Fancy Supper

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Steves Pov.

I was holding Natalie in my arms, it was around 2.45am and Natasha was sleeping for once. Natalie may only be 5 months old, but I can already tell she'll be just like her mother.
Around 3:15am Natalie finally was back asleep, I crawled back into bed trying my best not to wake Natasha beside me. Unfortunately she was already up, "Is Natalie okay?" She asked in a tired voice. I went closer to her and wrapped my arms around her body. "She's perfectly fine. Did I wake you?" Natasha rolled over and faced me, she shook her head no, "I woke up a few minutes after you got up." I made a 'o' shape with my mouth and laid my head on the pillow. She yawned and told me she was going to go back to sleep. I nodded and also closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up again to find Natasha's side of the bed empty. I buried my face in my pillow before looking at the time, it was 8.17am. I sat up and yawned, that's when Natasha walked in holding Natalie. "Morning sleepyhead." Natasha said still standing in the doorway. I sighed and got up walking over to them. "How my two girls this morning?" Natalie smiled and let out a squeal. Natasha laughed, "I think she's doing good. She just wants her daddy to put a shirt on." I chuckled at Natasha's comment, then I replied. "But does her mommy want him to put a shirt on?" Natasha rolled her eyes, "She's the boss, not me." Natalie let out another squeal. I put my hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay, you win." I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt and threw on some pants.
(Time: 15.46)
Nat and I just stayed in our apartment all day playing with Natalie. We hoped the other avengers didn't mind her loud squeals, the walls weren't the thickest here.
Natalie was so close to crawling, it was unbelievable. She'd get into a crawling position but as soon as she tried to move, she'd lose her balance and fall. She never cried when she fell, she got right back up, she definitely had her mothers strength.
I knew we wouldn't be staying in the tower all day today though. I had plans for tonight, I called Clint and Sam earlier this week to see if they would babysit tonight. When they gladly agreed I went ahead and make reservations at a fancy restaurant I knew Natasha would love, and it was perfect for this evening.
Clint and Sam said they'd come around 16.00, the reservations were at 17.30 it was hard to get reservations the time I wanted but, this would do. It was almost 16.00, so I decided to get up and shower.
Once I got out I threw on the clothes I had on earlier, not wanting to make Natasha suspicious. The minute I walked out to the living room, there was a knock on the door, Sam and Clint. I told Nat I'd get it, she nodded and stayed seated playing with Natalie on the little play mat we got her. I smiled at the sight, she was such a great mother. I opened the door pretending to be surprised to see Sam and Clint. My acting skills had gotten better, but they still could improve.
"Hey, want are you two doing here?" I asked. Natasha fell for it and looked up from the child in front of her. "Thought you two could use a break, when was the last time you two went out?" Clint replied. Natasha picked up Natalie and walked over to stand beside me. "We'll babysit, you two go have a fun night. We'll drop her back off around 19.00." Natasha hesitated, she hadn't left Natalie since she was born, she didn't want her child to be taken, she knew the red room would be out for revenge. "Really? Thanks guys. I think that would be nice, what about you Nat?" Natasha pressed her lips together, she could trust Clint and Sam, and Steve's acting wasn't fooling her. She knew he had something planned so she agreed. "Sure, why not." She slowly handed Natalie over to Clint. While I went and got Natalie's to go bag, it had a few toys, diapers, basically everything they needed for her. I thanked them again before shutting the door.
"Steve what do you have planned?" Natasha asked once the door was shut.
"Oh nothing, go put on something nice though."
"Yea, nothing, okay. Your still a terrible lair." She said before walking to the bedroom to get ready.
Natasha came out a few minutes later with a nice black dress that hugged her curves and had a v neck, it also a a slit on one side that went just a little but past her knee. Her make-up was all done. I stared at her like I've never seen her in a dress before, she looked absolutely beautiful. She smirked at me, "Do I really look that bad Rogers?" I shook my head no, "Natasha you look absolutely gorgeous." She blushed a bit before saying thanks. I went to go get changed, I put on some nicer clothes, not super fancy, just something I would wear to of Tony's parties. I made sure that one important thing was inside my pocket before walking out to see Natasha.
A little while later we were both ready and I drove down to the restaurant, I really hoped she would enjoy this.
Once we finally got to the restaurant I hopped out and opened Natasha's door. We walked inside hand in hand. Once she saw the inside her face lit up, her smile was my favourite thing. I told the waiter I had a reservation and she led us to our table. The restaurant had a dance floor in the middle with tables surrounding it.  Our table was a few tables away from the dance floor, I knew Nat would like it better if we weren't right beside but weren't to far away from the dancer floor.
After ordering some drinks and food, we talked for a bit. Then I asked if she wanted to dance. She smiled and nodded, "Do you know how to yet?" I shook my head no, "I was waiting for the right partner." She smiled and stood up, I stood up as well. "Come, I'll teach you." I nodded and we walked together to the dance floor.
Once we got to the dance floor she took my hands and put them on her waist, then put her hands around my neck. "Now we sway to the music." I nodded and looked down to make sure I wasn't stepping on her feet. She put her hand under my chin and titled my head up so I was looking in her eyes. "Don't look down, if you step on my feet it's fine, I've felt worse." I nodded and swayed along to the music with her. She put her head on my chest and swayed along with me. "This is way easier than the 40s, I like it." She lifted her head and chuckled. I smiled at her, then bent down for a kiss. She kissed me back but then pulled away and looked over at our table. "I think our food is here." I looked over and nodded, "Hungry?" She took her hands from my neck and held my hand instead. "Yeah." I nodded and we walked back to the table.
After eating we talked for a bit. I knew this would be a perfect time for my surprise and reason for setting this all up. She was looking down at her water and playing with the straw. I made sure that the box was still in my pocket, it was. I stood up from my chair and walked over to hers. "Steve what are you doing?" She asked looking at me. I took in a deep breath and knelt down on one knee and pulled out the box. Her eyes widened at the sight. "Natasha Romanoff, I love you more than anything in this world. I never want to leave your side, I want to help you whenever you need it. I want to give you and Natalie the best life ever. Will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" She held her hands up to her mouth and nodded, "Of course, of course I will." I smiled and stood up and hugged her. "Really?" I asked while slipping the ring on her finger. She nodded with tears of joy in her eyes, "Yes, really. Steve, I love you too." She admired the ring before realizing what it was. "Where did you find this?" She asked. I smiled and replied, "In an antique store with Tony." Some tears were rolling down her cheeks, I wiped them away. "How did you- I though it burned with the fire, I- how did it end up in America?" She stuttered, she had no words. I shrugged, "I'm not sure, do you like it?" She looked up at me and nodded, "I love it Steve." I smiled, I knew she would. It was her mothers ring, I knew it was her cause it had Romanova inscribed in it. "Thank you." She smiled. I hugged her again, "Anything for you."
On the drive home she kept looking at the ring, I knew it was a good one to use. Then she looked to me, "So this was your big plan wasn't it?" I glanced at her and then looked back at the road, "Yes."  She smiled, "Maybe if Natalie can walk in time she can be our little flower girl." I chuckled a bit and nodded, "Yep."
We got to the tower around 18.25, Clint and Sam would be bringing Natalie back in 45 minutes. We walked up to our small apartment hand in hand, her head was on my shoulder. I could tell she was tired, so was I, Natalie wasn't going to sleep the entire night. 
I opened the door and we walked in. Clint and Sam would be here in about 30 minutes. She went to change into comfortable clothes and I flopped on the couch.
Soon she came into the living room, I sat up and she laid down with her head on my lap. I turned on tv and played with her hair. A little while later she fell asleep and I shut the tv off. That's when Sam and Clint came in with Natalie in Clint's arms. I turned my head to face them and Natalie let out a small squeal when she saw me. I smiled and carefully got up trying not to wake up Natasha.
I went over to them and took Natalie who was smiling, she instantly curled up once she was in my arms. "Nat's out?" Clint asked. I looked back at Natasha who you couldn't see since the back of the couch was in the way. "Yep, she was tired." He nodded and Sam spoke up, "So how did tonight go?" I smiled, "Perfect, she loved it." Both Clint and Sam smiled, "Congrats man, you two are perfect for eachother." Sam said first. Clint spoke next, "I'm glad she found someone like you. She deserves the best, but I swear Steve don't you hurt her and I'll kill you." Clint and Natasha had always had a close sibling like bond. Clint treated her like she was his younger sister. "Thanks guys. She deserves the world, and I promise I won't hurt her, you've reminded me enough times and I love her." I said. Clint chuckled a bit, "I know you won't, I just worry, she had to go through so much as a child." I nodded and Sam stayed silent not knowing as much about her as much as Clint and I. "Yeah, but she's strong and I will make sure nothing will happen." I said being serious now. Clint nodded.
After a while Clint and Sam left and I took Natalie to her room. She was still cuddled up against my chest and her eyes were barely open.
I sat down in the rocking chair in her room and she looked up at me. I smiled and she reached one of her hands up to my face. I kissed the top of her head and rocked her to sleep.
Once she finally fell asleep I put her in her crib and put a few blankets on top on her before closing the door and walking out to the living room.
//AN: This was based off a role play (again), I changed a few things but kept the main idea. Like I said some of these will be based on this one role play group chat. The ring idea was my own idea, the restaurant was the only thing that was the same. Don't worry Jess some of my favourite Romanogers moments from poptarts and the other roleplay will be in here. Love you guys 3000!

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