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NOEL WASN'T sure how long he was at that bus stop for, what he did know was the sky had turned a menacing inky black and the wind had picked up in speed

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NOEL WASN'T sure how long he was at that bus stop for, what he did know was the sky had turned a menacing inky black and the wind had picked up in speed. Sighing to himself he made his way back home, keeping his face trained directly to the floor, he didn't have the heart to put his hoodie over his head again.

Slipping through the door to his house, he heard a loud clatter of noise and fragmented conversations seeping in from the dining room, normally Noel would have ran up the stairs two at a time and buried his face into a pillow (well in this case he would have had a long shower). But today wasn't a normal day (and he was hungry--food makes everything slightly better).

He tentatively pushed open the door to the dining room, where he could see Ron and his mom sitting across from each other, while scoffing down a potato and laughing heartily. What Noel didn't expect to see was Myron sitting closely to Cheryl, one hand wrapped around a fork and the other wrapped around her lithe hand. She had her head tilted to the side so it was resting on his shoulder and was busy talking animatedly to Ron and Noel's mom.

They looked so happy.

The noise from the room quickly died down when Noel's appearance was made aware, he coughed quietly to himself, slowly shifting his body out of the room. For some reason it felt so cold.

"Where have you been? It's seven o'clock! I've called you seven times!" Kim stood up defiantly, though she had been enjoying her meal, her mind wouldn't stop worrying about Noel, he never was late coming home.

Noel tried to look at everywhere but his mother, his eyes honing in on the portrait of a baby Noel, with curly hair and big cheeks. He kept his face firmly planted to the floor, he should have just went upstairs when he had the chance.

"I got a call from your school saying you weren't in your last two periods!"

Noel saw that Cheryl's expression looked unbothered, her head still rested on Myron's yet her eyes were glinting with mild amusement. Myron watched the scene silently, Noel was glad his gaze was on the floor, because he could feel Myron watching him curiously.

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