Christmas (2)

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//this is Christmas day, it's the squeal, I guess, to the last Christmas chapter.

Natasha woke up with tiny hands pulling her arm, trying to get her out of bed. "Come on Auntie Nat. It's Christmas." The young girl whined. Natasha groaned, she usually got up early, but she hated being woken up by other people. She yawned and sat up, only to see the same thing happening to Steve. The Barton kids were impatient, especially when it came to Christmas. Natasha grabbed her pillow and smacked Steve in the face, "Get up sleeping beauty." Steve just groaned and moved a little, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Steve Rogers is not a morning person. Cooper and Lila both laughed at Natasha's comment.  Nat got up from bed and whispered something in Cooper's ear. The young boys face lit up instantly and he ran to the bathroom connected with the guest room. 

Cooper came back a few seconds later with a glass of water, he walked slowly to not spill it. Lila jumped up and down in excitement, she had only seen this in the movies. Nat took the water from Cooper and dumped it on Steve's face. Steve shot up from bed, it worked. "This is the best way to start Christmas! Let's do it every year!" Lila shouted. Steve shook his head at the comment, "How about that never happens again?" Natasha smirked and put the empty cup on the nightstand. "It's Christmas, get up." Steve sighed before actually getting up to at least put on a shirt and sweatpants before getting pulled down the stairs by Lila. Natasha and Cooper walked down the stairs a little bit slower, "Your dad ever sleep in?" Cooper nodded at Natasha's question. Natasha just chuckled, "Well now you know how to wake him up." Cooper grinned a devilish grin, "Yeah!"

All three kids sat around the tree, some more impatient than others. Natasha sat on the same couch as she was a few nights ago holding a warm cup of coffee. "Do I want to know why Steve's hair and shirt is wet?" Natasha chuckled while Steve frowned sitting down beside Nat. Natasha pushed him away, "You're too wet, come back when your dry." She joked. But of course this just made Steve sit closer to her. Nat squealed. Steve answered Clint's question, "Nat dumped water on me." Clint nodded and Laura chuckled. 

"Can we open yet?" Lila whined. She was the most impatient, by far. Laura nodded, "Go ahead sweetheart." Lila didn't need to be told twice, she grabbed a present with her name and ripped it open. Cooper did the same, meanwhile Nate was just confused. Laura went and sat over by him and helped him, he was still pretty young, only 1 and a half. 

It didn't take long before all the presents were opened. Lila was opening them out of the boxes to play with, Cooper did the same. Nate got a little dinosaur stuffed animal and he was just curled up on the floor with it, other presents surrounding him. 

Steve was dry again, and that meant Natasha was curled up against him once more. She would have helped Laura with lunch, but Laura refused. Every year it was the same story, kids open presents, two minutes of sitting, Laura starts lunch, Clint and Steve help the kids open the presents (occasionally Natasha does too), Natasha offers to help Laura but Laura refuses, so Nat sits on the couch and watches.

 This year, Cooper got a model air plane, and it was hilarious watching Clint try to figure it out. Lila didn't have any confusing toys to set up, so Steve was off the hook. 


"Lunch is ready." Laura called from the kitchen. That ended with Lila dragging Natasha to the table, Lila needed to sit by Nat, trust me, it never ended well when she didn't. 

The food was all amazing, and very filling. Laura always did a good job of cooking Christmas lunch every year. After every one ate, the table was full of 'thank you's and other compliments (usually from Steve, being the gentlemen he is). But there is never a dull moment during Christmas with the Barton's, and Rogers I guess. Nate thought it would be a good idea to throw his spoon of mash potatoes at Clint, which made Natasha snicker. Clint frowned and 'discretely' threw some of his left over corn he couldn't eat (he was to full) at Nat. This ended with a full on food war that Laura and Steve were in the middle of trying to stop it. 

Once the war finally stopped, it took over an hour to clean the kitchen. Laura made Nat, Clint, Cooper, and Lila clean it all while she put Nate down for a nap, and Steve watched in amusement.

The rest of the day was filled with playing with toys, trying to figure out how to work the toys, and maybe one fist fight between Clint and Nat being the 'siblings' they are, but that's no ones business. 


At the end of Christmas Natasha and Steve helped put the kids to bed, since they would leave tomorrow afternoon. But the couple was tired so they went to bed early. 

When Natasha came out of the shower, she found Steve sitting in bed reading. Natasha smirked and jumped on top of him. Steve jumped in surprise, he really didn't expect that. Nat chuckled a little before rolling off of him and onto her side of the bed. Steve put his book away and kissed the side of her head, "Merry Christmas my love." Natasha smiled and turned her head to kiss him on the lips instead, she smiled against his lips and replied, "Merry Christmas."

//Merry Christmas guys!! If you don't celebrate, Happy Holidays! Sorry that this chapter wasn't the best, in my opinion the first one was better, but they do say that most of the time the sequels aren't as good (even though this wasn't really a sequel). Sorry that there wasn't much romanogers in these two chapters, I just thought it would be cute if they spent Christmas with the Barton family, you guys know I live for Clint and Natasha's friendship! Anyways, I hope you all have  a fantastic day. xx

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