. She gets up and goes to the bathroom. The day is mostly boring. Ochaco and Tenya come to visit, but later have to leave for their own lives. No one else comes that day. The next, all of class 1-A, minus Katsuki and Minoru show up. For the next three weeks, Izuku stays in a coma, and no one else comes to see him. (Y/N) though, she refused to leave his bedside for those three weeks.

Finally, on the fourth week, (Y/N) comes back from the bathroom to see Izuku sitting up, rubbing his eyes and head.

"Ugh, what happened?" He mutters, glancing around the room. 

"Izu-chan?" (Y/N) whispers, thinking that it's a dream.

The boy looks up with tired eyes and messy hair, his eyes are blank, like he doesn't recognize his best friend, "Huh? Who are you? How do you know my name?"

The (E/C)-eyed girl drops to the floor in shock, tears rushing to her eyes.

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