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"I CAN'T believe we have to go back

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"I CAN'T believe we have to go back."

"Don't you want to?" Noel had directed his question to Myron's pouting frame, they were both standing in the kitchen, scoffing down dry pieces of toast and slurping cold orange juice, their bags laden on their backs heavily. It was a bright morning, a stark contrast to the thunderous nature of yesterday.

"I mean, I do and I don't, you know?"

Before Noel could muster a half hearted reply, Esmeralda came swanning into the kitchen with two plastic containers in her hand. "Food for the journey home."

"Grandma you shouldn't have."

"Nonsense Myron! You're going to get hungry, anyhoo, your pops wanted to talk to you in the living room."

Nodding simultaneously, Myron slipped out of the kitchen leaving Noel standing alone with Esmeralda.

"So, did you have fun?" Esmeralda was the first to speak, her grey hair was tied up into a silky messy bun, a sly smile stretched out on her face.

"It was eventful to say the least...but it was nice to get away for a while..."

"I do think it's important to get away, but I also think it's important to not run away from your problems, because, trust me, they will follow you."

"You...you were there yesterday weren't you? When I saw my Dad. Are you saying I should-"

"I'm not saying anything. I don't know the facts, but I know closure is important." Esmeralda unclasped her messy bun, leaving her hair to fall into subtle waves above her shoulders. "And I know you helped Myron with that."

"I really didn't do anything-"

"Nonsense, you were there for him when he needed you the most, that boy is not the same boy that lost his sisters all those years ago, he's grown, he's better."

"That had nothing to do with me though...I-"

"Yet, you're here."

Noel fell silent, he knew Myron had made a promise to him that'd they would go to Wood Acre, he just didn't even realize the significance of this promise, why had Myron asked him?

"Noel, remember you are not alone, you beautiful, beautiful boy." Esmeralda then began to warble in Spanish, her frail arms wrapping themselves around Noel's own.

"Thank you so much, I don't think you even know what you've done."


The coach ride home was mostly silent, Myron sat by the window, his earphones tucked into his ears, his gaze large and imploring on the rolling fields and vast expanses of nothing. Wood Acre was nothing more than a memory now, but he tried his best to make sure it was a good one. Turning his head slowly from the window he looked at Noel's droopy state, his eyes were half open, his head lolling against the back of the chair uncomfortably.

"You can lean on my shoulder if you want?"

"Wha-" Noel let out a gurgled reply that left Myron chuckling. Nevertheless he tentatively rested his head on Myron's shoulder, his curls tickling against the back of Myron's neck.

"What do you want to do after high school." Noel's tone carried the same slurred sleepy one as earlier, yet his words were more articulate, despite being slightly muffled due to the fact his lips were pressed into Myron's black tee.

"I don't know." 'After' scared Myron, he was so used to trawling through life day by day, going to football training, stupid pranks with Dylan, boring dates with Cheryl, it stopped him from reflecting on life too much, it stopped him from turning numb. The prospect of 'after' was one of his worst fears. "How about you?"

"Anything creative I guess...like animation or creative writing, or graphics, or an architect, I'm not too bothered. But animation would be number one."

"You'd want to create your own animation series?"

"Yeah...Wood Acre really inspired me."

"What would it be about?"

"I don't know...I haven't, like, figured it out yet..."

"Noel?" Myron had began to stroke Noel's curls, his fingers wrapping round the berry scented locks fondly.

"Hmmm?" Noel relaxed into Myron's touch, the coach slowly rocking him to a slumber.

"I know I said it before, but I really don't want to go back, everything is just going to be normal again."

"I don't think so." Noel murmured peacefully under his breath, his overall state of mind hazy.

"How so?"

"I just feel like everything's changed." Before Noel even had time to elaborate, he was out like a light, snoring quietly every now and again, Myron however couldn't sleep, all his senses were heightened at full throttle, nothing was making sense yet everything was at the same time, the events that happened at the weekend were rolling through his head like a discombobulated film reel. He reached his trembling hands to open the top window slightly, his voice hitching as he began to speak softly.

"Hey Mira, Ashley, how are you guys doing? I'm probably going to be in a lot of trouble since I disappeared from my house this weekend...mom and dad are probably going to be so mad and I've got a geometry test on Monday and my ex girlfriend was calling me in hysterics... but you know what, I feel closer to you guys than ever and being here made me realise how important it was to do this, it also made me realise the people that mattered to me most...I love you, I love you."

Myron went to close the small window, his hands no longer shaking, he too was about to close his eyes and enter a deep slumber, yet his phone pinged loudly, grudgingly he flipped it out of his jean pocket to reveal a text.

Mr. Adams: would you be able to give me Noel's number?

Myron didn't know how to reply.

Myron didn't know how to reply

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