The Haunted Maze

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//AN: quick back story that I'm not writing cause it's not romanogers. Clara (Jess' oc, sister of Wanda) and Peter went to a corn maze with a few friends, got attacked. They called Steve to come help, (Clara and Steve have a very close father daughter relationship.) knowing he'd come. Steve came, along with Natasha, people ending up getting really hurt, and some of the teens ended up at the hospital. Deciding to go back the next day, Steve told Tony, Tox (another oc, Wanda and Clara's brother), Wanda, Bucky, and Clint. They picked them up at the tower and went back to the farm to fight the dog demons. Clara tells Steve about how she saw Strucker there as well. What happens when they go fight the dog demons, (we named them Hell Hounds) is interesting. Yea, this is based on a role play me and Jess did, and she kept aTtAcKiNg mE. I did change it a little bit though. 

Steve's POV: 

As we pulled up to the farm once again it sent shivers down my spine. It wasn't pitch black out this time, it was late morning. Not a white cloud in the blue sky, the corn danced in the slight wind outside. I stopped looking out the window to look at my girl friend beside me. The Russian assassin was looking down playing with her hands, she always did that when she was nervous. I gently reached out and took one of her hands. She looked up, her emerald eyes met my ocean blue eyes. I gave her a small smile and kissed her hand, just to let her know everything would work out fine. No one was going to get hurt, not on my watch at least. 

I slowly stood up from my seat, Tony, Clint, Wanda, and everyone looked at me. I cleared my throat and recited the plan, "Alright we all have our assignments. Clara, Wanda, and Bucky will go find Strucker, Tox and I on back-up if they should need it. Clint, Tony, Natasha, Peter, and Tox will come with me, we'll deal with the hell hounds. Be careful and stay safe, this is a dangerous mission, for those coming with me, we have no idea what these hell hounds are. Be ready for anything." I took a deep breath and then said a few last words to the team. "Don't be afraid to ask for help if you feel you are getting attacked way to much. We should all have our coms on and active, alright, good luck guys." I sat back down beside Natasha who was loading her guns, I grabbed my shield.

Everyone walked out of the vehicle, and once I saw Clara she came over to me and gave me a hug. We were close, after she moved here I had felt bad, she mad lost so much. Gaining her trust was the best thing I could ask for from her, ever since then I had been her father figure.

I hugged Clara back and whispered in her ear, "Be careful Clara, I'm ready to come if you guys need help." I felt her nod and pull out of the hug a bit, "I'm always careful Steve." she smirked. I hugged her tight before walking over to Bucky to talk to him before leading my own group towards the maze. 

As I walked up to him I smirked, "Don't do anything stupid Buck." He smiled, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." I smiled back and walked over to my group ready to lead them into the maze. 

A little while into the maze I heard something. Something rustling in the corn fields, and it wasn't the wind. "Eyes up. Stay sharp." I told them. We all stood still, waiting for an attack. Clint pulled back his bow, he had had an arrow ready since they entered, Natasha had both hands on her gun, looking everywhere, she wouldn't miss an attack. That's when the first hell hound pounced, right onto Tox. Right away Clint shot it, never missing a target, the arrow hit the creature and died right on Tox. Tox frowned and pushed it off, "Ew." Was all he said. Clint looked at the dead thing to get a better view of what they looked like. "Wow Cap, these things sure are ugly." Tox rolled his eyes, "Way to state the obvious." Clint got another arrow, "He's just like his brother, doesn't he remind you guys of him?"Nat sighed and shut up her best friend, "Shut up Clint. Focus." She hissed at him, you could hear a hint of her Russian accent. 

The first hell hound must had been a distraction, because right that second after Nat hissed at Clint, a lot more attacked. Way more than one. They came from all over, no one could see them coming. Natasha shot her guns and kicked them, killing one by one. Peter was swinging around webbing up the hell hounds for Tox to take care of. Clint shot his arrows, but once it got to difficult to grab a new arrow he turned his bow into a stick (like in Civil War) and fought them off that way, Tony was blasting them, he was in the sky. I threw my shield and fought them off, not to bad. Not yet. 

Author's POV:

Meanwhile the other group had travelled to the shed Clara had seen Strucker yesterday. They entered with caution, all knowing Strucker well. Bucky held his gun up, ready to shoot, Clara had turned invisible to go ahead of the other two. 

On the way here they had made a plan. Wanda was to play her mind games with Strucker, Clara and Bucky would be getting answers out of him. They'd kill them later. 

When Clara entered a small room she saw someone's back turned to her, she assumed it was Strucker. But the closer she got, the more she realised, it was not Strucker.  "Who is this guy?" She thought as she walked closer. She became visible, anyone could see her now. But once she got close enough the teen turned around, facing her, with a syringe in his hand. Before she could yell or do anything, he grabbed her and pierced her skin with it, shoving her into a closet. 

The attack wasn't horrible, we were all doing our jobs. Assuming everyone was fine over in the other group, we weren't to distracted. No one was hurt badly, a few cuts and bruises on a few faces, but nothing horrible. 

These hell hounds were smart though, figuring out who was in charge and distracting the others. At least five hell hounds distracted each avenger, but Steve, Steve had way more than five. At least 15 hell hounds were attacking him,he reached up to ask for help when he was pushed to the ground and broke his com. He got back up and killed most of the 15, but once one bit his ankle, he had to bite his tongue to hold his wince. He kept fighting, ignoring the pain shooting through his leg. He killed the one that bit him, but being the smart creatures they were, that one was just a distraction. He felt another hound sink his teeth into the same spot, making it deeper, deep enough so that once it pulled out blood ran out like a waterfall. Steve screamed in pain and killed the hell hound, after that he collapsed to the ground from the blood loss. Hell hounds covered his corpse, hoping they could finish him off.

Natasha's eyes widened once she heard a scream. She killed the last hell hound coming for her before looking around, she knew who screamed and he never screamed. She saw his the light reflect off his shield before he fell to the ground and she ran, she ran like she did in KGB. 

When Natasha got to Steve her eyes widened once more, Clint and Tox were already here and fighting the hell hounds that were once on top of Steve, Natasha didn't hesitate to pull them off and kill them. Once they were done that Natasha fell beside Steve, she might never have cried in front of anyone, but her eyesight blurred from tears building up. Tox put up a force field so no more of the hell hounds could come in. 

Natasha stroked Steve's blonde hair, "Steve?" She almost choked out. When he didn't reply she swallowed, her eyes closed for a second, this couldn't happen. She saw the blood pouring out of his ankle and quickly crawled over to put pressure on it so it could stop. "N-Nat-tasha." she heard him choke out a few words and she immediately put her foot on the wound to apply pressure and moved towards him.  "Steve." She weakly smiled, a few tears rolled down her cheeks, "It's going to be okay, we'll get you to a hospital." She told him seriously. Steve weakly shook his head, his hand weakly reached for her face, "T-to la-late." He coughed, he was dying and everyone knew it. Natasha placed her hand over his, and shook her head, "No, no it's not, it's not, we have time. I can get Stark-" Tears were coming down fast and she was choking on her words. Steve looked at her with a weak smile, "I l-love yo-you." Was the last thing he said before he took his last breath. 

Natasha leaned down to put her face on his, his hand still in hers. "I, love you too."

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