Chapter Eight.

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I run down the few steps and make my way to him. He cups my cheeks and gives me a peck on the nose. Something he would always do when he sees me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him loud enough for him to hear me over the music.

"Came to see my hot badass novia!" He looks me up and down.

"Te dije que no me llamarás así." I glare at him.

"Si? Y desde cuando te hago caso?" I roll my eyes and lightly smack him. He chuckles and hugs me again.

Nick is more than my best friend but he's not my boyfriend. He and Jade were my partners in crime. The 3 of us together were always bad news.

We met when we were 6 and ever since then we would do everything together. In fact he was my first, everything. Literally everything, my first friend, first kiss, first time, etc.
Yeah I had Jade and the girls to hang out with, but Nick was always my first call to everything.

In your group of friends you always have that one person who you connect with more than the others. Nick was that person for me. When he left Jade and I got closer and she became my first call.

Summer before junior year Nick and I got into serious trouble and his parents decided to send him to boarding school in New York. He hasn't been back since then.

Mostly because his parents wouldn't let him come back, apparently I'm a 'bad influence'? Even though most of the things we did were Nicks ideas. Little did they know he was the mastermind of it all.

"How?" I ask him letting go.

"Finally convinced my parents." He says proudly. Thank the fucking gods! I give him one last hug and see him staring at something.

"Have you seen Jade?" I ask interrupting him from whatever he was staring at.

"Saw her playing beer pong and I know better than interrupt her so I came to find you instead." That's true interrupting Jade is a bad idea, Nick learned the hard way.
"Tell me why there's a dude looking at me like I just ran over his dog?" He points to his eyes behind me.

I turn and see Xander leaning on the stairs. Holy shit I totally forgot about him. Damn sorry man. He raises his eyebrow at me and I shrug making him shake his head.

Not today buddy.

"Finally replaced Dylan?" Nick smirks at me. I lightly smack his chest and he chuckles.
I shake my head and give Xander a glance and see him coming towards us. I hear nick mutter 'this is gonna be fun' and I glare at him.

"Sup Xanax." I look at him standing in front of Nick and I.

"Great name." Nick says laughing. Making Xander give him a glare. "Qué se le metió en el culo?" He says still. I shove Nick telling him to stop laughing so he wouldn't make me laugh.

"Nick, Xander. Xander, Ni-" I try saying but Nick cuts me off.

"Hi I'm Nicholas. Lennon's boyfriend." He smiles and puts his arm around me. I elbow him and he takes his arm off. I notice Xander has a shock face and I can't help but laugh.

He can't really believe this. If he does than he's dumber than I thought.

"You're annoying." I tell Nick and turn to Xander. "See you around?" He nods.

"Good. Now let's get shitfaced!" Nick grabs my hand and drags me away.

We each get 2 shots and down them. I text Jade to meet me in the kitchen ASAP and she practically comes running in.

"Nicholas!" She yells and runs to hug Nick almost tipping him over. The OG trio is back!

Eventually the rest of the group finds us and they all almost tip Nick over. Except for Sam who jumped on him and they both fell to the ground.

The rest of the night goes by with us drinking, dancing, and laughing at Dylan's bad singing.

The group is full again and I couldn't have it any other way.


This is a short chapter sorry guys wanted to get this night over with.

Didn't want to add it to the previous chapter so it can be suspenseful you know.

Next chapter will be sorta long, I had a lot to write in that chapter it's exciting.

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