Kidnapped (Part 2)

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Natasha's POV

I sat down on the couch in the living room, where me and Steve were this afternoon. I saw his book sitting on the coffee table. Underneath his book was his sketch book, the book no one was allowed to touch. I knew how much Steve cared for this book, and I knew if anyone touched it, they were in trouble. I was tempted, it was now or never. I am a spy, I could get away with this. I slowly picked up the sketch book, it was old and beaten. He obviously had it during the war. I carefully opened it, the first drawing was a city at night. The pages were old and curled and you had to be very careful with them. I flipped the page to see another drawing, he was so talented. On the third page was a sketch of a girl, "Peggy." I thought.  It was a beautiful drawing of the lady, he sketched her perfectly. I flipped the page, a sketch of a park. The next few pages weren't anything special either, they were very pretty and full of talent but nothing that caught my eye. The sketch after these few pages caught my eye and for some reason I couldn't stop smiling. It was a beautiful sketch of, me. I loved this sketch so much, I was very tempted to take it, but I knew I couldn't do that. I flipped the page to see a sketch of a beach, this one wasn't finished yet, but I knew it would turn out great. The rest of the pages were empty.  I wasn't sure why Steve was so afraid of showing these to anyone, they are super good, he is a very talented person.

I had been looking at his sketch book for about 15 minutes now, Steve would be coming back soon. Quickly, I took one last glance at the beautiful sketch of me and put the sketch book back where she found it. I didn't know that Clint was behind me and I jumped when he said, "He's gonna kill you." I spun around and threw a pillow at him. "Shut up! He won't kill me if he doesn't know."

Clint rolled his eyes, "Where is he anyway?"

"Steve is helping Wanda get something from the top shelf in the shed. They've been gone for 15 minutes though."

Clint frowned, "Natasha, maybe we should go see if they are okay, because last time I checked it takes less than 5 minutes to grab something."

I nodded and followed him out to the shed. When we got there, they weren't there. It was empty. Clint made a confused face, "Strange." he said. I nodded. I scanned the area. I saw a piece of fabric caught in the bushes. It was the same fabric of Steve's shirt! I gasped and Clint came running over. "What did you find?" I showed him the fabric. "This is the same fabric of Steve's shirt he was wearing earlier." I told him.  He looked at me and then looked down at the shirt fabric. "Let's bring this to Tony, he might be able to figure something out." I nodded, tears were forming in my eyes but I pushed them back, Steve is only person who has seen me cry, I wasn't letting Clint see me cry too.

We walked into the tower and went straight to Tony's lab. "Don't turn down my music"  I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. He was trying to fix one of his suits. "What do you want?" He turned around so he was facing us now.  He looked tired, he was obviously down here all night. "Tony someone took Steve and Wanda. This fabric is from Steve's shirt he was wearing earlier today." She handed Tony the fabric.

"Hmm, a good old fashioned kidnapping? Sounds fun." With that he walked over to some machine things and scanned the fabric.  "There is so much DNA on here, obviously there's Steve's, and then there is Natasha's. Finally someone named, Sam Pulser. " I looked up at Tony when I heard Sam Pulser, I had no idea who he was but he must have had something to do with the kidnapping.  Tony took that name and tracked his location, "He's a Hydra agent and he's in an old Hydra base." I stood up and and walked towards the door, "Let's go then. Suit up and be ready in 5, or I'm going alone."

-5 mins later-

I was climbing into the quine jet, Clint was behind me. Tony ran in just as we were about to leave. I rolled my eyes. Clint put the jet on auto pilot and we talked about the plan.  I was going to find Steve, Tony and Clint would go find Wanda. I couldn't work with either of those two, I thought it was best if we let them go together.

I entered the building, taking out every guard in my way. I jumped up behind one person and took them out by choking them, another I punched in the face and then kneed in the stomach. Some started firing guns and I shot them. I hid around a corner from a room with a door and two guards guarding it, Steve or Wanda was definitely in there. I threw a thing at the wall to let me hear what they were saying inside. I heard someone getting beat up and then a man spoke, "Captain Rogers tell me now or else we have no choice but to brainwash you."
"I found Steve guys." I whispered, "I'm going in."                                                                          "Natasha! Wait not yet, wait until we find Wanda, then go in."                                                 "Fine." I huffed. I kept on listening, it pained me to hear Steve being beaten. He must have been tied up because he sounded weak and tired. "I'll ask you one more time Rogers, where is it?" 
"Like I told you every time you asked. I'll never tell you." Steve weakly said. I heard some beating and slapping.  I couldn't stand here any longer. "I'm going in." I told Tony and Clint.
"Fine, we found Wanda anyways." Clint replied. 

Seconds later I burst into the room, I fought the two guards that tired to stop me, killing them both. "The Black Widow." A man said, he must be Sam Pulser.                                     "Let him go, now!" I practically yelled. He pointed a gun at Steve's head and looked at me.
  "Your helpless, one of you isn't coming out of here alive."                                                          "Natasha, go." Steve looked at me. He was bleeding bad and I needed to help him. Then without thinking I grabbed my widow bites and threw them at Sam Pulser. He fell to the floor and then I finished him. I made sure he was dead before I ran over to Steve. 

"Are you okay?"  I looked at him. He was bleeding and tied to a chair. I untied him and helped him up. He was heavy but whatever, he needed my help. "Natasha I'm fine, let me walk on my own, I'm to heavy.  He complained.  Even if he was heavy I wasn't letting him walk by himself."
"No Steve. Your hurt bad. Let's go to the quin jet."

I walked into the quin jet with Steve and helped him sit in one of the seats. "Hey guys, me and Steve are in the jet, meet us here."  After a few minutes of helping Steve with some of his wounds with the first aid kit on the jet, the boys walked in with a passed out Wanda in Clint's arms. I looked at them like, really?  Clint set her down and Tony went to go fly the jet.  

When we got to back to the tower medical staff was already waiting and ready for Steve and Wanda. I was helping Steve off the jet and Clint carried Wanda off. The medical staff rushed and helped. They took Wanda from Clint's arms and helped me with Steve. The eventually took over and tried to shoo me away, but if they really thought I wasn't going with Steve, they were crazy.

I followed them to the medical wing of the tower. They told me to wait in the hall while the examined him. I frowned but listened to them. I was bored out of my mind, sitting on the chair, waiting for them to come get me. It's been a freaking hour! They expect me to wait an hour?

Finally like 2 hours later they came out and said I could in. I rushed into the room and sat in the chair beside him. I didn't care if he was sleeping or not, at least I was in the same room as him. He was pretty scraped up, but with the serum I knew he would heal soon.  I smiled knowing that he would heal quickly, and then took his hand in mine.

//AN: Not gonna lie I wasn't sure how to end this one-shot so I'm sorry for the crappy ending. This was probably the longest chapter I've ever written (1,578 words!) Love you guys 3000!

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