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"IT'S NICE to finally meet you Noel

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"IT'S NICE to finally meet you Noel."

To say Noel was nervous was an understatement. It had been an early Saturday morning when Myron had called Noel asking him to go to Wood Acre with his parents. Noel knew how much this meant to Myron, he was aware of the fact that they hadn't been back to Wood Acre in years.

Myron's Dad was smiling at him, of Indian descent, he had a bright toothy white smile and large clunky black glasses, joining him was Myron's mom, "Call me Selena." She had said smartly, she was simply put- beautiful and had the same bushy eyebrows as Myron. Noel thought Myron had his Dad's smile, just a bit less toothy.

The ride was long and strenuous to Wood Acre, longer than Noel could remember, Myron sat next to him at the back, singing wildly at the top of his lungs and running his fingers through Noel's unruly curls.

"I'm so excited to go back."

"Me too." Noel muttered quietly. They hadn't spoken much during the journey, perhaps due to the awkwardness of his parents stealing bemused glances at them, or just Wood Acre itself, it was absolutely amazing, Noel had no doubt about that, but did he even want to go back?

After four long hours the car stopped, but not outside Myron's grandparents mansion, but a cottage. A small quaint cottage with a rickety bike and overgrown tomatoes scattered across the lawn.

"What's going on?" Noel questioned, even though, he was pretty sure he knew what was going on.

Myron said nothing, opening the car door with a flick of his wrist, he motioned Noel to step outside, but he remained firmly in the safety of his parent's car.

"He's waiting for you, and we're waiting for you too." Myron had spoken so clearly that Noel had no choice but to lumber his way out of the car and pick his way to the front of the cottage.

It was exactly how he remembered it, yet completely different at the same time, he knocked three times, biting his lips and ruffling his hair. The door opened slowly.

"Hey Dad."

And at that moment Noel had no idea what was going to happen next, he didn't know if he could find it in is heart to forget what had happened, heck, even to forgive, but Noel knew he needed to move on, and if this was the only way, then so be it. No matter how this turned out, all Noel had to do was turn to the minivan resting peacefully outside the cottage and be reminded that it was all going to be okay.

"Noel, you came."

Then Noel was let inside.



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