Hide and Seek

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Natasha's POV

It was later afternoon, around 19.15, I was trying to find a good spot to hide from Clint, the game ended in fifteen minutes, and I needed to win, again. We played a game of hide and seek one full week, every month. Only exception would be missions, or family matter, but mostly missions. 

I was wondering around the sleeping halls, I knew that only my room and Clint's room were the only room we could hide in, but he would find me there. I could crawl into the vents, but it was a easy hiding place, somewhere he'd look right away. 

It took me a few seconds to think about it but once I passed Steve's room, I knew where Clint would never find me. Besides Steve is my boyfriend, it's not cheating, I can hide here. 

Steve's POV

I was sitting in my small sitting area listening to my older music and sketching when I heard someone come in my room, it was 19.16, who just comes into my room this late. I closed my sketch book and turned around to see a certain redhead looking around. "What are you looking for, it's not like you haven't been in here before." I asked her right away. Natasha kept looking around, getting closer to me by the second. Not looking up she replied, "Hide and seek, Steve. It ends in fourteen minutes and I need to win, again." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth before stopping my music and standing up walking towards her. 

She had found her way into the kitchen and stopped when she got to one of the cupboards. She had a smirk on her face when she opened it. I sighed and leaned on the counter, "Really? You're gonna hide in there? What are you gonna do with all the pots that will be left out, he'll know your in there." She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Cook something, you're not a bad cook, besides he won't figure it out." She turned back to the cupboard and started to take the pots out of it. "Who eats this late at night? It's 19.20 Nat." I asked as she waved for me to come over to help her inside. I walked over and helped her climb up, not that she couldn't do it on her own. "Shortie." I smirked after she was inside. She rolled her eyes and got comfy, "I barely ate all day, all week to be exact, neither has Clint. That's why I could use a little bit of food, and that's why I can't loose, loser buys winner lunch, and we usually order a lot of food. Even though I was trained not to eat for months, it's fun to watch him get mad knowing I'm not even that hungry." I nodded and grabbed some raw noodles from the pantry and started boiling the water. "Want me to close the door? Or leave it open until he comes." She looked at me like I was crazy, "Obviously close it, he could come through the vents, it's 19.22 he could come any second."  I walked over, kissed her cheek to bug her and shut the door. 

She was pretty quiet, I kind of forget she was there a couple of times. Her noodles were almost done when someone knocked on the door. I went to go answer it, and wasn't surprised to see Clint looking a little mad. It was 19.26 the game was finished in four minutes, so he was probably mad he couldn't find Natasha. 

"Hey Clint, what's-" I had started before he cut me off. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes, he took this game seriously, "Alright Rogers, where's Nat?" I made the best confused face I could, but he was a spy and I was a terrible lair, odds are that he probably could see right through me. "I'm not sure what your talking about Clint." Oh yea, he could see right through me, that was bad. Natasha was probably listening to this and face palming. "Your lying Rogers, she's not anywhere else." He crossed his arms, he really didn't want to lose. "She's a good spy, Clint. She could be moving around, I mean who would stay in one spot?"I asked him, that lie wasn't terrible, but still not great. I did see him think about this one though, he might have bought it. "Besides, the game ends in three minutes, you're wasting your time here. Go find her." I added on.  He slowly nodded, "I know where she is, thanks Rogers, sorry to bug your late night snack." He said before he left. I opened my mouth to say something about the food, but it would have given away Natasha's hiding spot, I decided to leave it. 

I finished cooking Nat's pasta around 19.29, she was still really quiet, I really want to know how she kept herself entertained. I put her pasta in a bowl and set it on the table for her to eat once she was done hiding. It wasn't a fancy set up, but it was nice enough, I wanted it to be a little nicer since she hasn't eaten in a few days.

Right at 19.30, on the dot. She jumped out of the cupboard and yelled, "Ha Clint! I win!" I couldn't help myself to not chuckle when she said that. She looked at me and then the pasta, then me again. She started walking my way, "Thanks Steve, it looks really good-" She was cut off by Clint coming down from the vents with an angry look on his face. He looked at Nat, "Fine, tomorrow I take you for lunch, my treat." He grumbled. Then he turned to face me, "Lair." I just smirked. That's when Nat spoke up, "Now now Clint, don't be a poor sport." She said it mockingly but also had a huge smirk plastered on her face. Clint rolled his eyes at her before replying to her comment, "I thought only our rooms were allowed, you technically cheated." Nat crossed her arms and replied very quickly to Clint, "Yea well, with how much time I spend here, it's almost like my room. I vote we can hide in here now." I opened my mouth, did I really want these two hiding in my room? "Uh, how-" Clint cut me off, "Yea, that's true, besides, like you two are really going to have separate rooms much longer, Steve better get used to this." I glared at his comment. Nat gave him a very deadly glare, and if looks could kill he'd be on the floor within seconds. "So we both agree Steve's room is no longer off limits for hiding?" Clint asked reaching his hand out for her to shake. Nat smirked, stopped her glare and shook his hand. "Deal." They shook hands and I stood there with my mouth wide open, "Don't I get a say in this?" I asked. Nat pressed her lips together, and Clint shook his head, "No, no you don't." He said. Then he turned to Nat, "Tomorrow, lunch, please forget." He said as he walked out. "I won't!" She called back. He flipped her off while she returned the favour. 

When Clint finally left she sat down at the table and started to eat her pasta. I sat down across, "So you got any other plans tonight?" She swallowed and pressed her lips together, "Not that I have planned." I slowly nodded, "Want to stay here tonight?" She smirked, "I think you know that answer." I nodded, "I think I do." 

//AN: I'm just going to let you guys decide how that night ends. Anyways I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update much, school is busy, and I have volleyball almost every day of the week. I hope you guys understand, I'll try my best to be more active. Ily 3000. <3  

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