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EVER SINCE the bathroom debacle, Noel noted on how his home wasn't a home anymore, but was now a house

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EVER SINCE the bathroom debacle, Noel noted on how his home wasn't a home anymore, but was now a house.

Ron didn't even acknowledge Noel's existence, he only talked and interacted with Kim and Cheryl but he never spoke to Noel. Normally, Noel wouldn't have minded too much but for some reason it made him feel abnormally unsettled. Ron never said a word to Noel, but his cold silences and sly murderous glances was enough to make Noel break out into a sweat.

Cheryl wasn't much better, she was always blasting ear splitting pop music every day, all day, and never passed up on the chance to say something rude to Noel, just because she could.

His mom was the only one that spoke to Noel normally, but even Noel could tell it was halting and slightly awkward, almost as if she didn't really know what to say. Noel hated how he had pulled his mom down from cloud nine, but he wasn't entirely how to get her back up there, the only thing Noel could do was let time run its course.

On one particular Thursday, Ron came bounding down the stairs with a bundle of tickets laced in his fingers. "Kim! Cheryl!"

They both turned to look at Ron who's face was leaking with excitement. "At work, I was lucky enough to get three tickets to the ballet and have dinner at 'Al Frezo's' for all of us!"

Cheryl screeched excitedly, her hands immediately reaching for her phone. "What am I going to wear?"

Noel watched Ron hesitantly from the sofa, wringing his hands together, he gave his mom a look, to which his mom nodded silently and addressed Ron. "How many tickets did you get?"

"Three, so for you, me and Cheryl."

"What about Noel?"

"He never wants to come to any outings, I didn't want to end up wasting a ticket."

Ron then turned to Noel, a fake smile stretched against his non-existent lips. "I'm sorry about this Noel."

Noel only nodded, wringing his hands together tightly, his fingernails scraping his skin, creating tiny white marks, so tight till it bled.


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