Chapter Thirteen.

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It's game day.

I told everyone I'll meet them there, mostly because I wanted to take a nap and don't feel like picking anyone up. Austin has been texting me about our "date", he's picking me up tomorrow and what not. Don't care. Currently I'm getting ready to leave. Wearing the usual black jeans, stripped turtleneck, leather jacket and boots. It's getting colder which means outfits get better.

I get a text that everyone's already on their way so that's my queue to leave. I grab my bag and keys and head out.

As I'm parking Jade and Nick start walking towards me. I get out and meet them halfway.

"Lennon tell Jade she's wrong." Nick says immediately pointing at Jade.

"Jade you're wrong." I say and walk past them.

"Dumbass is telling me Scott is better than Stiles." Jade tells me and I stop and turn around to face him.

"Nick are you fucking stupid." I tell him and Jade gives him a look. "Without Stiles, Scott would've died in the first season. And that's facts." I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head. If you've seen Teen Wolf you know I'm right.

As we head up the bleachers to the group, Jade and Nick are still arguing about god knows what now. So I go and sit next to Danny and Sam ignoring them.

"What are they fighting about now?" Danny asks me while Jade and Nick sit in front of us.

"Don't even get them started." I shake my head and she chuckles. "When does this shit start again?"

"Soon I hope." She says checking her phone for the time.

"Where's Dylan?" I ask looking around.

"Trying to hit on a girl." Sam says motioning to Dylan who's at the bottom of the bleachers talking to some girl.

"Does he know she's a freshman?" I tilt my head and ask. Danny and Sam laugh.

"Don't think so." Sam tells me while we're watching him flirt with the poor child.

"Should we like, tell him?" Danny chuckles.

I stare at them for a bit before I shake my head. "Nah. Where's the fun in that."

We all start talking and laughing at Dylan's attempts on the poor girl. He must've seen us because he flicks us off and goes and sits with the girl. Soon enough Xander and Declan show up and sit next to us. The teams make their way to the field and from afar I see Austin staring at me from across the field. He makes a heart with his hands and I flick him off, with both my hands.

"What's the deal with you two?" Xander asks me with a curious look on his face. I was going to answer him but the coach blows his whistle, signaling the games about to start.

"Shh. Games starting." I tell him and nod to the field. He chuckles and faces the field while I hide a smile. Why? I don't know.

The games finally starting which means shits about to get real. If there's one thing we all take seriously, it's football. We all get so invested sometimes it can get out of hand. Like last year, where Sam and I cussed out the referee and we were kicked out of the game. Big misunderstanding if you ask me.



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