James Rogers

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Backstory: After going on a mission, Steve sacrifices himself  to save the world, leaving his wife, Natasha, with two young kids. James and Sarah Rogers, James is only 6 years old but adapts quickly after two weeks of his fathers death. Sarah is only 3, she is confused of everything and doesn't really understand. 

James POV

It's been two weeks since my dad passed away, two weeks since the mission that broke my mother, two weeks since I've seen my mother smile, two weeks since I've been a normal 6 year old boy. I adapt to my surroundings fast, and after realizing my father wasn't coming home, I stopped acting like a normal 6 year old. Yeah, it's hard loosing someone  you love, but my mother is definitely not the same person she was before all of this. 

First off, she's not sleeping, and if she is, it really doesn't sound like she's getting a good sleep. I am a night owl, I'll usually stay up late reading, and every night I hear a silent click coming from her room. It's so small, I can barely hear it. After the click you can hear metal accidentally  swinging and hitting the bed frame, and then you hear a drawer opening and closing. Whatever this is, she hides it well. Whenever I go to try to see what's making that noise when she is training, nothing is in her drawer, just a photo or her and my father. My mind likes to say it's handcuffs, but I guess that's just my 6 year old imagination, handcuffs would be crazy. Wouldn't it?
To go with the fact of her sleep, the metal noise is not the only thing I can hear. 
When she does fall asleep, I can hear silent sobs and sometimes screams. Some nights she'll speak in what I assume is Russian, and other nights she repeats my father's name over and over again. It worries me that I can hear this, especially when she deny's it happening each time I ask. This never happened when father was here, not even when he went on missions. Either dad calmed her down when these night terrors happened, or she can't remember a thing. 

Another thing that has changed is the amount of time she spends with Sarah and I. Don't get me wrong, it's great, I love my mother. But she knows we are the only thing she really has left of him, and she doesn't want to lose us too. 

She claims that Sarah has her dad's eyes and hair, which is 100% true. Sarah is literally the 3 year old girl Steve Rogers . Mom says that when Sarah grows up she will act just like her father too, the kind hearted no bully type of human. 
My mother says that I have my father's strength, not only cause I got the super solider gene, I have his strength of never giving up. I also have his face shape, not features, my bright red hair and emerald eyes look exactly like my mother's. 

Being only 3, Sarah just thinks dad is on an extended mission, and neither my mother or I have the heart to tell her he's never coming home. We'll tell her soon, maybe in a few weeks. 

~10 years later~

It has been exactly ten years since the mission. My mother has gotten better, but the long nights never stop, and neither did the metal clicking. Sarah is 13 now, she barely remembers dad and always gets sad if someone brings up his name. Don't get me wrong, even after ten year's it's hard to talk about him, but Sarah just wishes she knew him. God, mom can't even speak his name without bursting into tears, she's been broken ever since he passed. She never got into dating again, she claims she was to busy with us and work. 

Trust me, after a month since the mission, we went to Uncle Clint's for a while. She buried herself in so much work so she could keep her mind busy. Literally every mission she was sent on was finished quickly, to quickly.

I know it's been 10 years, but this all feels fake. I mean why can't this just be like the time he "died" in the 1940s?! It's not fair that he had to leave his family, I wish this was just like when he went into the ice. When he was really just sleeping, and he was alive.

//AN: guys I am so so sorry for not updating in forever and then giving you this small short sad one shot. I have been stressed with online school and over whelmed with everything, I will try to write on here more often. I hope you all understand x

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