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"I DON'T understand

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"I DON'T understand. I could have sworn-" They had been walking through the woodland for about two hours and as much as Noel enjoyed his surroundings he was starting to get tired and hungry and mentally cursed himself for finishing his bag of Cheetos on the coach. Myron was mumbling underneath his breath, his words incoherent and jumbled.

"What is it Myron?" Noel stopped walking, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his oversized jacket. Reality was starting to catch up with him and he did not want that to happen.

"I just, I'm trying to find the house, and I thought I knew where it would be...I'm pretty sure we're just going about in circles."

Suddenly Myron broke into a frantic run, his expression changing rapidly from mildly confused to a state of an epiphany. Noel watched him run dumbfounded, before grudgingly catching up with him.

"It's here. I know it's here."

"Care to tell me why we were running like mad people."


Grand. Ethereal. Otherworldly. There was so many words to describe the sprawling castle dotted not too far from where Noel and Myron were standing. It reminded Noel of his old MySims game, where he'd spend hours creating a pretentious house with a rollercoaster and drawbridge, but what he saw in front of him didn't even come close. There were large vines trawling up the sides of the mansion all the way to the top. Dotted between these large vines were huge blood red roses, the petals of some had fallen and had now created a swarm of rouge petals scattered on the mossy undergrowth. A castle may have been an exaggeration but it was a beautiful mansion that seemed to belong in a fairytale book, not in real life.

"You live here? As in, here?"

"Yep. My grandparents should be here, they don't know I'm coming you see, it's kind of a surprise."

Noel followed Myron in awe to the wood grazen door, Myron's tan knuckles rapped on the door twice, his hands slightly quivering in the cold breeze.

It took a few moments before the door opened slowly and a kind, wrinkled face peered out curiously. "Myron, my Myron Akil?"

"Grandmama..." Myron's softer tone shocked Noel slightly, it sounded as if he was about to cry.

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