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It was a cold afternoon, Natasha, Steve and the Barton family were picking out a Christmas tree. Lila and Cooper were running around the tree farm dragging Natasha along with them. Steve, Clint and Laura, who was holding baby Nathaniel, walking slowly behind them. 

Every tree they would stop at would consist of being obsessed with it for about one minute before seeing a new tree and running over to it. They had been at the tree farm for nearly 45 minutes now, and they had finally found the absolute perfect tree. Lila looked up to the tree, "Woah. It's perfect." She then looked up at Natasha, "What do you think Auntie Nat?" Natasha looked down at the young girl and picked her up, "I think it's the best one ever." Cooper nodded agreeing with the girls and then waved to his parents and Steve to come faster, "We found it!" He yelled. 

When Clint, Laura, and Steve had caught up with Natasha and the kids, Lila didn't hesitate to ask, "What do you think daddy?" Clint examined the tree because he knew it would bug Lila and Cooper. Lila groaned in Natasha's arms and Natasha chuckled.  Clint smirked, then he shrugged and faced Lila, "I mean, I guess it will do." Cooper frowned, so did Lila. Clint lightly chuckled, "I'm joking it's prefect."


Once they got back to the farm Lila was jumping up and down in excitement as Steve and Clint hauled the tree into the house. Once they had it in the perfect place in the living room Clint fell onto the couch, "I've said it every year, and I'll say it again. Those trees are heavy." Lila laughed and then jumped onto her dad's lap, "At least we have uncle Steve, daddy." Clint just nodded. 

It took awhile, but eventually the tree was all decorated and looked ready for Christmas. There was only a few fights, not between the kids, between Clint and Natasha. Mostly about how they would hang the angel (the tree topper) this year, cause let's face it, the other years never really worked, and the kids always picked a tall tree. Then Natasha started a marshmallow war with Clint, instead of putting the marshmallows in the hot chocolate like she was supposed to. And a few others, only one ornament had been broken though, that's a new record.

We all know what comes next after decorating the tree, having a hot chocolate break, and then they would hang up lights outside. Hanging up lights is what got really interesting. If we recall to last year; there was a snowball fight, Clint and Natasha had a competition who could hang the lights the fastest, and Clint and Natasha had the kids, and Steve (Laura was cooking), see who could climb up to the roof, with no ladder, the fastest.


Clint, Nat, Steve, and the two older Barton children went outside to hang up lights. Laura stayed inside with Nate to see if he'd go down for a nap. 

Clint had grabbed a ball of tangled Christmas lights, while Steve was trying to untangle another ball, but ended up getting them tangled all over him. Oh well, he was entertainment for Lila and Cooper. Not to mention, Natasha was already on top of the roof waiting for Clint and Steve to untangle the lights. They were going to try not to start a light war this year. 

After waiting on the roof for a few minutes Natasha sighed, she had her hands on her hips and yelled down to the boys, "Untangling lights harder then fighting Hydra?" She had a smirk on her face and could see both Steve and Clint roll their eyes. "For your information, I was trained to fight, not to untangle this mess." Steve said, still trying to unwrap himself. Clint nodded at Steves comment and added, "You chose to be my friend and marry him." That ended up with at least five snowballs coming his way. 

After what seemed like forever, Steve finally had gotten out of his lights, and they were all untangled, and Clint, well, he was close. While Steve and Nat took care of hanging the lights on the roof, Clint and his kids hung them on the porch. The lights went well with the snowman Lila and Cooper made while waiting for the lights to be untangled. 


It must have been sometime around 20.45 when Clint and Laura finally called quits and put Lila and Cooper to bed. 

After all the kids were asleep Clint, Laura, Nat, and Steve were all in the living room talking. Natasha was curled up against Steve, it had been a long day and she was ready to sleep. Pretty sure Clint was the first to pick up on her tiredness, she had nodded to everything he'd said. "Someone's ready for bed." He remarked. Natasha nodded and looked up at Steve, he didn't look terribly tired, it was only 21.15 after all. "Yea, Steve you can go to sleep if you want." Steve lightly chuckled, "I think he was talking to you, Nat." 

Natasha frowned, "I'm not tired, not the slightest bit." But of course, just because she had said that, she yawned. "дерьмо (shit)"  That earned a chuckle from all the adults in the room. Natasha just frowned at them. "The guest room is ready for you two when your tired." Laura added.

Steve nodded, "Thank you, Laura. I'm getting a little bit tired, I'm probably going to get some sleep." Natasha frowned at his comment, she was comfortable, and the last thing she wanted to do was move. Clint nodded at Steve, "I agree, besides, the closer it gets to Christmas, the more hyper these kids get. Drink an extra cup of coffee each morning, keeps me going." Laura rolled her eyes at her husband before slapping him on the arm. Natasha just smirked while Steve chuckled. 

Natasha finally gave into her sleepiness and got up, "I'm going to sleep, good night." 

Steve followed her, "Me too, see you guys in the morning." 

"Good night-" Laura told them, she was cut off by Clint though. He had a smirk on his face and told the two avengers, "Keep it PG, I don't want to wake up to sexual noises." Natasha just rolled her eyes at replied, "Same goes for you. I don't want to wake up to that either." Clint just glared at her while she walked up the stairs towards the guest room.


"Those kids really worship you." Steve chuckled as he crawled in bed beside his wife, kissing the top of her head. Natasha shut her book and replied to him, "Yea, well, they've known me forever." Then she kissed him on the lips, she pulled away shortly and put her book away. 

Steve just nodded, "I guess their just lucky to have such a great auntie." 

"I know, I'm the best aren't I?" Nat replied while shutting off her lamp plunging the room into  darkness, the only light left was the moon. She buried herself under the blankets facing Steve with a small smirk. "I just want them to have a good childhood." Steve pulled her into his arms and whispered, "Trust me, you're giving them a great one."

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