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THE LIBRARY was quiet as usual, the only people in view was a group of small freshman huddled by the History textbooks, unsuccessfully trying to listen to music through one pair of earphones

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THE LIBRARY was quiet as usual, the only people in view was a group of small freshman huddled by the History textbooks, unsuccessfully trying to listen to music through one pair of earphones.

However Noel's gaze wasn't on them but was on the burly oaf that had stepped through the doors, his mere presence had made the small group of freshman break out in a series of whispers and blushes.

Noel hadn't expected Myron to enter the library, he also hadn't expected his usual dark hair to be colored a flattering dark blue, or for him to even speak to Noel.

"Hey, it's you!"

Noel grimaced visibly at his loud voice, before subconsciously throwing his hoodie on his head tightly, adjusting it so the shadow falls at the right angle.

Myron then brought out a garish yellow beanbag and threw himself next to Noel, a large smile curling around his lips. "Have you worked on the English assignment yet?"

Noel simply shrugged, before flipping the page of his Chemistry notes. Myron was sitting directly behind the window, meaning he was blocking the sun that normally comes in and warms his back as he eats his sandwiches and pretends to study.

Ordinarily Noel would be annoyed, but Myron's smile was contagious and contained no malice that Noel found it difficult to get upset – he's already had enough of that at home.

Myron, undeterred by Noel's silence, carried on speaking absentmindedly, his back slipping deeper into the yellow beanbag. "I honestly don't know what to write about as there's nothing that really sets me apart from other people. I've always been the same as others. Oh, except for my ethnicity, that's always fun to tell people, I'm Mexican and Indian. I guess that's what makes me different, but I've never felt different because of it, you know? Except Christmas is pretty lit. How about you? What are you going to write about?"

"Why is your hair blue?" Noel cursed himself for not filtering his words, but he had been to engrossed at the silky blue strokes, than to the mindless babble that was pouring out of Myron's mouth.

Myron let out a chuckle, a bigger smile grazing his lips as he began to speak once more. "Me and Dylan have prank wars from time to time and this time he poured blue hair dye into my shampoo."

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