Chapter Eighteen.

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Detention began 5 minutes ago and I was now on my way. You see I needed a smoke and since I had to be "off school property" I had to go across the street to smoke.
Lol like I give a shit about that rule. I just wanted to avoid detention since half of the seniors will be there, and I hate crowded places. But since I don't want to expand my stay in detention, I eventually got up and walked.

And here I was opening the door to boredom.

I enter the room and on cue everyone's heads snap up to look who the hell walked in. I see Jade in the back and no surprise, I see Xander and Declan as well.

"Lennon. Why am I not surprised?" Says the only teacher I don't hate.

"Sup Mr. P. Miss me?" I say opening my arms and he shakes his head.

"No. Take a seat." He points but realizes there's nowhere to sit thanks to the incident in the cafeteria. Room is packed.

"Well Mr. P. Looks like you're stuck with me." I shrug and go to tap on a kids shoulder. He turns around and with my finger I motion for him to get up. He hands me his chair and I give him a smile.

I walk to the desk and place the chair facing the teacher.

"Did you just take that boys chair?" Mr.P asks me with a confused look on his face.

"No." I shake my head. "He gave me his chair. Right dude?" We look at him and he nods. Mr.P raises his eyebrow at me and I give him a grin.

"So Mr. P how you been?" I ask putting my elbows on his desk.

"There's no talking in detention. Girl have you learned nothing?" He tells me.

"Robert. My man. Do you realize who you're taking to." I say motioning my hands up and down.

"It's Mr. to you." He points at me.

"Okay Mr. Robert." I do air quotes on Mr. and lean back on my chair. He just sighs.

"Go sit with your friends and stop bothering me." He waves me away and I chuckle.

"Always great talking to you Mr. P." I tell him while I get up and drag my chair to the back of the room putting it up against the wall.

"Sup losers." I say sitting down and now realizing how bad it smells in here. "Geez couldn't they have put you guys in a separate room?" I tell Declan giving him a disgust look.

"That's exactly what I said." Jade points out. "Declan you stink."

"It's not that bad." He says while sniffing his own shirt. "I've smelled worse." He shrugs. I look at him but decide against asking him because I honestly don't want to know.

I lean back on my chair and turn to look at Xander who's on his phone. Wait. He wasn't in the cafeteria when everyone got caught. Why is he here?

"Hey, pretty boy." I say and kick his chair making him turn around with a raised eyebrow. "How'd you get detention?" I ask. "Wait. Did you get caught? Please tell me you got caught." I lean forward to hear what he has to say. Jade and Declan look at us curious as to what we are talking about.

Xander just looks at me and rolls his eyes.
"I was late to class, you buffoon." He tells me and goes back to his phone.

Well that was lame.

It's only been 10 minutes which means we still have like 40 minutes to go. And I don't know if I can last that long with this smell. Could always take a nap. Yea, I could use a nap. I pull my chair a little forward and lean my head back. Just as I close my eyes, I hear someone speak.

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