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Noel was procrastinating about going home, after his last period he wandered around the library in an attempt to kill time, but the librarian was shooting him nasty looks and then proceeded to tell him to leave as she was going to lock it up.

In a huff he then made the slow trawl to the bus stop, but decided to start walking home as it'd take longer. On his way home he saw Dylan, Noel hadn't seen Dylan in weeks.

His buzzcut had grown out, lessening his menacing appearance and softening his features, on his back there was a large skateboard strapped to his backpack, an assortment of colorful stickers and graffiti had littered the front.

"Yep it's me."

"I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah...hey, I'm going to the skate park, do you wanna come?" Noel nodded to himself, any excuse to not go home was welcome.


Unusually there was nobody there when they both arrived, it was underground, with huge sloping carved wood, and sloppy writing graffiti slapped on the tunneled walls, low level green and blue lights sparked across the ceiling. Noel usually didn't like going here for two reasons, one was that he couldn't skate (and didn't want too) and two was that it was always too cold.

Dylan, however, was in his element, he had jumped up on his skateboard as soon as they entered and was skating effortlessly on the ramps. Noel had sat on the bleachers to the side, wishing that he had brought his earphones with him.

Dylan then abruptly stopped, flipping his skateboard up and catching it with his calloused hands. He then shot a crooked smile at Noel. "I've been hearing a lot about you these past few weeks."

"Oh, like what."

"Your new look." Dylan let out a chuckle, before joining Noel on the bleachers, stretching out his legs in his dark baggy jeans. "And you fought Marcel."

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