Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Ochaco and Tenya ended up dating a month and a few weeks after their first date together. All thanks to their best friends, (Y/N) and Izuku. Life was good. The group were closer than ever. Until one night, on Saturday. The group were sitting together, talking. Izuku glances at Tenya and Ochaco as the two leave together for the night. Tenya allows his girlfriend to leave first, holding the door for her. Izuku glances back at his girlfriend, realizing how much of a jerk he is. Of course, he's not. But his anxiety tells him otherwise. He doesn't feel like he deserves (Y/N), despite the obvious fact that they are made for each other.

"Babe?" The girl says, "Are you okay?"

"Oh..yeah, I just have a lot of homework to catch up on." He lies, "I'll see you later, okay?"

As the bell rings, signalling that the restaurant door has shut, (Y/N) realizes that this is the first night that Izuku has left without saying 'I love you.' She sighs, laying her head on the table. After five minutes, she finally gets up and heads home. She lays down on her bed and eventually falls asleep.

On Monday, Izuku and Tenya meet up earlier than school starts after the green-haired boy sends him an 'urgent' text message.

"What's wrong Izuku-kun?" Tenya questions.

"I just..." Izuku pauses, trying his best to keep the tears from flowing, "I don't feel like I deserve (Y/N)-chan. I'm not a gentleman in the slightest because I get so caught up with myself and the future that I forget to hold the doors for her, or bring her flowers, or do anything that other boyfriends like you do!"

Too late, here comes the waterworks.

Tenya sighs, hugging his best friend close, "You're not supposed to fit some sort of description. You are you, and (Y/N)-chan loves you for that. She doesn't expect you to be perfect. If she had anything that she didn't like, she'd be honest. You are perfect the way you are."

Izuku buries his face in the collar of Tenya's shirt, getting it wet with tears, "B-But what if-"

"No buts, Izuku-kun," The two boys turn to see Ochaco, "I asked her before Tenya-kun and I got together if she had any regrets about dating you. You know what she said? I regret not kissing him sooner."

Izuku's eyes well up with tears more, but this time, they're tears of joy. The three talk out the green-haired boy's feelings for a while before school starts.

Back in the classroom, (Y/N) sits alone. Katsuki sits at the other end of the class, but finally overcomes his stubbornness to talk to her and gets out of his seat.

"What do you want?" (Y/N) hisses, almost backing away at the sight of him.

"I need to tell you something," He replies, unfazed by her disgusted look, "It's important."

(Y/N) stares at him, waiting for his news.

"Deku-kun is cheating on you."

Shoto, in the background, squints. He knows that Katsuki wanted to break the two lovers apart since the Sports Festival, and he doesn't know that it's his fault that Izuku and (Y/N) almost did part ways. He quickly stands up, approaching the blond.

"I highly doubt that Midoryia-kun would work so hard to get with (L/N)-chan just to cheat on her." He says stoically, "You're only trying to get in between them."

Katsuki pushes the bi-haired boy away, "Shut up, go mind your own business, daddy issues!"

This definitely pissed Shoto off. Without thinking, he charges Katsuki and throws him to the ground. Tenya, Ochaco and Izuku enter the classroom at that moment. They notice the two boys on the floor first, then Izuku locks eyes with (Y/N).

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